The Demon Witch

1709 Words
"Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do?"-Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho In the late 1990's a young witch, Blaire Coldman, was raped brutally by something she could only call, "Demon." She soon discovered she was pregnant by said demon but refused to keep it. She tried to abort it but the doctors were unable to perform the procedure.  From the womb the baby cast a spell making the doctor's fall to their knees in pain, their heads couldn't seem to concentrate on one thing.  After ten attempts and failed exorcisms that ended up with dead priest, Blaire had no choice but to carry the baby to term.  For nine months she hated herself and wanted to swallow a handful of pills to end her suffer. But her own body denied her even that, bending to yet again the will of the monster inside of her.  When Blaire went into labor she had no one to help her. She was in her white porcelain bathtub screaming as her powers were affected by the birth. As she screamed when another Braxton hicks ran through her body, the lights in her bathroom exploded.  Blaire was panting, sweating, and crying as she felt an abundant amount of pressure in her lower stomach. Screaming as her baby tore itself from her body, Blaire hadn't wanted to look at it. But as it screamed and hollered, Blaire looked down.  The baby was a little boy. With a wisp of brown hair on his head, pale skin, and his face scrunched up Blaire immediately tried to hate it. But the baby stopped crying the minute she touched his skin. Blaire held her child to her chest and sobbed knowing she could never part from him.  Blaire named her son Cole Hunter.  She fed him and provided for Cole as any mother would. But as he grew older it became impossible to love him. While a nice guy up to a certain point, Cole had...issues. He didn't like to be touched, he didn't like to be lied to. And he didn't like to be challenged.  When he was fourteen Blaire was fighting running from her son, or running away with him. Her coven had grown impatient with the demon boy and wanted him gone. But still, Blaire clung to her son out of the mercy of him having no one else. No father, no grandparents, no one else would help or provide for the strange boy she had given birth too.  Or deal with his weirdly manifesting powers she couldn't possibly pawn off on someone else. By the time he was almost sixteen, Blaire had twenty or so locks on his door at night.  Cole tried to fight the darkness in him, he tried with everything in him. Because he knew where it came from, or who it came from. And he didn't want it.  But no one got what they wanted in life, they rarely if ever did.  On the day before his sixteenth birthday, Cole got up and ready for school. He hated honestly going to school or being around people. But his mother's heart had been set on him having a "normal" childhood.  But Cole knew like she and everyone else he wasn't.  When he was sitting at the table eating cereal she walked in looking frazzled. She burned herself on the coffee pot as her hands shook and dropped the bottle of milk causing it to shatter on the floor.  "Damn it!" She cursed violently slamming the door to the refrigerator shut. Seeing his mother so stressed out, Cole concentrated and Blaire gasped backing up as the bottle of milk fixed itself. The milk returning in the glass bottle perfectly cool and clean to drink.  Picking it up slowly Blaire looked at her son shocked who just smiled a little and mumbled, "I'm gonna go, I'm going to miss the bus." Blaire nodded still not speaking and watched her son rushing out of the house. Cole walked down the street and pretended not to notice his neighbor scurry back in his house to avoid him. Putting his headphones on his head, Cole waited only a few minutes before the bus pulled up.  Sitting by himself in the back, Cole scowled as the too loud football players kept boasting about a game everyone knew they'd lose. But no one wanted to squash their dreams apparently since they kept hyping them up.  When they got to school, Cole was shoved and when he turned to face the person, he rolled his eyes. Cedric Jacobs was a warlock in his mother's coven and the coven's leader son. Cole wasn't a member since they found him unsettling and didn't approve of half breeds so to speak.  Cole didn't exactly mind since they were all assholes. They thought less of him because of what a man he had never met had done.  And the biggest asshole who never let him forget the nature of his birth was Cedric. An amateur witch who only used his magic to charm girls out of their panties and cheat on a test.  