Part 4

807 Words
The past one and a half weeks had been the toughest weeks in my life every corner I took, practically each and every turn held a prank for me, even the basics like a bucket of water pouring from the door once I opened it. I wanted to fight back and show them I wasn't weak but Ashley'd never let me. Or if I refused to listen, she'd just go berserk and go running to Keith to tell him what I had planned. Karma was such a b***h. Keith's pov "900 dollars on the line Keith. You only have two more days." Jasper said smirking. "Just to clarify, will you pay us each 900 dollars, 'if' you lose?" Nicole asked studying me closely. "f**k no! I'll give each of you the amount of money you were to give me. But I'm pretty sure I'll win." I muttered slyly. I still had one more trick up my sleeve. "I wouldn't bet on that." Joshua murmured covering it with a cough. "You'll be swallowing those words when I'm done with her." Chloe's pov "Hey, Ashley. I need you to cover for me. I'm ditching the last lessons." I muttered quickly stuffing the books in my locker. "Where are you going to? Or are you going to meet up with Mr. secret?' she said excitedly wagging her eyebrows suggestively. "I wish. I need to go relax. I'm taking my brother out tomorrow. I need to get my mind off pranks for a while." "ok. I think I can do that." "Thanks." I said quickly and started rushing for the doors before another prank hit me unawares. I hope they haven't unscrewed my bike or glued my seat. All I was thankful for is none of them knew where I lived or my spare apartment in that case. I enjoyed the feel of the light breeze in my hair, I felt so free, it always made me forget my problems and secrets and responsibilities. I stopped on the last corner to my spare apartment, put on my helmet so that no one would recognize me then went in. I quickly took a bath to remove the remnants of the pranks they had pulled on me and was surprised to find a dead tarantula on my hair. I gingerly removed it then threw it out the window. I quickly changed into a simple pink high-low dress and my red wedges. I applied a thin coat of red lipstick and held my hair in a perfect ponytail. I grabbed the pink polka dotted bag, quickly transferred my books into it then headed for the door. I stopped by the mirror and looked at my reflection. A calm elegant female stared back at me and willed me the best. I winked at her then headed for my Porsche. I quickly pulled out of the garage then headed for the gated community I called home. I kept all my windows open but wore shades and a hat that covered most of my face that made it difficult for anyone to recognize me. I slid into my chair once I got into the gates. I had come to realize that many people from my school lived here. I let out a sigh of relief once I had parked my car and was inside the huge masionette. "Auntie, I'm back." Miranda came down the stairs taking each at its own time. She had on a long elegant blood red dress, and had adorned herself jewellery from top to bottom, don't even get me started with describing it. "My favourite little niece!" she kissed both my cheeks in greeting, "Why are you back so early? I thought school ended at 3?" "I wasn't feeling well so I decided to come and relax, you do remember I was supposed to take Joe out tomorrow?" "Of course I do! You do remember that you have a fitting the day after-" "And many other things on my to do list. I know auntie." I kissed both her cheeks then started heading for my room. "I'll be in my room if you need me." "Okay go rest honey." Keith's pov "Babe!" I shouted trying to get Ashley's attention as I rushed after her. It was pretty obvious she was ignoring me. "C'mon! Just a minute!" she kept walking unperturbed. "Dammit Ashley," I grabbed her hand and forced her to look at me. "What the f**k do you want!!" she spat out venomously. "I'll go straight to the point and you WILL tell me what it is I want! Agreed?" she slowly nodded her head in approval. Of course she wouldn't refuse. She was to scared of me as much as she tried to hide it. I asked her what it was I wanted and wasn't surprised by her reaction. "What. The. Fuck."
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