Chapter 4 Her Knight in Shining Armor

1891 Words
Joseph stared at Rose like a starved lion ready to pounce on its prey. He did not expect to meet her so soon after their night together but here she was, looking gorgeous. She looked tired, though she had concealed them well, he could still see the dark circles under her eyes. It was understandable, given their activities from last night. He smiled feeling happy with himself until he caught himself. ‘What the hell is she doing here?’ Could it be that now she was stalking him? As he was still pondering; looking for an answer to his own question, the old geezer from Henry Jewelers stopped at her table. That was the moment he realized she was not there for him – in fact, she had not seen him. He felt disappointed, he had hoped she was there for him. Leo growled, irritated as well by the sight of the old fad looking at his girl like a sumptuous meal. ‘Your girl?’ ‘I don’t want him around my female, let me rip him apart.’ “Alpha?” Eric his beta was calling out to him. He was concerned but curious at his Alpha’s reaction towards the human girl. He was growling ever so slowly, the hairs on his arms growing with each passing moment. If he did not get his attention, they were bound to make a big mess in no time. “Alpha?” This time Eric dared to touch Joseph’s shoulders to get his attention. He growled turning his already golden colored eyes to him. Some of the patrons at the café were attracted by the growl but it was so low that only the werewolves present could hear him and the humans could not tell from where it came from. He became aware of his beta and managed to push Leo at the back of his mind and block him. He shook his head confused by his beast’s reaction towards Rose. It was not only Leo who wanted to rip the old man apart but he was feeling the same. No one looked at his woman the way that man was looking at Rose and lived to see the sun. ‘When did she become his female?’ Eric was relieved to see his Alpha back in control. He stole a gaze at Rose who was oblivious of the dangerous situation happening right under her nose. She looked more beautiful in person, the pictures sent this morning to him did not do her beauty any justice. When Eric had brought the pictures to his Alpha, Joseph had acted indifferent until he saw who was in the pictures. On each of the photos was his face and that of Rose in different settings. One was of them in the hallways heading to the hotel room, another was of them kissing at the bar while the other pictures showed them being shamelessly intimate. “Who sent these?” Joseph had asked after going through each of the pictures, his voice thick with an emotion he could not yet put a name to but one that made him feel like home. “Some were sent by the People’s Daily and the other set was sent by Picture Speak Magazine. Everything is under control now” Eric answered waiting to hear what he would say. He expected him to be infuriated but he was smiling coyly. “No, you shouldn’t have killed the story, let them publish it.” “Are you sure?” “The bigger the space and the clearer the photos, the better it will be,” Joseph smirked. Eric had been with Joseph since they were in kindergarten and whenever he smiled like he was doing at this moment, there was bound to be someone whose life was about to turn into a living hell. Looking at his Alpha now, Eric was more curious about the woman across the café lounge. ‘Could she be…? Ah no, that’s a crazy thought. It was so rare for the blue crescent Alphas to get a second chance mate’  “Find out all you can about him,” Joseph said finally. It was at that moment that they all heard the music like voice, full of malice but so courageous speak loudly as she left the establishment. “Dream on,” she was saying to the old man and then turning to the waiter she said, “the old man is paying,’ as she stormed out of the café. She stood on the pavement for a few seconds and hailed a cab. Had they not been watching her, they would not have seen what they saw. Immediately Eric looked at Joseph but he was already on his feet and storming out of the café in long strides. … Rose hailed a cab, happy to finally be free from that old geezer. She leaned back when she settled in the back seat, finally she could breath. She was still so sore and all she was thinking of at that moment was her bed. She did not know what caused her to open her eyes but something made her jittery all of a sudden. It was at that moment that she realized that the cab was going in the wrong direction. “Hey sir, you have taken the wrong turn. I’m heading towards 19th street avenue.” The driver did not seem to hear her but she realized that he was looking at her from the rear view mirror. She realized this was no coincidence, Isabella must have