Chapter 4: Gianna was Saved!

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"No, No, No!!" When Queen Elize learned what had happened to her daughter Princess Gianna, her eyes widen, and her whole body trembled. She didn't believe what she heard. " Tell me what you said is not true! Tell me you are wrong about the information you provided! " Queen Elize yelled at the police officer who had provided them with the information, seemingly in disbelief. " We're sorry, Queen Eliza, but we've confirmed that the vehicle that crashed into the cliff was Princess Gianna's, " a police official told her after investigating the accident. She was holding her arm in exhaustion as she looked at her husband. Queen Eliza sighed. " Where is my daughter's body? I will only believe what you said if you can show me her body! " Queen Elize demanded emphatically. " We are trying everything we can to locate the body of Princess Gianna, Queen Elize, despite the fact that the car exploded and was completely destroyed as a result of the collision with a sixteen-wheeler truck, " the Police officer responded. In addition, " We took divers to go into the Amok River, where Princess Gianna's vehicle had crashed," he explained. Queen Elize's body was unable to cope as a result of what she had heard. As she was keeping her husband's arms around her, she began to lose consciousness. Because of what occurred to Queen Elize, the Royal guards were frightened and took her to a private room, where they called the Royal Doctor to check on her condition. King Mathias was left together with his daughter Rebbeca to deal with the Police Officers. " Do everything you can to ensure that Princess Gianna was the one in that vehicle, and whatever the outcome of your investigation is, please inform us as soon as possible, Officer, " King Mathias instructed the police in a serious manner. " We will not waste time, King Mathias; we will carry out our responsibilities, " the Police Officer responded to him. When the police officers had left, King Mathias and Princess Rebecca exchanged a glance with one another. They headed straight to Queen Elize's room with a smile on their faces. " I'm sure we've killed Princess Gianna, Rebecca, and all you have to do now is enjoy the fact that you are the only Princess of Kingdom Peria! " King Mathias exclaimed to Rebecca, with a smile on his face. " Don't worry, King Mathias, and I'm not going to waste what you've done for me, " Rebecca reassured him. As the days passed, the tragic event that occurred in Princess Gianna's life became the talk of the kingdom. Many people were heartbroken by her death, including the ordinary people who had become close to her, the children, and, most importantly, Lord Richard himself. Since Lord Richard heard what happened to Princess Gianna, he has been confined to his room for several days. He doesn't want to go out. He is remorseful because, if he had trusted Princess Gianna, her demise would not have occurred as it did. As long as he was in his room, Lord Richard thought that Princess Gianna would be unable to establish an affair with a member of the Royal Guard. There was nothing in her characteristics that she had not previously considered because of the shock that had caused him to be unable to think clearly. As a result, his conscience is beginning to trouble him. He feels guilt for what happened to Princess Gianna. " I believe it is true when they say, "It is too late to repent!" " Lord Richard said to himself. Meanwhile, Queen Elize was unable to leave her room for the same reason. She hasn't given up hope that her daughter is still alive and that she has survived the accident. Even if the Police Department insists that Princess Gianna will not be able to survive such a condition, she will not believe them until she has seen her daughter's dead body. As Queen Elize was sitting on her bed, the entrance to the room opened, and Princess Rebecca walked in. Rebecca could obviously see the sadness on Queen Elize's face, so she walked up to her and sat on the edge of the bed near her mother. "You're neglecting yourself too much, Queen Elize, and you might get sick, and your body might collapse again," Rebecca expressed concern to her mother. " I can't believe your sister is dead, Rebecca! I have a strong feeling that she is still alive!" Queen Elize said to her. " Princess Gianna's body could no longer be seen, and the police said that she had little chance of surviving the accident in which she had been involved, " Rebecca inquired Elize. " If you believe that she's still alive, you shouldn't be acting in such a manner, Queen Elize, because I'm still here as your Daughter, and I'm still here who requires your attention and who requires your love," Rebbeca continued. Queen Elize fell into tears as a result of what Rebbeca had revealed to her about herself. "I'm sorry, Rebbeca, but I'm simply too touched by what happened to your sister. I am unable to guide you any longer, we cannot converse with one another, and we are unable to go for a stroll anymore, but don't worry, I'll get back to you, Rebecca!" Elize realized what Rebecca said. Rebecca cracked a grin. She wrapped her arms around her mother. ' I am now your only daughter because Gianna has passed away! ' As the two of them hugged, Rebbeca thought to herself. After a month, the police gave up hope of ever finding the body of Princess Gianna. The car she was riding in had been damaged, and the Amok River had a high current of water flowing through it, as well as depth, making it difficult to locate her body. Everyone in Kingdom Peria was in mourning as a result of the failure to locate Princess Gianna. When Princess Gianna comes to visit, the people look forward to her smile, her voice, and her physical presence among them. They can no longer see Princess Gianna's delighted expression when she has caught a deer, a wild boar, or whatever else is available in the forest. Because of that, a meeting was called by the King in the Palace as a result of the sudden accident that occurred with Princess Gianna. Everyone gathered to hear the news of Princess Gianna's death, including members of every Duke family, Noble family, and wealthy individuals from around Kingdom Peria. During the meeting, King Mathias stated, "I understand that what transpired at the Palace was unexpected owing to the death of Princess Gianna, the First Princess, but we must accept what has happened." King Mathias continued, "The death of Princess Gianna will not prevent us from moving forward for the sake of the people of Kingdom Peria. We must accept our fate because if we don't try to change or avoid the tragic events in our lives, we will not be able to move forward, and the Kingdom Peria may even fall!" “As a result, my other daughter, Princess Rebecca, has been designated as the sole Princess of Kingdom Peria! " The announcement was made by King Mathias. When Rebbeca rose to her feet, the people who attended the meeting erupted in applause. She greeted everyone who had come to the meeting with a smile and a bow. The Princess informed everyone, "Whatever the responsibilities of a Princess in our Kingdom, you may count on me to accomplish everything for the good of all." In the meantime, a woman is resting on her bed. There are medical devices attached to her body that she cannot remove. She opened his eyes. At first, her vision was blurred, she was unable to move his body, and she was unable to speak. A nurse walked into the room a few moments after that. She was taken aback when she saw the woman with her open eyes, which caused her to be perplexed. "Princess Gianna?" The female nurse approached the woman, Princess Gianna. " Wait here, I'll call Doctor Princess Gianna!" the Nurse exclaimed cheerfully as she hurried out of the room. ' Where I am? What happened? ' As she lay on her bed, Princess Gianna pondered a question in herself.
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