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▪︎ Stranger In A Suit ▪︎ I leap from my seat the second the morning class comes to an end. Prof. Smith is trying to walk a little bit faster when he notices me following him down the hallway. He's about to lock himself up in his office when I push the door open. I smirk at him. "You really can't stand me, can you?" "You really can't blame me, can you?" "Nope. The feeling is mutual." He sinks back on the swivel in his neat office and scowls at me, pure disgust on his face. I quickly shut the door and stand in front of him. "Good morning, sir." "Save me the bullshit and get to the point." "I got a missed call from you yesterday. What was that about?" He snickers. "Wait, you think I made the call? Do you think I would just sit in my house and decide to call a nuisance like you? The mention of your name spoils my mood. Calling you would have spoiled my entire Sunday." "You did call me." "My son did." "Why? What's up? I've noticed that his phone has been off. Is something wrong?" "Go find out on your own," he smirks. "After all, you have a talent of finding out things that don't even concern you..." I sigh in exasperation. "This is not about your little secret, Prof. Smith. This is about your son. This is about my best friend. I am kindly asking you to tell me if there's something wrong with him. I'm starting to get worried..." The last time I was with Miles, it was at the event. And he looked like something was bothering him. He stares at me for a long moment before he blurts out. "You disgust me! Pretenders disgust me! And you are one skilled pretender. You are manipulative! You are a snake! You pretend to care so much about my son when I know you don't. It won't take long for Miles to see you for who you truly are. A snake." I scoff, staring at him. "I may be a pretender but at least I'm not a cheater! I may be a snake but at least I'm not an ugly warthog who takes advantage of his position. When you crucify sinners, don't forget to construct your cross!" He looks away with a clenched jaw as strained silence permeates the room. "And stop joking with me, sir. You know I could make your career crumble in a snap of a finger. I could make your family and friends disown you!" "Isn't it sad that blackmailing is the only thing you're good at?" "What's really sad is that demons like you exist." A brief pause. "Now, tell me where Miles is. Tell me why his phone is off. Tell me why he didn't come to school. Tell me everything before I-" "Miles is at home," he growls. "That's all I can tell you." I grit my teeth and bolt to the door. I turn back and lean on his desk, glaring at him. "The only reason I haven't spilled your little stupid secret is not just because I'm getting benefits!" I hiss. "It's because I love your son! And your wife! And your beautiful family! I can't begin to imagine what this will do to them once they find out! They are too good for you. You don't deserve them." I storm out of the office. || || || || || I sit alone in the cafeteria. Though I have a couple of friends, Miles is my only best friend. The only one I eat with at this table. His absence is so loud. These fries don't hit the same without him sitting beside me, talking so loud as he takes his salad. "Hey, Ruby." Bree Stewart. She's the last person I expected to join me at the table. I assume she hates my guts considering she's Sabrina's best friend. We have never once eaten at the same table. Until now. "I know this is kinda unexpected," she says with that deep voice. "I'm also surprised I'm doing this..." I've always found Bree a little weird. With her green cropped hair, eerie tattoos and multiple piercings, it would be hard to miss her. She's always wearing baseball jackets and baggy shorts or pants and matches them with a pair of canvas or boots. She's a cute cool girl. I think we would have been friends if she wasn't best friends with that little demon. After swallowing her sandwich, she clears her throat and forces a smile. "Can we talk?" "Sure!" She gets to the point. "I think you are childish, Ruby. I think you and Sabrina are childish. I know I should be sorry for calling you childish but I'm not. s**t! It's about time the two of you stop it before you kill each other! I know you don't like Sabrina! Trust me, she doesn't find anything to like about you either! But, can you stay away from each other if you can't stand each other? Please! Can you stop trying to get even with each other all the freaking time? I'm begging you! I don't beg but this is me begging right now." She suddenly goes quiet, an awkward silence stretching between us. "Are you done?" "Yes, I'm done begging and talking continuously, which is something I don't do normally." I chuckle. "I know this is about the accident Sabrina was involved in, right?" "Right." "But I had nothing to do with it, Bree. I didn't tamper with the brakes of her car. I don't like your best friend but I wouldn't do something so evil just because she messed with the tyres of my car." "She didn't!" She blurts out. "Sabrina didn't s***h the tyres of your car! I was with her the whole day when that happened. We left in the afternoon because she had an appointment. She did no such thing... Stop punishing her for something she didn't do." She takes one last bite of the sandwich and stands from her chair. I grab her arm and look up at her. "I'm not childish, Bree," I point out sharply. "Your best friend started all this. She messed with my best friend. Nobody messes with