Vegas Magic

2048 Words
Tanya groans as she rises from her slumber. She tries to move but finds a muscular arm holding her down. She holds her head as a headache starts. Judging by how she feels, she got drunk last night and judging by the sleeping Alexander Blake beside her and the fact that she's naked under the sheets means she f****d him. She flings his arm off her and he stirs, blue eyes meet her brown ones. "Morning beautiful," he says as he turns so he's fully facing her. "Morning stranger," she says as she pulls the white sheets over her breasts. He looks at her with a charming smile and runs a hand through his hair. "I've seen it all you know." She blushes and stares at him in admiration. The sun shines in from the semi louvered windows into the white room making it brighter than it already is. There are many pieces of furniture in the room along with a stereo, TV and a nightstand with a land-line and lamp. She looks at Alexander admiring how the sun shines onto his hair making it look golden, casting a glow on his face and toned chest which leaves her hot and bothered.  He is a masterpiece. "So we got drunk last night," she starts. "And woke up with a stranger in our beds. Well, not that much of a stranger," he adds. "Another night in Vegas," she says as she sits up and swings her legs off the bed. "So what happened to you liking blondes?" He chuckles. "You're the exception." She laughs at his statement as she gets up and makes her way to the bathroom. She pulls the sheet along with her but nearly trips as it hitches. She looks around to see a gloriously naked Alexander holding onto the other end with a cheeky smile. She looks him over with wide eyes. She rode that?! Is that what they mean when they say hung like a horse...? Damn! He isn't small that's for sure. "I know..." he says with a smirk and she rolls her eyes, pulling on the sheet. "Alexander please let go of the sheet I need to pee," Tanya whines snapping her eyes from his c**k to his face. "I'd rather you call me Al and go without it," he says, pulling on it again. "Al, Xander, Alex. I don't really care just let go so I can go pee," she whines again. "No, you're either going to go without it or pee yourself," he says with a grin. "f**k you," she says as she releases the sheet reluctantly and walks towards the bathroom. "You already did that and nice ass tattoo by the way. A lioness, it suits you." She flips him off as she walks into the bathroom and closes the door. Alexander chuckles at her actions. Tanya walks to the white cupboards and pulls out a towel. She wraps the white towel around her and makes her way to the face basin. She turns on the faucet and splashes her face with water. She looks up from the pale blue face basin and into the oval mirror before her. Her eyes are a bit red, her face is flushed and the makeup is leaking off her face. She washes the makeup off before placing a small amount of toothpaste on her finger and rubbing it in her mouth. She rinses it and combs her hair back with her fingers. Her head throbs and she massages her temples. Damn... This head--what the?  She freezes as her eyes catch something glittery and round on her finger. Tanya moves her hand in front of her and her breath catches. She screams in surprise and takes a step back, her heart hammering in her chest. Alexander chooses then to crash into the room, looking around frantically to see what's wrong and when he spots her unharmed he raises a brow. "What the f**k is this?" she asks, holding up her hand. "Um, a ring," he states, confused. "And why is it on my finger?" she persists. "I don't know, maybe it belongs to you?" he replies looking at her like she's crazy. "Then why are you wearing one similar to mine and both on our ring fingers?" He looks down at his hand and then hers. His lips part as he stares at the silver rings. They both have engravings of vines on the edges and small topazes on various parts of the vines giving the appearance of flowers amongst those vines. The difference with Tanya's ring is that in the middle lies a clear cut diamond that sits in a petal-like frame. "A–Al I don't wear rings, I don't own any rings especially rings as expensive-looking as this," Tanya says as she stares at a shocked Alexander. "No, no this must be a joke, we're not married, that Vegas magic s**t didn't happen to us!" he bellows, running his hand through his hair. Tanya pushes pass him and runs towards her handbag. She kneels and picks up it after throwing Alexander's boxers that are on top, to the side. "What are you looking for?" he asks as he pulls on the boxers. "Receipts, certificates, anything that'll shed light on this," she says as she rummages through her bag. She looks at the floor and sees four packets of condoms beside the bed. She sighs as she sees them. At least we used protection, she thinks as she continues on her search. She pulls out a folded paper and unfolds it. Her breath stops as she reads what it says.     Certificate of Marriage On this day May 20th these two souls, Taneish Rhode and Alexander Blake were joined together in holy matrimony. This event was witnessed by Harmony Grey and is hereby certified under the state of Nevada.     "f**k," she swears as she looks at the certificate. "Let me see," Alexander says as he takes the certificate from her hands. She kneels on the ground her mind running wild with thoughts. How can she be married? What will her mother and father think? Married at nineteen, three days before her birthday. She goes around telling people she is twenty when in truth she has three days to go before she's the big 2 0. "Lover's Chapel," Alexander says. "I'm too young to be married, I'm just nineteen, well twenty in three days," she says in horror. "We just have to find– wait, you're how old?" he asks in disbelief. "I'm nineteen," she says. "You told us you're twenty," he states. "I am in three days, I didn't think it'll make a difference," she states as she rises off the ground. "Starting a marriage with lies isn't good. Are we going to need couples counselling Mrs. Blake?" he says, teasingly. Her heart flutters as he calls her Mrs. Blake but pushes it away. "We are not m–" "The paper doesn't lie," he states, holding it up. She snatches it from him and turns it around. There's a name on the back. "Lover's Chapel, we need to go there ASAP," Tanya says as she looks at Alexander. "That's what I was saying before you blurt out the horrors of being married at nineteen. Anyway go take a shower and I'll order room service. We'll be out of here in an hour." She looks at him and nods her head. She slips into the bathroom and takes a shower letting the water wash over her. Trying to let it wash away her worries and stress but alas it isn't working. What the f**k have I gotten myself into? She thinks as she washes her body. *** Married. He is married and not to a rich, successful woman that his father approves of, but to a Las Vegas Showgirl. This is a disaster! What'll his father think? What'll he do when he finds out he got himself hitched to a showgirl in Las Vegas? His father only wants the best for him or so he says. The best education, clothes, food, women and job, but his definition of the best sometimes contradicts Alexander's. Alexander never questioned his father and the way he controls his life but this one slip up will cause him a whole lot of trouble. Tanya is beautiful, talented and a wonderful person as far as he sees but his dad won't approve of her. It's not because of her job, because if it is, Alexander can fix it and she could be in a higher up job in the blink of an eye. It's not because of her background because his dad could turn a mined diamond into a sparkling, clean-cut one. No, it is because of her DNA. Her pigments. Her complexion. The fact that she is black. His dad isn't that big of a racist, he will work, converse and make deals with people of darker skin but to accept them in his family he would not. Not over his dead body. Alexander marrying the dark and lovely Tanya poses a problem to both him and her. Did he love her? Infatuated, yes. Adores her body and personality, yes. But love, no. Would this marriage work out? Not as far as he can see. Is he willing to try? No, there is too much at stake. She is against being married to him as much as he is to her so the only rational thing to do is divorce. That however will take a lot of money and he has a feeling Tanya's pride wouldn't allow him to spend so much on her. She is independent and as such, she feels that she doesn't need a man to help her in any financial way. There's a knock at the room's door and he gets up to answer. He accepts the trolley with the food and thank the man before closing the door. He pushes the trolley into the room and as he looks up he spots Tanya pulling down her black dress over her body. He stares at the tattoo on her ass in fascination. The tattoo is of a lioness crouched down like it's stalking its prey, its tail is raised in the air and it spells "Fierce ". It looks so f*****g sexy on her plump ass and each time she moves it jiggles which excites him. "Are you through staring at my ass?" she queries as she finishes fixing her dress. "Um, yeah. S–So aren't you going to put on underwear?" he asks after noticing she hadn't put on any. "The one I have here I consider it dirty and will not be putting it on. Plus ventilation is good keeps the goods fresh," she says as she walks over to the trolley. She uncovers the eggs, bacon, pancakes and sausages. Wasting no time, she digs in as Alexander slips into the bathroom. Minutes later Alexander emerges with a towel around his waist and Tanya gulps as she takes in his body. Broad muscular shoulders, define pecks, abs of steel and a very define and sexy V line with small curls leading beneath the towel. Any girl would drool over him and that's what Tanya finds herself doing. "Like what you see?" He asks with a smirk. "You should be used to it by now you saw it this morning and last night. Plus you've felt it all." "If only I remembered the feel," she says licking her lips as her eyes drink in his physique. "What a shame." "Yeah, what a shame," he says walking towards her. "Maybe I can show you what we did last night and make you re-feel." She chuckles as he leans down to her on the bed and places his hand on both sides of her hips. His lips curve into a smirk, inches from hers. "Nice try but no," she says placing her finger on his lips. "I need to get this marriage thing sort out and I have work in a few hours." He places her finger in his mouth gently biting before he pulls away and gets dressed. They leave the hotel room and walk down the halls towards the elevator door. "Hey Al, I was just coming for yo– what's she doing here?" Ethan asks as he walks up to them raising a brow. He's in a blue dress shirt whereas Alexander is in a grey one, both are in black jeans and converses that match their shirt colours. "Hey, Ethan I have to bail. Tanya and I need to sort out a few things," Tanya waves at him as Alexander speaks. The elevator opens and they step in. "Where are you guys going?" Ethan asks as he stands in front of them with his hands cross and a wondering look on his face. "Lover's Chapel. Bye Ethan," Tanya says as the doors close and leave a shocked Ethan on the other side. "Lover's Chapel?" she hears him say in disbelief as the doors close.
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