Chapter 3

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One Year Later (Mischen is 8) "Salvus!" I looked up from my phone to see Mischen. She was running with her backpack almost falling off of her shoulder, lunchbox in hand. Her dirty blonde hair was up in a loose bun and her green eyes shone with pure happiness. When she got up to me she jumped and I caught her in my arms, spinning her around. She laughed and put her hands on my shoulders. She scrunched her nose and, with one hand, she reached forward and pulled off my sunglasses. I winced at the bright sun in my eyes but I tried to hold it back. Mischen didn't know that I had a problem with the sun. I didn't shrivel up, burn, or anything too severe. It just hurt my eyes and I could get easily sunburned. "Guess what we did today?" The smile on her face made my grin widen. "Why don't you tell me in the car. Okay, Misha?" She nodded her head. I opened the back door of my black car and buckled Mischen up. I closed the door and then ran to the other side of the car, getting in the driver's seat and starting up the car. The entire way home Mischen went over how in her class they released some butterflies that they had, had in class since they were caterpillars. Apparently one of them flew for a little while and then landed on her finger. As we got out of the car I jumped behind Mischen, grabbing her in my arms. She squealed and then laughed. I set her back down and held her hand in mine and her backpack in my other. We walked up the path way to the our house. It's a simple house, really. One story with three rooms, a nice living room, nice kitchen, and two bathrooms. The outside is a simple tan shade with a dark brown roof and a white fence. The fence is coated with wolfsbane, eau (A witch's weakness) and solis. No creature that would try to harm Mischen can get in to harm her. The only reason why Mischen and I can get in is because I mixed a small drop of blood from the both of us into the special lacquer coatings. I got the drop from Mischen while she was sleeping because I didn't want her to feel the pain. The only problem with taking Mischen's blood was that it smelt so sweet. It was hard to control myself. It was honestly the only time in my many many years that I had trouble with my control. I locked the gate behind me and went to the front door. I unlocked that door and after Mischen walked in and shut the door behind me, locking the two locks that are on the door. I look towards the living room where I could hear the television. I sighed as I saw Mischen. She finally seemed happy. Mischen had trouble adjusting to the other towns that we have lived in. We have lived in three other towns in the past year. The first one was a little town in Oregon. Mischen hated it. All she wanted was to go home and I hated seeing her upset but it was for her safety. The second town was a town in Arizona. I thought it was a place that people would suspect I definitely wouldn't go. Sadly Mischen couldn't adjust to the weather and kept getting sick. The third town was a little town in Michigan. She hated the people and she claimed that all of her teachers were “jerks”. Now we were in a town in Virginia and there hasn't been a single complaint yet. I sat down on the couch and massaged my temples. I was starting to get a headache. This always happened when I went without blood for a few days. It's been about a week since I had last hunted. I have just been so busy getting settled that I haven't had time to hunt. I would have to go tonight but only after Mischen falls asleep. Even then, I will stay close just to watch the house. Make sure that no one tries to go near the house. I had made sure that every house we lived in was somewhere near the woods. I did need to hunt after all, no matter where we lived. I also wanted Mischen to be able to hunt safely when the time came. Of course when her vampire side first takes over I will only have her drink my blood. She won't ever need anyone except for me, at least for her first year. "Mischen?" Her head snapped up to mine. "Yeah?" Her green eyes were bright with happiness. She stood up and walked over to the couch, sitting down besides me. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap. She leaned back so she was laying on my chest and I spoke softly. "I want you to be honest. And remember- I can tell when you are lying to me. I always have been able to and always will be able to. So be honest." She nodded. "How do you like this town?" She looked up to meet my eyes, her eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. "It's good." She looked confused as to why I was asking. "Good? Is it better than the other towns?" She nodded. "Well. . . Do you think you might want stay here for awhile?" Her eyes lit up. "Do you really mean that Salvus? That we are going to actually stay here?" I nodded, a chuckle bubbling in my throat. "For how long?" I brushed her dirty blonde hair out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. I whispered softly with a smile on my face, "I think we may have found the one." Her smile widened and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She squealed, "Thank you" multiple times in my ear. I chuckled at her. “You should go work on your homework.” She pushed away from me and groaned in annoyance. I chuckled again. *~*~*~* Mischen had fallen asleep some time past nine, watching a random thing on the news. I sighed and picked her up in my arms, taking her to my room. I picked up the blanket and slid Mischen under. