Chapter 2

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The looming gates halted suddenly, and silence filled my ears. "Gabrielle" A booming voice engulfed my entire body. "Yes God, it's me!" I tried to sound chipper, but I was downright terrified. In my centuries of serving in heaven, God only called for a couple of reasons. The first being that you did something so terribly heinous that you were being banished to Earth or Hell. The second being that you were a defective Angel. There was a very odd time period from 1312 until around 1989 where Guardian Angels would fail or malfunction and spontaneously die. Normally it wouldn't cause much of a fuss. God would just repair or replace the Angel. He decided to change his process when a particular Angel malfunctioned at the most critical point of one humans destiny.  The human, an Olympic Gold-Medalist, was destined to lead the movement into existential peace. While performing a forbidden maneuver on the high beam, the humans grip faltered as the Angel simultaneously malfunctioned. The human fell directly on the neck, thus an early trip to our beloved Peter. It was a very dark day in Heaven. Even then, he never met any of them face to face. A boisterous laugh rumbled, drawing me from my thoughts. The sound caused ripples to manifest across the air around me. My wings sprung to life, setting me back a few feet while my eyes tried to make sense of the scene. It looked like I was submerged beneath water, and something had blown ripples across the surface. The shift in the dimension took me by surprise.  "It's been much too long my child, I've quite missed you." His voice hugged me tight, the solid gold gates dissipating into nothing. A smile spread across my face as the pure love and adoration for my creator rushed from the crown of my head to the tips of my extremities. It had been quite a while since I had felt that raw devotion for my creator.  My eyes quickly darted to the gates as they began evaporate. All I could see was a faint area, a few feet away from me now, that had the same rippling movement I had witnessed a few minutes ago. Was this it? Was this God? "I called you here my dear, because there are rumors that one of my children have strayed from their path." The voice came from the moving void, sounding somber. "Oh, I see.." I nodded in its direction. I was having a hard time trying to get rid of the disappointment I felt. Was he not going to reveal himself to me? "I know you are very occupied, Gabrielle. But you are the only one I can trust with this." His voice now stern, gathered my complete attention. "I only live to serve you and your creations, Father. Devoted to you, I shall do anything you desire." I bowed my head, my mind in full Angel mode. "I know my beautiful soul. The Angel in question is named Damien." The voice shifted as the ripples moved. My eyes followed tentatively. He let out a soft tired sigh before continuing, "He was created fourteen hundred years ago, as a Guardian Angel." "And he is becoming tainted?" "So I've heard amongst the record keepers. He's been seen traveling the tunnels alone, and abandoning his humans." "I see. What would you have me do, Father?" "My Gabrielle. You have been one of my most perfect creations. I need you to watch him closely, and show him the ropes up here." "Here in Heaven?" I wanted to kick myself as the words came out before I could think about it. "Yes my child. I am removing him from Earth to keep a better watch on him and his motives." I just nodded in his direction, not really wanting to take the task but obviously having to. Another deep chuckle came from behind me. "I know my child, I know. But I can only trust you." So much for hiding my emotions. I internally kicked myself. "I am honored father." "Yes, yes. Now go on and continue your day. Damien will be arriving soon, but your mentorship will begin early tomorrow." I nodded again before bowing slowly, "Thank you , Father. For all you do, give and so say." "Go on child."  Another invisible hug enveloped me before the rippling disappeared and the gates slowly came back into view. I blinked a few times, trying to gather my thoughts. I let my body travel downwards through the tufts of white mist. "Uh, earth to Gaby?" A thick finger poked my forehead. I furrowed my brown, looking up to see who disturbed my thoughts. "Oh, sorry Michael. I just finished my meeting with God and it was...." Michael raised a perfect eyebrow, "Are you in trouble? Did he catch you canoodling with that hot new Angel from records?"  