Not to mention bully someone who had personally done nothing to him.  "Piss of Cedric I'm not in the mood." Cedric looked at Cole amused as some of his friends came to goad him on. "Or what you demonic bastard? You'll do what to me?" Cedric took Cole's angry silence an omission as nothing and pushed him back laughing.  Time seemed to slow as their bodies came into contact.  Cedric's eyes widened in horror as the most gruesome horrible sight of what appeared to be his dead body flashed in front of his eyes. A mangled bloody mess with broken limbs and a missing head.  Cedric stumbled back as a pale Cole quickly ran from the aggravating spirit. He had one more time getting suspended before his mother popped her top.  Cole spent the day on edge, he hated school more than the standard student. It was something about the way everyone around him seemed to buzz with life. He could feel it and it felt off because...he wasn't.  He felt dead around everyone.  when he got home his mother made him dinner and told him goodnight.  No mention of his birthday tomorrow or any mention of doing anything for it. But Cole should be used to it by now, he knew his mother tried to love him. And while 2/3 of the time she succeeded in coming off as a mom, other times...not so much.  When Cole went to bed that night, his body was hot and sweaty. His feet and hands throbbed as he chest burned like he'd taken a shot of whiskey. Sitting up in bed, Cole checked the time and as the clock struck midnight, Cole's entire body seized.  He felt pain radiating through his skull as his entire cell structure collapsed. Cole's veins turned black, his eyes bled black as the black pupil took over his entire eye. His hands were now claws, black as ink until reaching his elbows.  Feeling a burning sensation shoot down his spine, Cole hollered more as it seemed to go on for hours. When it was over, Cole stood and looked at the weird symbols written on his back. None of them looked the same and none of them looked familiar.  Sensing his mother's presence, Cole turned to face the horror-struck woman. He could feel her disgust, her hatred, and fear. It was then Cole knew despite everything he had done to avoid it, he had been claimed by the dark.  And he couldn't run from it.  He was born with it.  Suddenly there was banging on the door and Blaire's coven leader broke down her door. He came charging in with a scowl hooping and hollering for the "demon born monster." When Blaire rushed to calm Trevor down but the man pushed Blaire out of the way. Three coven members held Blaire back as she tried to tell him to stop.  Trevor turned to the wailing woman and boomed, "My son saw what this monster really is! I shouldn't have let you raise him in my town!" Pulling a gun on the sixteen-year-old boy, Trevor shot him in the chest. Blaire stood still looking at the black blood oozing from her son's chest.  Feeling defeated, she suddenly felt a shift in the air. A power that scared her, leaving goosebumps on her arms. Cole suddenly rose off the ground completely healed, his black blood oozing from his mouth.  He laughed maniacally as he looked at a shaking Trevor.  Trevor tried to fire again but the gun jammed and so he threw out feeble spells but nothing seemed to hurt the pale boy. Blinking, Trevor missed Cole approaching him and suddenly the boy put a hand on his head,  "You're a cruel person Trevor, pathetic. Bullying the weak for your own gain. I wish to wipe you from existence. But how about I just take the one thing you love the most?"  Before Trevor could say a word, the heart of Trevor's son, Cedric, burst. He dropped dead, his blood running on Blaire's clean living room carpet. Trevor hollered in pain as his entire coven burned in bright blue hellfire.  Their magic being stripped from him leaving him powerless, not that he had much anyway.  Trevor, now just a powerless old man, looked up at Cole in fear as he smirked, "Enjoy your pathetic life, you waste of flesh." Throwing the man out of his mother's living room window, Cole turned to Blaire.  Approaching her son slowly, Blaire tried to reach out to the little boy, but he was now a man. And he was under no delusion on how she felt about him. Touching his mother's mind, Cole took it all away. Everything that was him, was gone.  He erased every painful memory she had endured raising him and every trace of him out of the house.  When Blaire fell out on the couch, the house seemed to repair itself as a steady rain picked up. Drawing a symbol on the mirror in front of him, Cole stepped through as demon hands reached out to pull him in.  Pulling him farther into the dark...
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