Drunk in Love Pt. 1 (Spencer Reid x Reader)

2191 Words
I open the front door and have to blink to be sure my mind isn't fooling me. (Y/N) is sitting on the step in front of me. "Hey." She looks up. There's mascara all down her cheeks, her eyes are bloodshot and swollen. With the smeared makeup she almost resembles a raccoon. I still find her gorgeous though and I wish there was a logical explanation but there's not. My heart still speeds up when her sparkling pupils meet mine and the flutter of butterflies erupts inside me. I shouldn't feel this way, not anymore. I'd moved on. I'm with someone else. This was the girl who broke my heart a year ago. "God." She laughs, shaking her head and pulling her coat tighter around her shaking body, "You look so good, Spence." The words are slurred and I know she's been drinking again. "This is pathetic, I know." Her smile is so sad now. "(Y/N)..." I begin, not knowing what to do. I couldn't send her on her way in this condition. I was amazed that she'd managed to even drive herself here without getting in an accident. My girlfriend was out of town but I know if she knew my drunk ex was here, it wouldn't end well. Still, I had no choice. "Come on." I hold my hand out to her and she stumbles inside. She kicks her heels off and steadies herself with a hand against the wall as she peels her coat off. Now she's in a short red dress and I have to remind myself to not stare too long. "Do you want something to drink?" I mentally kick myself at the choice of words I'd just spoken. "I mean coffee or tea?" I clarify as I pick her coat up from the floor and place on a hanger in the closet. "Tea would be nice." She says quietly, dabbing at her tear stained face with a kleenex. "You're so nice." When I return with two steaming mugs, she's curled up on the sofa with what used to be her favorite blanket before she'd moved out. This was all too familiar. I'd used to come home from long cases to find her in this exact same position, the fuzzy blanket always wrapped around her. Her nose would be in a book or maybe she'd be scrolling through netflix. I'd join her and we'd kiss and I'd tell her about the case, trying my best to leave out any gory details. "Thanks." She sniffs, reaching for the tea. I sit across from her in another chair and sip my drink, thinking of what to say. "So..." I begin, but am quickly interrupted. "Spence, really you look so handsome. Your hair has grown." Her words drag out as she slurs. I reach up and push the stands that have fallen onto my face behind my ears. I guess she's right. My hair was cut short when we were together. "Will you come sit by me, Spence?" She asks and pats the empty space beside her. My stomach does a backflip when she says this. It definitely shouldn't, but it does. I look at her, and she looks so broken. The same look she'd get when I'd have to cancel anniversaries or when I'd have to tell her I wouldn't be home in time for Christmas. Now that she's wiped her cheeks off, I can really see her. (Y/N)'s face looks a lot thinner like she hasn't been eating much lately. I hesitantly lift myself from the seat and move next to her. She leans her head onto my shoulder and I freeze. Her hair falls over me and I can't help but inhale the scent. She smells the same. There's a hint of alcohol on her breath and the faint scent of cigarette smoke, but she still smells like (Y/N). I could recognize it anywhere, lavender and honey. She'd worn the same perfume everyday when we were together. I guess some things don't change. She lifts her head and suddenly her lips are at the side of my neck. Gentle kisses are planted on my skin. Her slender arms are wrapped around my shoulders and then they're knotting themselves in my hair. My eyes flutter closed and for a moment I forget where we are. "I've missed you." She whispers against the goosebumps that have risen on my throat. She moves slowly and my skin is burning as she places her supple lips on mine. This is wrong but so right and I wonder how that could possibly be. Her little hands move from my neck to my chest to my torso. She's unbuttoning my pants now and sliding herself down between my legs. A low groan escapes my lips and my head falls back against the couch once she palms me through the fabric of my boxers. My heart is pounding so quickly now that if I looked down, I think I'd see my shirt moving with every beat. (Y/N) applies the perfect amount of pressure against me. She's drunk but she still knows exactly what she's doing. Then it hits me. She's drunk. I lift my head up so quickly, I see stars. "(Y/N). We need to stop." I pant, trying to regain control of my breathing. She looks up at me, eyes wide. "No we don't." She tries to continue and it physically pains me to stop her. I grab her by the arms and pull her back beside me. "(Y/N), you're drunk. I don't want to take advantage of you." I explain. "Spence," she groans, rolling her eyes. "I don't careeeee." She huffs and tries to move off the couch but I keep her beside me. "I have a girlfriend, (Y/N)." "Oh." She stops fighting my grip and settles into the couch. Her face changes and I know she wasn't expecting that. I run my hands through my hair again, noticing it's become my nervous habit. "(Y/N)..." I start slowly, "Why did you come here?" I hope I haven't offended her and I look to gauge her reaction. Her lips are pursed and she sighs. "Spence... I saw my dad." My eyes widen at the confession. Her dad had never been around for her. It was something we'd both had in common. But in her case it was because he was a criminal. Locked away for 20 years for vehicular manslaughter. "He just got out last month." She continues, her eyes fixed on her hands that were now folded neatly in her lap. "20 years... my mom had never let me visit