Chapter 5: Strong Emotions

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‘You got me losing my mind, the text said. My heart beats out of time, I'm seeing Hollywood stars, you strum me like a guitar.’ I smiled as I realized Parker had sent me some lyrics, from 'Domino' by Jessie J. Suddenly, another text came through. Look out to the balcony, sweetie. I spun around. Expecting to see Parker standing in the doorway again, this time I saw something flickering. A light. I went outside. I approached the thick wall of my balcony to see that the flickering light was a small candle. The tiny flame cast a warm glow in the darkness onto the bouquet of yellow roses behind it. My eyes caught the small card that was placed on it and my fingers picked it up, opening it in my hands. ‘Yellow roses represent everlasting love.’ was written, simply. ‘Punishment is, you're stuck with me forever.’ I smiled broadly now. Maybe I had to admit that Parker was thoughtful. "You like them?" said Parker, standing right behind me. I decided to keep my gaze looking out of the balcony, my back still facing him. "I do." "And that's what you'll be saying to me in a few years." he said, with a tone of light-heartedness in his voice.  My eyelids parted widely. "We're not getting married in a few years!" "Fine," he said, beginning to wrap an arm around me. "Eventually, then." I kept watching the view. Not much could be seen in the darkness, but I could still feel the bitter night breeze against us, and hear it against the surrounding trees. I glanced at the one branch of a tree that hung right over my large stone balcony, and followed the extremely tall hedge down to the corner that the road followed. I cast my eyes up to watch the dark night sky.  "You actually want to?" I asked, looking up to the stars. "Definitely." I felt his fingertips glide down my loose hair.  "But we can't," I stated, sighing. "I'm an Owell, I can't become a Lachlan."  "I honestly don't care," he replied. "I will find a way around that, I promise." He smoothed my hair and I felt him kiss the top of my head. I smiled. "Thank you, Parker. But don't throw everything away for me." "Why not?" he asked immediately.  I took a deep breath and leaned my weight into him, enjoying the way he held me. "Because that would not be good." "I'm not going to be stupid about things, don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Just trust me, Lucia." "But," I said. "You know I can't do that." He chuckled. "I know." there was a little tone of sadness in his voice. "There will be a day when that changes, though, and I won't stop trying until then." Just looking into the November night and having Parker hold me close was maybe the most relaxing feeling in my life. Not only did his presence turn me on, but it comforted me. I shouldn't have been that way, but it was.  I was still conscious of the fact that we could be seen much more easily now, by security, or if one of my parents stood on their own balcony, and looked downwards. Then they'd see me cuddling with some random boy, although they wouldn't see that it was a Lachlan. "Let's go inside." I took his hand and led him towards the door before we were hit by the heat of my room. "How do you even get here?" I asked him, standing at the edge of my bed. Suddenly I crashed down onto the covers, underneath Parker. "All you need to know about," he said. Now his presence was like a drug, and I was certainly addicted. "Is what I do when I get here."  I smirked, putting effort into trying to gain a little control of the situation. "No, seriously, how do you get here?" "I know I said that you already had a punishment," he said, ignoring my question. "But I'm going to have my fun now." He was straddling me. His eyes slowly cast over my body. As I watched his dark brown eyes, full of want, trailing their way down, I almost felt like they were leaving a path of heat. His lips collided into mine and I happily let my lips reply. I felt the sensation of his fingers tantalizing the edge of my t-shirt. Both of his hands went underneath the fabric, one cradling the curve of my hip into my waist, and the other settling flat onto my stomach. Every touch made me ecstatic. His fingertips rubbed the surface of my skin, it felt like there was an electric connection between us. My breath started coming a little heavily to me when I felt his fingertips wander higher, towards my chest, working their way around my bra.  He didn't sink into the temptation of unhooking my bra, but only fooled around with a small amount of the sensitive area, the bit that wasn't covered by my bra. I couldn't stop the moan though.  