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Caleb’s pov “ See Mr. Arrogant, next time if you want to talk you should maintain a healthy distance between us, I don’t like someone being that close to me “. She was speaking to me, I rarely like replying to girls and say only when it's necessary, I turned my head to look at her and the way her lips were moving and she was doing jabber – jabber from that long time that there should be a distance between us, we should not be this close, to be honest, I was rarely concentrating on her words or was unable to concentrate as she was looking sweet while speaking, the way her eyelashes were moving while she was talking and yeah she using her hands while talking was kind of cute. “ Miss My room, can you be a bit fast ?” I wanted to flirt with her but William, I thought he was going somewhere maybe to the washroom but no he was too coming with us, it only proves one thing that I was engrossed in Veronica. “ Brother I told you that ours's one is the last so why ask her again “. Veronica was looking at me. If William has already told me about the number then why I'm asking her again, I just gave her a look that had no expressions and walked past her. “ Hey big brother you’re here “. Nick welcomed me. “ Shawn, how is the room? Is everything good ?" “ Yes brother, all okay “. I turned back Veronica was still standing there but the thing is why as her work of escorting us was done so what else she needs. I raised my brows to ask her if she wanted anything but she instead of answering copied me, this girl is very bad at paralanguages. “ Veronica, is there anything which I can give you “. I asked her. “ Woah brother open proposal “. This William is going to be dead meat soon, thankfully Shawn stuffed his mouth with the bread he was having in his hand. “ Miss Veronica? “ I said again to bring her attention towards me. “ What was he saying ? “ but my bad luck she might have heard what William said. “ Something you just need to ignore “. “ Okay, so guys I'm here to just let you all know that I'll be there with you for the next five days “, This piece of information brought a smile to my face as I was keen to know this girl more and messing up with her will be fun. “I’ll be like your team's host, you can say, anything you need you'll ask me, your matches and everything I’ll be taking care of in short for everything or anything you’ll approach me. “ But you are girl Veronica “. I asked her a genuine question as she is a girl and it was a bit wrong to ask a girl to take care of boys. Thankfully she got our team or if it would have been any other they would have surely treated her in a wrong manner. “ And you all are boys Mr . Arrogant sorry Captain but that doesn’t matter I'll do my work with efficiency if you are thinking about it “. She took me wrong and I didn't want to explain what exactly my point was as I'm lazy to speak kind of guy. “I have no problem with anything. I would love it if you'll take care of me and my team “. I like talking to her in a threatening and raspy tone and at times how she tries to ignore my flirts with her smartness, she is going to be interesting thankfully other than games I have some other things to do too here. “ Okay so everyone, right now it's seven-thirty, you all can use the common washroom provided on the floor to freshen up, and then around eight I will come to you again to take you to grab your breakfast “. She took the floor, at times I feel like she is taking my place as the way she bosses around' s my team that only I do as I'm the captain. “ Okay, Veronica we’ll wait for you “.Shawn said with a smile “ Okay, Shawn “. Was she flirting with him and what was with the smile on her face? She doesn’t smile that way when I talk to her, instead only makes faces while speaking to me. “ If you are done can you please leave “. I told her arrogantly I don't know why but maybe because I didn’t want her to talk longer to my mates, is this jealousy which I’m feeling right now. I didn't even look back at her again, I just heard a few steps leaving the room. for sure she would have felt bad. “ Brother, were you not rude to her? “ Nick told me and I knew that yeah I was but even I don't know why I acted that way. “ And were you all not more than friendly with her ?’’ “ He is jealous Nick, leave him our brother will make her our sister -in -law then only he’ll “. “ William go and get freshen up “. I ordered him before he said anything else further. “ Okay let's go boys, are you not coming brother ? '' Nick asked me. “ No, you all go, I'll stay here and will go once you all are back “. They left the room, I stayed checked the room the view was perfect from the window, the blankets and mattresses were good too, I went to the corridor and saw Veronica she was continuously running from one place to another doing something or the other, for sure she was feeling cold as the way she was rubbing her legs against each other its evident and her skirt barely covers her thighs also so it's obvious to feel cold. God knows why they wear something which they aren’t okay with and why she is overworking and other groups of girls are sitting at one place and gossiping. “ Brother we are done, you can go and freshen up “. Shawn and my mates came to me. “ William, do one thing, report to the coach about the arrangements and you three go to the second floor where arrangements for the food are done “. “ But Veronica told me she'll come “. William interrupted. “ I guess I'm your captain “. “ Okay, brother we are going “. They all left, so I took my towel to freshen up. Thankfully the arrangements were far better than my expectations the water was warm, I felt good, I then wrapped the towel and went to my room, water was dripping from my hair, I looked at my reflection in the mirror of the room, and yeah my abs were looking sexy, but wait who’s reflection is this I turned and it was Veronica. “What are you doing here Veronica ? “
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