him. I didn't understand." I nod. She'd told me this many times. She hardly remembered him and blamed her mother for that. "I knew he drove drunk but he was my father, you know?" A tear rolls down her cheek but her voice is steadier now. She's sobering up I assume. "What happened?" I ask while handing her a tissue. "I tracked him down. I called him and invited him to dinner. I met him there and he looked so different. God, I didn't even recognize him." Another tear falls. "He's already drunk, I could tell. He started telling me about his new wife and that she's pregnant." Her voice cracks at the last word and I lift my hand to her back. My heart breaks for (Y/N). "I'm sorry..." Is all I can say. I'm good at comforting victim's families at work when they hear devastating news. I know that words to say. They like to hear that we'll catch the bad guy, that they loved them, that things will be okay eventually. But this is different. This is personal. This is (Y/N)... someone I love and I'm at loss for words. She looks up at me, watery eyes glistening. "That's not the worst part, Spencer. He said he didn't want to see me again. That I'm not his family anymore." Her face falls into the palms of her hands and her shoulders heave up and down. "I took the wine bottle and left. This was the first place I thought to come." All I can do is hold her. Ignoring the feeling in my gut reminding me that she isn't mine anymore, I clutch (Y/N) closer and we fall back against the couch. Her sobbing face is buried into my chest, soaking my dress shirt still on from work. I rub circles into her lower back, remembering that always calmed her, and after what seems like hours, the cries subside and we lay silently against each other. ---------- (Y/N) POV I struggle to fully open my eyes because of the sunlight streaming across my face. For a minute I can't remember why I'm here in my old house with my old boyfriend beneath me. Then I turn my head to see my wadded tissues on the floor and it all comes back to me. The disaster with my father floods my memory. Thank god for Spencer taking me in last night like a poor lost puppy. It's so warm pressed up against him so I pull the blanket tighter over us, wishing this moment would never end. When we were together, most of the time it had been perfect. Spencer Reid was everything I could ever want. The only problem was that he was always gone. This actually became a big problem. I'd never wanted us to break up. In the beginning, he'd only be away for work a few days or so. I'd wait up for him every night just to hear his voice ramble on and on till we both passed out in each other's arms. The few days eventually turned to weeks at a time. After spending 2 years together, you'd think we'd know how to make it work. Yet with every missed date and late nights where we'd be too exhausted to converse, things grew too tense. I knew that most of his co workers were single for this very reason, and just remembering this made my heart hurt. Spencer interrupts my inner monologue with a yawn. He smells so good right now and his expression looks so peaceful and oh god... he has morning wood and it's pressed right to my stomach. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. I move my torso against his to be sure. Yep it's definitely there. His eyelids flutter open to reveal big brown eyes staring right up at me. "Well good morning to you too." I can't help but laugh once he looks away, already flushing. "I, uh, sorry... it'll go away soon." Spencer tries to move but I hold his shoulders still beneath me. We lay there silently for a moment until I gather the nerve to say what I'm really thinking. "What if I don't want it to?" The question hangs in the air for a second and I assume he'll object. When he doesn't, I let my hand lightly trail down in between us. I lift myself up to where I'm straddling him and begin to unbutton his shirt, making my way from the bottom to the top. "I- I guess it doesn't have to..." He whispers, finally answering the question. Now that I've revealed his bare skin I can feel his hard-on getting, well, harder. My hands start to tremble as I move them across the plane of his chest. His heartbeat picks up pace under the palms of my hands and they come out in unsteady breaths. It brings me relief to know he's feeling the same as I am right now. Sure we'd done things before, but that was more than a year ago. This felt different too. I'm not usually nervous about s****l encounters but Spencer has a way of changing that. My fingers continue to run up and down, exploring the skin I'd been longing to touch again. His head presses harder against the armrest of the couch once I move to the light trail of hair leading from his belly button. His stomach is tense and I grin once his hips buck up in response. "I've missed this Spence." I sigh while beginning to remove his belt. "I've missed you." He groans back. His hair is falling over his face and sticking to his sweating forehead. I run a hand over the growing bulge in his pants that looks like it's begging for relief. I look back at his face to see him biting his lip so hard, I'd be surprised if it's not bleeding. Just as I'm deciding to end his torture and finally pull his khaki's off, the front door opens. I spin around, pulling the blanket back over like I'm trying to shield myself. My thigh rubs over Spencer's groin and he cries out beneath me. "What the hell?!" The woman in the doorway cries, her bag dropping from her shoulder to the floor. Her mouth falls open with shock. "Who are you?" I question while carefully moving off of him, my face heating up from being caught in this situation. Her hostile eyes bore directly into mine when she answers, "his girlfriend."
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