Parker looked at me through his eyelashes. The tip of his tongue traveled across my bottom lip and I couldn't help moaning a little more in pleasure. His eyes looked pleased.  "Parker," I muttered. "We have to stop." "Nuh-uh." he replied in a whisper. "This is punishment, remember? We stop when I say we stop." "How much longer?" I asked. He was torturing me and he knew it. "We're not going all the way?" "Not if you don't want to. You just keep doing what you're doing, and we'll see." he replied, before his lips descended down my neck and towards my chest. I sighed, picking up my phone because I'd gotten another text.  ‘I'm picking you up from school today.’ said the text, that was from Clark. I was a little surprised that it wasn't from Parker, because I'd been getting a lot of texts from him lately. He'd send me at least one a day. But I definitely wasn't going to complain about the "Good morning, my love" that I'd received at seven thirty this morning as I put on my mascara.  ‘Why?’ I texted back as I sat down on one of the benches that were around the front of the school. ‘Don't say that my Friday evening is ruined.’ ‘Well, sorry but we've got a business trip.’ Clark replied immediately. I sighed. ‘With who?’ ‘This is the bad bit. We're going to visit the Mintons.’ I groaned out loud, to which a few people nearby glanced over with curiosity. I quickly tried to act natural, returning to my phone. ‘Why the hell do we have to?’ ‘Because they're becoming our best clients. Unfortunately.’ ‘Okay, thanks, bye.’ I quickly replied before tossing my phone into my bag and going to find Nicole.  "Ugh Nicki," I complained as we walked towards each other in the corridors. We met and then went to stand next to her locker. "I've got to go to a business meeting thing and there's this total jerk there." "The strains of being the daughter of a successful business family," she said, raising an eyebrow. "What's he like?" "Oh, he's just a player, who thinks he can have his way with me, and thinks that I love him." I explained. "Oh and, get this: his name is Heratio." She scoffed, hold back a laugh as her face lit up in amusement. "Heratio!" "I know!" I said, grinning widely. "The big brother is called Jenson, that's not too bad, but Heratio?" "Poor kid," she tried to be nice but failed as she couldn't stop smiling. "Maybe you should give him a kiss. With a name like that he probably has never gotten much more." "But he has blonde curls and piercing blue eyes. Admittedly kinda cute."  "Damn!" she muttered under her breath. "Well in that case, stay well clear." "I wish I could stay on the other side of the planet to him." I grumbled, almost incoherently, but Nicole had trained her ear to pick up my quietest words. "At least you've got your Parker." All of a sudden her eyes grew wide as she looked over my shoulder. "Speaking of the devil." I turned my head to see that Parker was walking down the corridor with two wingmen on either side of him, but one was a girl. Parker held his head high as he strode confidently. Just before he walked past me, he slipped me a glance and a smile, with a lot of secret feelings that only the two of us understood.  "Wow," Nicole commented. "The way he looked at you." We chatted quietly. "What do you mean?" "There are strong emotions there." she replied. "And I think we both know what kind of emotions." I let her words sink in. If there were strong emotions, then maybe he wasn't using me, right? But how could he fall in love with a rival? "What type of strong emotions do you think though?" She smiled. "He wants you in every way. Physical and emotional." Maybe he just wanted to get into my pants. After all, every time we met, we would get pretty physical. We obviously had physical chemistry. And what if he was going to use the fact that he'd got into my pants against me? He could tarnish our whole family, our business.  "Stop worrying, Lucia." said Nicole. I looked up, confused. She shook her head. "The crease on your forehead and it was obvious you were pretty deep into wondering what the hell is going on between you and Parker. As your closest friend, I'm gonna go ahead and say it. Although I haven't seen much of your relationship, just the way it's going, I can see him falling for you." "You really think that?" I asked, cautious. "Yes Luce." she replied. I thought about Nicole's words. I'd gauge her as pretty good at reading emotions, she was pretty smart when it came to all that. And she thought Parker was falling for me. I blushed at the thought.
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