Chapter 2

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"Back to earth, Jade!" Emerald snaps her finger at Jade's face. "Tsk! You are so mean, sis. You are the one here who is MIA in a few days." Jade pouted. She tries to move, and she does when Emerald removes the spell on her. "My Queen asked something for me to do and I am still working on some spell which could be helpful to me someday," Emerald responded. Emerald is referring to her mother as Queen. They both have royal blood, not related though. Jade's mother's side is the second most powerful clan in the witch's kingdom. Emerald strengthens up and grabs something in her bag, a small box. "I have something for you," she said, at the same time lending her hand to me where a small velvet box appeared. Jade is excited about what she's about to see. She took the box into Emerald's hands and wanted to open it immediately. "Tomorrow is your birthday and that's my birthday gift. You know I can't come here tomorrow because of an occasion in the palace, right? So I want to greet you in advance and give it to you today. Open it!" Emerald said happily. Half of her words are true, but there's no occasion tomorrow. Emerald will be waiting for the event to unfold in Jade's life. "Thank you, sis. You know a simple greeting is already enough for me, but you still bother to give me a present. Thank you so much!"Jade tearfully said. Receiving a gift from them means a lot to her. Jade slowly opens the box and she is so amazed by the beautiful platinum necklace inside. It has a perfectly carved sapphire stone in the middle. It is her birthstone and it is so stunning. The sun symbol that surrounds the sapphire makes Jade curious, though. Witches have beliefs in everything, that’s why she curiously eyed Emerald. Her friend dramatically sighed and rolled her eyes, yet Jade saw concern in Emerald's eyes that she quickly hid. "It’s for your protection. Something is going to happen and you need that necklace to keep you safe. The sun around the sapphire represents your protection against the evil soul. And the sapphire keeps you from dying, the stone energy will sustain your body. My Queen and I did that for you. That's why you should put them on. I have already put a hidden spell on it that even if you wear it anywhere they won't notice. Plus, the necklace won't be removed from your neck except for me and you. Because when they recognize it, I am pretty sure they will force you to remove it, that's why there is a hidden spell on it." Emerald explains quickly. She is still hiding plenty of information from Jade, but there are things that she needs to keep for herself only or it will change Jade's fate. Jade smiled widely as she put the necklace on her neck. She looks at Emerald. She frowned a little when she caught Emerald looking at her sadly, not knowing why. Seeing her expression, Emerald quickly changed it into a happy one and drew near her. "It suits you, Jade. Advance Happy Birthday to you and your twin." Emerald embraced her tightly. Jade hugs her tightly too. "Thank you Emerald for everything. For the past 9 years, you have been one of the people I draw my strength from, to live and endure the suffering they cause. You are a blessing in disguise in my life. The first person aside from my brother that makes me special and loved. Thank you, sis. A sister I wish to have," Jade emotionally said. Emerald caresses her back, calming her. Yes, Jade wishes Emerald was her sister. She does have one but Jasmine hates her so much. Their father and Jasmine blame her for their mother's death. They all thought before they were born, her parents would only have a son. No sign that her mother would have a twin. Even with the ultrasound, she didn't appear. Others believe that her twin was protecting her. That's why she hasn't shown it. So, when their Mama gave birth, those in the delivery room were shocked to find out that after her older brother came out, Jade was on her way out too. Their mom was getting weaker but she collected all her strength just to push Jade out of her womb. A few minutes later, she died smiling after she called her, Jade Anne Knightly. After she announced Jade's name, she passed away. At that moment, their father also changed. He refused to see and hold the newborn, Jade. Since then, he has blamed her for losing his other half, his mate, their mother. "Stop crying Jade. You think too much again," Emerald scolded her. "I can't help it. Thank you again, sis." Jade sparingly smiled at her and wiped away her tears. "By the way, what do you mean I might die? Why do I need this to stop me from dying? I don't understand that part of your explanation." Jade wondered why while holding the pendant. She can feel the power coming from it and how it enters, flowing into her veins to the center of her heart. Emerald sighed and sadly smiled at Jade. She invited her to sit on the couch next to her and take Jade's hands, covering them with hers. "You know, we can't tell what exactly will happen but only to warm you, right?" Jade nodded with curiosity and concern. She feels Freya come closely into her mind. Like her, she's anxious to hear what Emerald is gonna say. "The night of your birthday, which means tomorrow, something is going to happen. With the help of the necklace, it will keep you alive. I can't tell you the exact details but I want you to be ready, not to scare you. Just believe in that necklace and you will be fine. I will be there when the time comes when you're already unconscious. Your brother will make a decision that you two will be free from what life you have right now," Emerald explained to her. But Jade's attention was on one particular word she said. "I-Im going to die without the necklace?" Jade weakly asked Emerald. Jade looked at her dumbfounded. "Yes, Jade. But don't worry, the necklace will protect you." Emerald immediately responded. Trying to reassure her. ' about me?' Freya asked worriedly to Jade. "What about Freya?" Jade asked Emerald. She's worried if something will happen to her. 'Are you sure you don't know about this, Freya?' Jade asked her wolf. 'Not that I know. My knowledge is limited right now, Jade. I do hide a few things from you, but not big as this one,' Freya answered honestly. Jade believes her and looks towards Emerald for the answer. Emerald sadly shakes her head. "I can't tell Jade. My Queen didn't tell me. I assure you I will be there until you wake up. That time we won't be hiding here anymore." Jade just nodded. Weakly, she leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. 'Let's not overthink Jade,' Freya said. 'Said by someone who can't even stop roaming around in my mind.' Jade sarcastically replied to her. 'Tsk!' "Does that mean you're ready to show up to my brother?" Jade opened her eyes to glance at Emerald. She sees Emerald blush and nod. "I think it's time for us to meet." "Took you long enough to say that. If nothing happens to me, you won't introduce yourself to him," Jade joked, trying to divert her attention and mind from other matters. Emerald slapped her lightly on the arm. Her eyes are about to form a heart, though. "Don't say that. He is my mate. I can't hide from him forever. I will only make myself more miserable if I avoid him. Besides, we need each other to be with you." 'Stop pacing, Freya. You're making me dizzy too!' Jade scolded her worried wolf. She sits, not before she snorts and sighs deeply. She can feel her worry. "I think both of you deserve it. You know that my brother has been your mate since we were 13. While my brother was dying to meet you. I want a niece or nephew, okay!" Jade said happily. Loneliness spread throughout her body, the same as Freya. They are both longing for a mate, but it's impossible to happen anymore. Emerald laughed and hugged Jade. " Silly!! We are too young to be parents." She caresses Jade's hair. "Don't be a sad sissy. Everything happens for a reason. Your path might be bumpy, but in the end, I'm sure everything will be alright. You're strong and you have a pure soul. We are here to protect you and always be by your side." Jade was touched by her words. Emerald assurance gives her strength. "Thank you, sissy. Please take care of my brother once I'm unconscious, will you? He's quite a handful and possessive sometimes." "Don't worry, I'll keep him in place. Just trust the necklace, sis. And you will be alright." Jade just nodded and touch her necklace. She closes her eyes and prays. 'We trust you, Moon Goddess. Protect us always.'
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