Chapter 8

876 Words
Lorraine's POV I don’t know how to respond to what’s happening. Seije is carrying me on his arms and my heart is racing so fast like it wants to get out of my ribcage. I can’t breathe properly but it all felt nice. I wonder why I’m feeling this, I’m scared and trembling but I know it’s not just all about my fear. I saw a black Mercedes Guardian waiting outside. Kysler opened the door and Seije tossed me on the backseat. He climbed beside me afterwards. I saw a driver infront and notice another car behind us. Kysler headed on that car after closing the door beside Seije. The car roared to life and we went off. Silence feasted inside the car that I thought Seije can hear my heartbeat. I guess it’s a thirty minutes’ drive from Lance’s place to our house and that’s quite far! How am I supposed to survive for that thirty minutes? Me with him, and this few spaces between us feels so uncomfortable, that can even be an understatement. I tried to calm myself down. This is just a few minutes and then I can go to my room and lock myself up all day. I stared at the window and decided to just watch the road but that’s when I felt his hands snake to my waist. I looked at him, shock evident on my eyes. “Why?” I asked. He then pulled me closer. His fingers crawled to my cheeks soflty, too soft I can’t imagine he can do that when he looks like he can kill just a while ago. He stared at me. His gaze made my cheeks flush. His thick eyebrows accentuated his eyes, I can’t help but be mesmerized. He leaned down until he caught my lips. His kisses were feathery, his warm breath enveloped my mouth. I place my hand on his chest as I give in with the kiss. It's too compassionate I had to close my eyes. He cupped the back of my head to pull me totally to his lips and I can't help but respond. It's enchanting, it's very soft and careful. It's as if I am special. It felt like what they say, it was a kind of kiss poets write sonnets about. Pulling out, he stared at my eyes with full intensity. He studied my face and then his thumb traced my cheek down to my lips. "I’m sorry, for hurting you, for making you feel scared. I’m sorry." Each phrase was punctuated by soft kisses. My eyes watered. It feels like a dream, that Seije is doing things like this. He wiped my unshed tears and pulled me for a hug. "I promise, I won't hurt you anymore." And for the first time, it felt safe in his arms. * It wasn't so long before we reached our home. Seije hopped down the car and waited for me. The other car did not follow us, maybe they already went home too. Seijee took my hand as we made way inside the house. "How’s my friends?" I asked while he’s helping me on the staircase. "I let the other guys handle them," He opened the door of my room and helped me to bed. "Seije can you tell me what really happened? What was the gunshots all about? Someone called me, she made sure I’ll go out of the house. I fell on her trap," His forehead creased. "Someone called you? Why didn’t you tell me?" He asked, now looking more worried. "You also had a phone call that time. I excused myself so I can answer the phone and the girl lured me to go out." "I have your phone and your sim card. I'll throw them away, I'll buy you a new one. This time, make it private, don't let anyone have your number." His tone even made more curious. Why is he not telling me anything? Don’t I deserve an explanation? "Listen Lorraine," he held my hand and placed it on his lips, kissing it gently. "Don't answer any calls from unregistered numbers. Don't go out of this house alone anymore. Don't open the door without me beside you or without knowing who’s outside. Do not leave the house without me. Just please follow me, I'll explain everything to you on the right time." I nodded, I chose not to ask anymore. He seems so worried and so upset that I just want to follow everything that he said. "Good. Now, lay down and sleep." “You’re not leaving right?” I asked. I feel so vulnerable to him now but I want to be honest that I’m scared to be alone right now. I don’t want another trauma. He held my hand and gently squeezed it, "No, I won't leave. I'll stay here." He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. Just a few minutes after, I drifted to sleep. **
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