the people I love..." She casts a death stare at me. "Nobody messes with the people I love either. I hate trouble but don't make me mess with you." That sounds like a polite threat. I watch as Bree bounces out of the cafeteria. For some reason, I understand where she's coming from. She's protecting her best friend. The same way I protect Miles from anyone who tries to mess with him... But I didn't tamper with the brakes of Sabrina's car. God! I had nothing to do with that accident! Why aren't they listening to me? Why are Erik and Bree so convinced that I am guilty! Talking of Erik, I haven't seen him around today. Bet he's busy nursing his perfect little girlfriend after that accident. But I'm not bothered by his absence. Maybe a little... The only one I'm bothered about is Miles. Why didn't he come to school today? And most of all, why is his phone switched off until now? I wish I had Trevor's number. Maybe he knows what is wrong with his boyfriend. But unfortunately, I don't. I have to go see Miles at home. That means I will miss the next class. || || || || || "You missed class?" "Anything for my 'dying' best friend." Miles plonks on his bed and covers himself up with his pink duvet. He has a horrible flu and keeps blowing his nose every chance he gets. He's acting like he's on his death bed and this is the end of him. God! My best friend is so dramatic. "Should I wear a mask?" "To cover your ugly face?" He nods. "Yes please." I hit his head with a pillow and he digs himself under his sheets, laughing. When the games and laughter fade, he buries his head on the pillow. I frown, looking at him. "School is so f*****g boring without you, bitch." "I miss you too, Rue." "Why are you so damn fragile? You miss school just because you have a flu?" "It's not just a flu. I have intense migraines and a running nose and let's not talk about the f*****g fatigue! Plus, the heavy guilt on my heart is making me even sicker!" "Guilt?" He sits upright on the bed, hugging his knees. He nods slowly and clears his throat. "That night at The Launch," he pauses. "Someone kissed me..." I'm taken by surprise. He continues. "I got a strange call from an unknown number that night. I swear he sounded like Trevor, just that his voice was a little deeper. I thought it was my boyfriend playing stupid games on me and faking a deeper voice. The man led me to an empty dark room. The second I got there, he pinned me to the wall and knocked his lips on mine. b***h, those lips blew my mind away! I have never been kissed so intensely and so passionately. Thought that s**t is only found in books or movies. Not real life..." "Did you see the guy?" "No." He groans. "That's the worst part about it. I can't put a face to those lips. I was a little drunk. All I can remember is that he was in a suit." "All the men were in suits." "And his cologne was too damn good," he adds. He lets out a growl and buries his face in his hands. "I'm a horrible person, right? I feel like a disgusting cheater! Like I cheated on Trevor... The universe gives me a great guy and I cheat on him! That's why I'm getting punished with this damn sickness!" "Flu is not that serious..." He blows his nose, grumbling. "But cheating is serious." "It was just a kiss." His frown deepens. "It was not just a kiss, Rue. And that's what scares me. If I could go back to that night... I swear I would do it all over again with the stranger in a suit..." I really can't blame Miles. Sometimes I also wish Erik and I could make out all over again... I wish I could feel his mouth on mine all over again... I wish for a second, I could pretend he was mine and let him devour every part of my body all over again... I push the thought away and change the subject. "You called me using your dad's phone? What happened to yours?" "I lost it at that stupid launch. See... The universe punishing me for being a freaking cheater! I can't even look at myself in the mirror!" He stands from the bed, coughing and blowing his nose. After using the washrooms, he takes pills and gulps down a whole glass of lukewarm water. He hops on the bed beside me, wearing a wide grin. "So tell me about Erik!" "He's an asshole." He blows a sigh. "He thinks I tried to kill his girlfriend." || || || || || I spent the entire afternoon with Miles, catching up and telling endless stories over some hot coffee and scrumptious sandwiches. As I head back to my house, I can't help but wonder who the stranger in a suit is. I shake the thought when I finally get to my place. I have a quick shower and slide into a tight and neat black skirt suit. I match the outfit with a pair of classic black heels. Due to the cold outside, I throw on a black trench coat before stepping out of the house. It's my first night at work. The Ford Firm. I pull into the driveway and stop at the parking lot. I add some red lipstick and throw one last glance at the rearview mirror. I feel like a little ant as I look up at the blue skyscraper. I can't believe I got a golden chance to work here. Never thought I would be so f*****g lucky. I step past the revolving glass doors and strut towards the reception area. "You are on time." The receptionist smiles at me. "Impressive." "Thank you, Ms Marley." I read her name on the badge stuck on her white blouse. She smiles primly. "Your appointment starts in about ten minutes from now." "Appointment?" "Yes," she pauses. "You have an appointment with Alana." "Alana?" "The boss's wife." || || || || ||
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