Chapter 2

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It's about eleven o'clock when I'm getting ready for bed. As soon as I'm comfortable, I feel water between my legs. Quickly turning the bedside lamp on, I pull the blanket back to see the wet spot on the sheets. My water broke - three days before my scheduled c-section. Taking a deep breath, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit up. Reaching for my phone, I dial Dominic's phone number. He doesn't answer so I try again. When he doesn't pick up, I try calling Michael but it goes straight to voicemail. I gasp as my stomach hardens and pain blooms within me. It hurts and only lasts a short while. It isn't completely unbearable. When it's done, I stare at my phone for a long moment before deciding to call Owen. As much as I hate the idea of him being a part of mine or my child's life, I know I can't take the right away from him. If he doesn't accept the opportunity to be a part of her life, then we'll be just fine without him. Remembering his phone number, I quickly dial it. I hold my breath as it begins ringing. On the third ring, he answers and I exhale slowly. "Hello." "Owen," I say, rubbing my hand over my belly. "Madison?" he asks before I have a chance to say anything else. "Are you okay? Is it the baby? Where are you?" I close my eyes, the idea that he actually cares fluttering around in the back of my mind. "My water broke. I was due for a c-section in three days but it looks like it's going to happen tonight. I thought I'd give you the chance to be a part of her life." I hear him take a deep breath. "I'd love to, Madison. But why are you getting a c-section?" "I don't want to explain right now. Just meet me at the hospital." "Okay." Hanging up, I quickly arrange for a taxi to pick me up since I know it's bad for pregnant women to drive themselves. Going into the bathroom, I quickly clean up and change into a comfortable outfit. Grabbing mine and the baby's bags, I make my way outside. Instructing him to take me to the hospital, I take out my phone and attempt to call Dominic and Michael again. When they don't answer, I send them both texts letting them know I'm headed to the hospital to have the baby. As we near the hospital, I feel another contraction coming. Taking slow, deep breaths, I do my best to remain calm. My body relaxes slightly once again as the driver stops by the main entrance and glances back at me. "Would you like some help getting inside, ma'am?" "No, thank you. Have a good night," I say, climbing out of the car. When I get into the lobby, I see Owen at the desk looking frustrated. The woman looks in my direction and he finally turns towards me. Sighing in relief, he walks towards me. "There you are. Did you drive yourself?" I shake my head. "I called a cab." He frowns. "Why didn't you have me pick you up? When I got here they said you weren't here and I got worried." "I don't want you to know where I live," I mumble, walking past him to the woman waiting with a wheelchair. "I was scheduled for a c-section but my water broke." "Are you having any contractions yet?" I nod. "Two so far." "Okay, I'll take you up to labor and delivery so they can check you out. Once they're sure you're ready, they'll prep you for the c-section." She begins pushing me towards the elevators and Owen walks beside me. "I know where you live," he mutters. I stare up at him in disbelief as the woman pushes me into the elevator. "How?" "Apartment 3B." I stare at him incredulously. "You're a f*****g stalker." He rolls his eyes. "Don't be dramatic. I didn't do anything with the information, I just wanted to know where you were." "You're still a stalker." "If I was a stalker I would have known you were pregnant," he says, irritation clear in his voice. "If you would have called back you would have known," I snap. He opens his mouth to speak but I feel another contraction nearing. Placing my hands on my stomach, I close my eyes tightly as the pain worsens. It feels like there's a metal band around me, squeezing tightly. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced. Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes to see we're exiting the elevator. Looking up at Owen, I see the fear in his eyes. When we reach the room, I notice he stops so I hold my hand up, halting the nurse. "Aren't you coming?" He swallows nervously. "The last time I was in this hospital was when Sierra gave birth to Bryant. That was the last time I saw her," he pauses, running his fingers through his hair. "I can't leave this hospital without you Madison. Bryant already has a shitty dad, I don't need another kid growing up thinking the same thing." I hate the emotions I feel. "I'll be fine, Owen. But I can't be alone." The nurse clears her throat. "We have to get you checked, ma'am." Sighing, I turn forward. "Will you please try to call Dominic?" She pushes me into the room and helps me change into a gown. Once I'm in the bed, she leaves the room. The doctor comes in to check on me as another nurse gets my information. When he's finished, he tosses his gloves into the trash and glances at me. "They're prepping for the surgery right now. A nurse will be in to get you shortly." He leaves the room, the nurse following behind. A moment later, Owen enters the room. I continue to stare up at the ceiling. "Can I go in the room with you?" "Did you call Dominic?" "Yes, he didn't answer." I sigh. "I already told you that you could go in the room." "Does this mean I can be a part of her life?" he asks softly. "If you want to be," I say hesitantly. "But I won't allow you to parent on occasion. You'll be there for her always, not when it's convenient for you." "I want to be there for her," he pauses. "So does this mean I get to be a part of your life too?" "Unfortunately," I say, shocking him with my bluntness. "What? Was that mean? I think you've said and done way worse." He winces. "I can explain." I shake my head. "I don't want to hear it. The only reason why I'm still here is because of this child so be glad I decided to keep her." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What does that mean?" A few nurses walk in, heading towards me and effectively ending our conversation. Putting my bed into position, they begin explaining the procedure. Glancing at Owen, I take a deep breath. This is it.
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