received her message. “Stop this car at once or I’ll scream,” she tried to sound menacing but the driver said nothing. She tried to open the door but it was already locked. Her eyes looked around for something to hit the car window with but unfortunately she could find nothing. She was not the kind of person that scared easily but not knowing what was in store for her and knowing the kind of person Isabella was, Rose felt herself panic. She removed one of her heels and used it to knock the car window but it did not so much as make a dent. The driver pointed a gun at her and said in a menacing tone, “I would appreciate it if you sat still, otherwise I will not hesitate to put one of these into you.” The only problem was; Rose was not one of those people that people threatened. She grabbed the driver’s arm and placed the gun barrel on her forehead, “I dare you to shoot if you are a man. Go ahead…shoot!” The driver of the cab could not concentrate on holding the gun on Rose and drive, in no time the car swerved and hit the pavement causing him to lose his grip on the gun. In the momentary confusion, he did not realize that Rose now had the gun in her hands. She placed it on the nape of his neck. “Now if you know what is good for you, turn this damn car around or I will shoot.” Looking at her in the rear view mirror, the driver did not seem bothered by the fact that she was the one holding the gun against him. “Miss, you better put that gun down or you will injure yourself.” He did not seem perturbed at all which made Rose curious. “I’m not joking, I said turn this car around or I will shoot.” In her frenzy, she had not realized that the car had stopped but she did when the man told her she should alight from the vehicle. “I don’t care about you stopping the car, I said you should turn around and take me to my destination.” “Much as I would like to do that ma’am, I’m afraid that this is the destination I was paid to bring you.” “This is not 19th street avenue and I don’t know…” it was at that moment that she realized that they were actually not in the streets but in an underground kind of parking. She saw two burly men walking towards them and instinctively tightened her hold on the gun and pointed it towards them. “Who are these people?” she asked fear registering in her heart. “Don’t come near me or I will shoot.” The driver was looking at her in an amused way, smiling to see how feisty she was acting. Knowing Marco, the gang leader, this girl would be broken in no time. “I suggest you give me back my gun and leave the car ma’am.” The driver smiled sadly at her but she knew he was just trying to play mind tricks with her. She moved to the other end of the car not noticing that there were two more well-built guys, waiting to open the door and grab her. Expecting to feel the other car door on her back, she felt rough hands grab her from her shoulders and yank her out of the car and onto the rough cobalt. The gun was still held tightly in her hands and it was at that moment that she knew for a fact that she was going to have to fight her way out of this predicament or die trying. She c****d the gun and shot in the air expecting to surprise her attackers while hoping she got at least one of them but she only heard a soft click that told her it was empty. The sound was followed by laughter as one of the men grabbed her hair to pull her from the ground. She kicked the one in front of her in the nuts before the other one grabbed her legs in a tight grip. After a moment, the one she had kicked in the nuts slapped her so hard that she thought her jaw had cracked. “b***h, that’s for touching my gonads.” “I will kill you,” she was screaming trying to extricate herself from their grip. She managed to stand on her feet, her left eye slightly swollen from the slap the guy she had kicked gave her. One of the guys, fondled her breasts painfully but when she tried to kick him, the one behind her put his arm across her neck in a bid to strangle her to submission. “I say b***h, stop struggling and smile for the camera. I heard you like it big and rough…yes, that’s it…now smile for the camera.” She was damned if she was going to show that b***h how scared she was, she closed her eyes. She felt her blouse rip apart, leaving her exposed to the soft breeze. Next she felt the bra rip and her breasts spring free from the constraints of the brassiere. A sharp object nipped her navel as it cut through the belt of her trousers. She tried to cross her legs but the man holding her was too strong. In no time, her jeans lay in a heap at her feet. ‘No-no-no-no, this can’t be happening.’ She felt someone hook his fingers into the waistband of her panties ready to tear them from her body. 
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