Michael nudged my shoulder with a dorky smile. I tried to stay serious but my giggles betrayed me. "Shut up, Michael. I was going to say it was kind of uninteresting. I didn't even get to see him." "Ah, sorry Gabs. You know his scriptures basically say he's a spirit anyway. Don't worry your pretty little wings over it." His voice had gotten low and serious. His fingers reached out and he caressed one of my wings, trying to soothe the frantic fluttering. I turned my head to watch as his fingers traced the lace edges, slowing them down. I hadn't noticed how quickly they were moving due to my anxiety. Every stroke of his fingers left me breathless. "Michael.." I turned my head back, my eyes locking into his. A small smile tugged at his lips again, his eyes saddening, "I think they need you at the gates, Gaby." His arms dropped to his sides, one awkwardly pinching and pulling at the side of his tunic. "Uhh, yeah. Okay. I'll see you later." I shook my head before taking off focusing on what I had to do next. I let my eyes close, feeling the rush of air kiss my skin as I propelled through the clouds. The gates were set much lower than where we worked, and much farther. The returned humans didn't know how we functioned and we decided it'd be best to keep it hidden.  Muscle memory kicked in and I let my mind wander as my body took twists and turns down to my destination. I pictured Michaels face, his saddened grey eyes. Angels never age, as that concept only exists on Earth. Humans get about 120 years to figure their destiny, act on it, and then return home. Although most never do or try, and thus die much before their time. Despite that, you could tell Michael had been in existence since the beginning. "Well look who it is!"  I pushed through the final level of clouds right behind the golden gates to Heaven. The sight was always breathtaking. Immense golden barred gates that sparkled with the everlasting sunshine. Between the solid gold bars you could catch a peak of Peters matching gold podium. A leather bound book was set neatly next to a quill and ink.  "Peter!" I rushed over to him and gave him a giant hug. I genuinely hated the path down to the gates but I loved seeing Peter. In my mind, he was the perfect Angel. I had never seen him feel anything other than love for our new humans and empathy for those that had to be sent down. "Little Gabs! Sorry to call you here on such short notice." He squeezed me back before pulling away. Peter was absolutely gorgeous. Damn near perfect I'd say. His era of Angel's was created a bit taller and more vascular than mine or others. His arms looked like those of humans that spent all their time lifting heavy objects. He had the most flawless deep umber skin, dazzling hazel eyes, and long locks that somehow managed not to get caught in his wings. Damn. near. perfect. I feigned annoyance, crossing my arms. "Well I was actually in the middle of something extremely important." I gave him a fake exasperated sigh. His full lips pulled back into a deep smile, "Don't tease me, little one!"  He lunged forward and started tickling me relentlessly.  "Stop stop! I was just kidding!!" I choked the words out  between the spouts of laughter. I doubled over trying to hide my tummy, but it was useless. My sides burned from his torture. He stepped back, a satisfied smile showing his perfect white teeth. "That's not fair! You're stronger than me!" I tried catching my breath, rubbing my the skin covering my aching muscles. Peter laughed, shaking his head. "Aren't you going to ask why I called for you?"  I shrugged, "Nope. I was just hoping you'd tell me."  Peter laughed harder now, "You're great, Gaby. I called you here because God spoke to me yesterday about that Angel, Damien." "He told you about it too? And here I thought I was special." Peter immediately grew serious, his dazzling eyes now flat. "You are very special to God. Don't speak like that, Gabrielle." He turned tp face the gates, preparing to open them and get back to work. Peter was probably the most devoted to God. He never took his role here lightly, and wasn't too keen on God jokes. "Sorry Peter, I know he loves us all. We were all made to his perfection." I quickly flitted forward, grabbing his triceps lightly. He let out a deep sigh, one hand squeezing a lock and dropping it. "It's okay Gaby. I know you guys like to joke like that. It's just... I can't.." Peter's pure devotion for God didn't come solely from creation. Peter had a terrible past that brought him to us. Peter started out as a human created for greatness. All humans have a preset purpose, but Peter was going to lead nations. Unfortunately, Peter and many others like him were wiped off the Earth. You see, his guardian Angel had been seduced by a demon. She fell in love, and told the demon all about her humans purpose. Aside from watching his entire family and friends die at the hands of others, Peter was tortured for years before dying from the abuse. Humans who die suffering at the hands of demons are immediately transferred into Heaven. But God had a special love for Peter. He left his mind and soul intact, only making two changes. Eternal life to serve in Heaven and the rebuilding of his form. He didn't even reset his emotions. He wanted to see if Peter alone would devote himself to our Father. Without fail, Peter proved his heart. "I know, Peter. I'm sorry. Can you tell me some more about the new Angel before meeting the humans?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and stuck out my bottom lip. He chuckled wholeheartedly, "Alright, alright young lady. I mainly wanted to warn you about him."
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