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead before walking out of my room. I had put her in my room because I needed her to be surrounded by my scent. It would make her subconsciously feel safer and that should keep her asleep longer. At least enough time for me to go and hunt. I made sure that the house alarm was on and that I had my phone with me. If someone was to even get past the gate in any way an alarm would go off on my phone and I could be back in a flash. I locked the gate on my way out and walked towards the woods. It was already starting to get dark out, thank god or whatever the hell is out there. Mischen, of course, believes in the moon goddess and I don't stop her. It’s what every werewolf believes in and I want her to be able to embrace both sides of her family. It’s the closest thing she has to her dad’s side of the family now that she doesn't see her aunt and uncle anymore. I got to the middle of the woods where creatures can lurk about in safety. It’s good that humans usually stay away from these woods. Not all creatures listen to the laws and they kill humans every now and then. Some for food. Some for spell ingredients. Some for robbery. And some, the sickening few, kill them just for sport. It truly is sickening. In the vampire community, if they got caught they would be put on trial. This would most likely result in them being sentenced to death or a cruel prison life where you only got enough blood to keep you alive. I let the vampire part of me take control and spread to take control of every part of me. I could hear the heartbeat of multiple animals. I could see almost straight back to the house. I could feel myself wanting to go back there. Back to Mischen. Hold her in my arms, gently so I don't crush her. I want my fangs to be in her neck, drinking her blood. Her blood would be the most amazing taste possible. This is why I hate this side of me. Mischen is too young. She's not even nine yet. But I can't control it when I’m this way. Doing my best to avoid these thoughts and feelings, I run towards the nearest heartbeat and tackle it to the ground. I sink my fangs into the deer's neck, drinking it's blood so rapidly that it dies within minutes. I drop the deer and it falls to the forest floor with a soft thud. I go after the next closest heartbeat only to find a man. No - a werewolf. I would have just sneered at him and moved to a different heart beat but this mutt was smirking. I looked him up and down. There was nothing that looked different about him but there was something different about his aura. He was a higher ranking than an alpha but his aura wasn't as strong. I could still take him out if he shows any sign of danger. "Who are you?" I sneered out. "Can't I be here?" He put his arms up, as if gesturing to the area. "There is no pack here. No coven of any kind. It is free territory." I wanted to tell him that it is taken. That this area was mine but then he might question who was with me. If it was a coven then he would be able to sense it. Sadly, this area has the smell of both vampire and werewolf. That would make any creature think this was free territory. "Of course you have no say, do you Salvus?" He smirked and his green eyes glinted with evil. I narrowed my eyes. "How do you know my name?" He smirked knowingly, as if he knew my secrets. And if he knew my secrets then he knew about Mischen. I wasn't going to let them get to Mischen. "I know lots of things Salvus. Including the fact that you are hiding a little out law. Mischen, isn't it?" A snarl rose up in my throat and I pushed him to the nearest tree. How dare he even speak her name. He chuckled. "Although. . ." He drew out, only making me angrier. "She goes by Misha, doesn't she? Of course, she only goes by that when it comes to you. You two are very close though, even though she is very young. I have been wondering what you will do when she is dead." I wrapped my hand around his throat. "I won't ever let you or any of your other stupid mutts hurt her." He pushed me off of him and rubbed his throat. I was glad to see that it was slightly red and most likely to bruise. "Then you better head home quick little vampire boy because she'll be dead soon." I could feel my eyes turning red and the man chuckled. "Did you know that Mischen's eyes turn gold when she is scared?" Then it clicked. This was that council man who went to Mischen's pack that one time. He was the one who scared her. How dare he scare my Misha! He was about to speak again but I snapped his neck. He would never be able to hurt Mischen. Not now that he is dead but I have a feeling that he wasn't alone. I quickly ran home, wiping the blood off of my lips as I ran into the house. I packed up everything we had and stuffed it in my car in a matter of minutes. The furniture came with the house so that made it easier. I ran upstairs and looked at Mischen's empty room, making sure I had everything. Then I went to my room and saw that Mischen was up. She was wrapped in my blanket and she was rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "Salvus," her voice sounded younger than she actually is. "What are you doing?" I smiled and picked her up, still having her wrapped in the blanket. "We have to go, Misha." She looked at me with confusion in her eyes. I walked down stairs and out the door. I walked to the car and opened one of the back doors and setting Mischen inside. I buckled her in so she could lay down. When I got in my seat and look back at Mischen. Her eyes turn purple, showing me that she is really confused. She softly asks, "I thought this town was the one?" I start the car and whisper back, "Me too little Misha, me too."
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