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The next morning I wake up feeling surprisingly energized despite my 5 hours of sleep. I hop in the shower for an extra pick me up and get dressed for work. As I'm slipping on my shoes, it hits me, how the hell am I getting to work today? My poor Betty is still on the side of the road broken down. I get my phone and try to call Amy, but no answer. She must already be at work. I don't know who to call. Then I realize that there is one person I can call. Finding his number, I hit the call button. After a few rings, I get an answer. "Hello" A sleepy, raspy voice answers. "I hope I'm not waking you up. This is Amber" I'm pacing around the house trying to straighten up a little. Brian's voice perks up a little when I say my name "Oh, no no you didn't wake me." "You're lying Mr. Stevens" I giggle. "Okay, so maybe you woke me a little. What can I do for you?" His deep voice sounds chipper and more up beat than last night. "Umm, well I kind of need a ride to work since Betty is still on the side of the road...I hope" "I'll be there in 15 minutes" He hangs up not giving me time to say anything else. I gather my things and go sit on the steps. It's a beautiful day out despite the storm from last night and the sun feels great on my skin. I wonder if Mr. Stevens gets out much. He seems like the type to stay cooped up in his office or something. Running my tongue over my bottom lip, the memory of his kiss floods my mind. I want more. His soft lips were like heroin to a drug addict. No one has kissed me like that in forever and I can't say I didn't appreciate the gesture. It was more than welcomed. When a black car pulls up I think that he sent Tim, but it's actually Brian who is driving. He hops out of the drivers seat and walks around the car to open the passenger door. "Good morning, Ms. Johnson." I slide into the passenger seat. "Good morning Mr- wait how do you know my last name? He smiles "I have my ways" and closes the car door. Once in the car, I notice that there are two coffees in the cup holders and one with my name on it. I pick it up and take a sip before noticing something rubbing against my leg. Looking down, I see a small bouquet of three daisy's. Are these for me? Brian gets in the car and starts driving. "I hope you like cream and sugar in your coffee" "I do. Thank you. Are these mine?" I take another sip. This really is a delicious coffee. Brian nods " Yeah, I thought you might like them. I'm surprised that you called me" "Thank you. I love them" I hold them up to my nose and breath in the scent. "I really hope I wasn't disturbing you or anything. I just didn't want to miss work. I need the money" Great, now he is gonna think I'm poor. "I mean....I" "I understand. Don't ever hesitate to call me...ever." He reaches over, eyes still on the road and places his hand on my thigh. Whoa. Clearly my throat, I nudge his hand off with the bottle of the coffee cup. "Still getting to know you" I mumble making him clear his throat. "Yes, of course. Please excuse me for being a bit straight forward" he replies. By the tone of his voice when he told me not to hesitate to call, I knew he was serious, but why? He barely knows me and yet me wants me to be able to somewhat depend on him. I don't know what to think. We make it to my job 10 minutes early which is amazing cause I'm always one or two minutes late from slow acceleration on Betty. "Thanks again for the ride Brian, I really appreciate it." I grab the door handle to get out, but he grabs my arm stopping me. I flinch thinking that I'm going to have to defend myself against this grabby man. My weapon of choice? Hot coffee and flowers. I look at him with warning in my eyes, but it doesn't reach his. "Amber, I want you to be mine" Oh my God. He wants me to be his as in property. Well... What the hell am I supposed to say to that? "Yours?" My forehead scrunches up in confusion. "Yes, mine. No one else's. I like you" His words swirl around in my head trying to process it all. This man is very possessive. We just met last night and he is already trying to cattle brand me on the ass. "Brian, you barely know me and I barely know you. Yet you want me to be yours like you're some vampire and I'm the human damsel in distress." I huff out with humor, but Brian clearly sees nothing funny. He talks as if he was going to own me or something. "I understand that, but I know what I want when I see it. The way you talked to me last night in the diner made me furious. I wanted to throw you on the table and f**k you" He stares out the window with the look of seriousness on his face. Okay, so I totally wasn't overthinking his attraction to me. He wants me, but so soon? "Brian I-" "I like when you call me Mr. Stevens." A half smile appears in the corner of his mouth. Oh, he is weird and so so hot. I will call him whatever he wants me to. "Well Mr. Stevens, I don't know about all this. I mean... I just don't know" shrugging, I sip my coffee slowly as the hot tastiness warms me before sitting it in the cup holder. He turns to face me and places his hand on the back of my neck, caressing it then gently grabbing a hand full of my hair. His warm touch clouds my mind of everything I need to say. My heart beats a 100 times at his touch. He leans in till our faces are barely touching "I want you to be mine...only mine" He lips hit mines, eager and excited. I feel my lady business involuntarily contract. I moan into his mouth and bite his bottom lip as he makes his grip on my hair tighter. So much for not kissing him. He other hand goes around my neck then he slowly slides it down my breast and stomach till he gets to my thigh. His hands glides up the side of my thigh under my waitress dress. My hand clamps down on his wrist, stopping his from going any higher. Brian pulls back, slightly and groans "Please let me" His lips press against mine again and I let my hand fall from his arm, giving him permission. His fingers trail over my panties and my breath hitches as I kiss him, harder. Pressing against my s*x, his rubs against my clït over my panties, causing me them to dampen. Why is he driving me crazy right before work?! I'm going to have to walk in there and act like this man didn't make me wet 5 minute before. Caught up in his touch, something in my mind waves a red flag. I flutter my eyes open for a second and spot the time. 8:05 I push him back breaking from the trance. "s**t I'm late!" Brian chuckles. "You did that on purpose, didn't you? Do you want me to get fired?" I frown, pushing the car door open hard. He rubs his thumb across his bottom lip "Yes, that way I could just take you home with me and have my way with you" I have all the intentions to walk in, quit and walk out. Take me home, Mr. Stevens. "Bastard" I huff as I gather myself and my things. I can only be mad at him for turning me on this badly. I don't know how I'm going to function today, but at least I'll know I'll be in a good mood. "I have to go Br- Mr. Stevens" Irritation laced in my tone. Margie is going to flip. "What time do you get off so I can be here to pick you up" I was planning on just asking Amy to drive me home but since he offered. "10:30" "Good. I'll be here" He plants a quick kiss in my lips. So normal like we have known each other for months and not just a day. Not even a day. More like 10 hours. "Okay, see you then" I get out the car and speed walk into the building hoping Margie doesn't notice my tardiness. I get to the clock in station thinking I'm home free. "Amber you're late!!!" shit.
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