
1711 Words
▪︎ House Arrest ▪︎ ERIK The windows suddenly burst open! Just when I was about to kiss Ruby, the freaking windows interrupted the intense moment. I'm glad this happened. This just stopped me from getting carried away by my desperate desires. The desire to undress this enthralling woman and commit all sorts of sin on her beautiful body. I duck her when she throws herself in my arms, confused and terrified. She lets out a scream of horror. "What the f**k!" I calm her down, tucking her in my arms. "It's just the wind. It's fine..." The fear in her eyes fades as she pulls away from my arms. She stares in the direction of the open window. "It's not fine. It's too f*****g strong," she mutters. "You can't leave when the weather is this horrible. You are staying." I have seen the seductive, deceptive and manipulative side of Ruby before. But seeing this caring and warm side of her comes as a surprise to me. She darts to the window and locks them tightly. From the look outside, the weather is getting worse. The rains are getting heavier, the winds are getting stronger and the storm is getting louder. She's right. I can't leave in this kind of weather. That means I have to stay the night. With her. Under the same f*****g room. Oh God! I hope my temptations don't get the best of me! "Fine," I sigh. "I will stay." A smile flits across her face. "Good boy." I clear my throat. "On one condition though..." "Spit it." "No kissing. No touching. No making out. No seducing. No staring. Nothing!" "I thought you said one condition," she scoffs. "Those are a whole lot of conditions..." "Deal or no deal?" "Deal," she chuckles. "On one condition though..." "What condition?" "If you help me cook dinner," she says. "I'm starving and some food could do me good." "Deal!" That's how I find myself in the kitchen at 1:00am, wearing a black hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants. We are making a tantalising meal. She's making Chinese rice and veggies. I'm the one making the beef stew. "You said you live with your mom?" She asks as she sprinkles some salt into the rice. "Yeah," I dart a glance at her as I stir the beef stew. "Embarrassing, right?" "No. I think it's kinda cute and cool," she pauses. "I'd give anything to live under the same roof with my mom..." A frown sweeps across her face and she glances away. " I'm sure you will get a chance to stay with your mom more once you fly back to Russia..." A dry laugh escapes her throat. "I forgot how fast rumors fly in school. Even you know I come from Russia?" "I also know you are the daughter of a rich businessman in Russia," I add and pause. "I probably sound like a stalker right now..." "No, I'm just surprised that you know all this about me. The night we met, I thought you didn't even know me..." Ofcourse I knew her! How could she think that I didn't know her? It's hard to miss those dark, deep eyes that carry such intensity! It's impossible to miss that deep dimple on her left cheek and those long legs! Who can miss the rhythmic ring of her hearty laughter in the cafeteria and her dazzling smile when she's talking to her best friend? The first time I saw Ruby Rey was at the cafeteria. She was seated next to her best friend, laughing her heart out. I remember standing still on the spot just to stare at her from a distance. It only took one glance at her to know she's an interesting woman. And I wanted to know more about her. But I had a girlfriend... So I walked away. "Ofcourse I knew you," I look away. "Who doesn't know you?" "No one actually," she says more to herself than to me. "No one in that school..." She clears her throat and asks about my mom again. "Have you called your mom to tell her you won't make it home tonight?" "No." "Why?" "Because she sent me a text banning me from her house. 'STAY WHEREVER YOU ARE, BOY. THE WEATHER IS UGLY!!!' She ended the text with a couple of 'wink wink' emojis. Whatever that means..." She chuckles. "I like her already." "Cause you're just as bossy and hard headed..." "You mean caring and kind and generous? I have just given you a roof over your head!" "By putting me under house arrest?" I quirk an eyebrow. "Is that how you talk to your kind and generous samaritan?" I can't help but laugh at the absurd expression on her face. It's difficult to resist the beguiling gleam of her eyes as a laugh slips from her throat. NO STARING! I quickly look away and focus on the beef. Once the meal is ready, I start setting the table. Ruby stands behind me looking at me in confusion, arms across her chest. "What are you doing?" "Setting the table." "Tables are too formal," she shrugs. "Let's sit by the fire and eat on the floor." Every time I think Ruby couldn't get more interesting, she proves me wrong! She gets more interesting and exciting by the minute! What's even more exciting about her is how unpredictable she is! She will do or say something out of the blues that I didn't expect. And I find myself even more drawn to her... "Sounds great!" We set the food on the dotted rug and sit opposite each other by the fire chambers. She brings a bottle of wine and pours it into two glasses. She takes a sip before she digs into her food. I ask in concern. "Haven't you had enough wine for the night?" "Wine is like money. It's never enough..." I don't want to sound like some creep but at the formal party tonight, I had my eyes on her. She looked so stunning and elegant that it was impossible not to stare. While at it, I noticed that she was consuming a lot of wine the entire time. She kept taking glass after glass after glass. It's a surprise she didn't get drunk but I could tell she was tipsy... My phone buzzes in the pockets of my tux jacket, which is hanging on the sofa. When I fetch it, I inwardly groan when I see the caller. Sabrina. I decline the call and resume to the floor. She calls again but I still don't pick up. Ruby throws a questioning glance at me as she takes a sip of her wine. "Aren't you going to pick that up?" I shake my head, chewing the food. She scoffs. "Are you afraid that she will track your location and come hunting for you!" "Sabrina is not a psycho." "She slashed the tyres of my car! That's as psycho as it can get!" I stop eating and throw her a sharp look. "For the last time, Ruby. Sabrina didn't damage that tyre. She had nothing to do with any of that!" "You sound so sure." "Because I'm sure!" I blurt out. "She left school early that day." "Maybe she did it before she left-" "She didn't!" I snap. "She had a doctor's appointment that day! Sabrina is sick!" Silence. "She's sick?," she asks in a low tone, filled with remorse. Shit! I shouldn't have let that slip! "Forget it," I growl. "It's nothing serious..." From the look on her face, I don't think she bought that. She suspects there is more to it and I hope she doesn't try to dig into it. She will make things worse... When Sabrina calls again, I switch off the phone and toss it on the couch. "Maybe it's something serious, don't you think?" Ruby suggests in concern. "Maybe you should just talk to her..." "I don't want to." "But she wants to." "She knows I don't want to," I mutter. "We are having some issues..." "You are clearly not solving them by switching off your phone and punishing her with the silent treatment," she says, her brow creased with concern. "I know I don't like her but that woman loves you, Erik. You should just talk to-" "We broke up!" I spit out. Silence stretches between us for a moment after my abrupt admission. Why do I keep letting my damn tongue slide! Why do I keep telling her things that I don't want her to know? Why do I keep telling her my business? We are not that close! Hell! We are not even friends! I don't know why I keep running my mouth around her! That night at the club, she deceived me to make my 'girlfriend' jealous! I can't trust her! Maybe she will use what I say against me to cause more problems between Sabrina and I. I need to stop talking. I need to finish my meal and sleep. First thing before the break of dawn, I will grab the denim jacket and get out of here! I don't like being around this woman. She makes me feel things I don't want to feel. She makes me do things I wouldn't do normally. She makes me say things that I should keep to myself. Hell! She even made me write a freaking song about her... And now it's one of my favourite songs... The break-up should be breaking my heart. Sabrina should be on my freaking mind. But instead, this woman is the one occupying my mind. I hate to admit this, but I enjoy being around her. It's thrilling and exciting and that frightens me. "Sorry about that," she says softly. "I know break-ups suck!" I ignore that statement and take the last spoon of my meal. The last thing I'll do is talk about my break-up or anything concerning Sabrina with Ruby. I know she hates her. She's probably celebrating behind that fake frown on her face. When I am done with my meal, I fake a yawn and lie. "It's getting late..." "It's late already, Erik." She laughs. "Yeah. It's way past bedtime. I'm dying to sleep." || || || || ||
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