Chapter one

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— Like every other day — Her eyes opened, heavy and still full of sleep she trailed to all corners of her cell, there were no noises no lights were on. She had once again woken up before the day began, she had not gotten any sleep not once. She sat upright the tiny blanket slipped off her body, exposing her ugly grey sleeping uniform. With disgust all over her face she brought her palm to her face, growling in frustration, she was tired of everything. She brought her face back up, instantly Samantha came running through her mind. “If only I could see you and know your alright.” she whispered to her self, the burning sensation she had been ignoring for months finally broke free, tears rolled down her eyes but no sound came through her mouth. She curled herself up into a little ball, her tears rolling down her cheeks like a stream, her arms held her tight. The way she always wanted to be held the day Samantha was taken from her, she was in seek of love. After what seemed to be like hours, her tears stopped flowing with her palms she wiped away the marks and the last drops of tears. Her room, or you might call it cell was open, the day had began and like any other day the routine must be kept. She was off her bed in the blink of an eye off to the screening room, she walked behind one of the girls she saw from time to time, they made their way in an orderly manner, the manners they were told to always up hold. Alice walked lazily, she was tired her muscles were killing her with every step she took, her tummy was gambling from hunger. “Just a few hours and we’ll go eat, hold on.” she whispered under her breath, holding to her stomach like it would fall off. If it weren’t for the missed meal yesterday, this morning she would be handling everything a lot better. She sat on her usual seat, the front row, she was strictly prohibited from sitting anywhere else, all thanks to Ms. Baffle. The lights went dim, and the clip played for the one hundredth time, the clip of how everything should be. Who should date who, how everyone is supposed to behave and why we are supposed to do it. The hours passed by slowly, with every passing moment, Alice would feel her tummy growing even louder. She was tired, depressed, hungry, being tortured what a perfect life for a seventeen year old who would be finishing secondary. When the last scene played, she practically rejoiced though the food from this place was never good enough nor healthy. In the lines they came, they left in them to the dinning hall. The room was dim, despite the lack of curtains plus the extra lights it still wasn’t good enough, it never would be it was a dark time, the sun didn’t need to come out. Where Alice ate, her mind wondered to the words that brought her here, to the person and the day and everything hitting like flames her mind drifted with the words, ‘Alice don’t run, let them help you.’ playing in the background. A little smile pasted on her mind when she remembered the good memories she had with Samantha, a positive thought to get her through the day. They sat in the car, hand in hand in their little world. The world no one, not even they family knew about. Sam gave Alice a shy smile when their eyes met, in a moment of bliss Sam spoke. “I love you, Alice May.” The foolish smile was evident on Alice’s face, with one tight hand squeeze she crushed her lips on hers. Emotions bursted in both of them, their lips where one, they always where when placed again eachother. When their kiss broke apart, Alice looked Sam in the eyes, love and lust filled both their eyes and bodies. “I love you, Samantha Blue.” they kissed once again but this time Sam initiated the kiss. Later that day, she went home to her mother her sister was out again like she always was. She approached her mother who was deep in conversation with someone over the phone, when her mother noticed her she placed her hand over the speaker. “Anything you want?” her voice was barely audible. “I’m spending the night and rest of the day at Sam’s.” of course her mother nor Sam’s couldn’t suspect anything, to them they where just great friends. Her mother agreed with a nod which lead Alice to run up the stairs to pack. Alice arrived at Sam’s not a minute too late, the advantage of being neighbors. She let herself in like any other day, her mother was at work and so was her brother, she went directly to Sam’s room with her bag pack. Sam was laid beautifully on the bed in a large t-shirt with a book in her arm, when she heard the door open her eyes trailed to meet her girlfriend’s, they both smiled. Alice closed the door behind her walking towards the bed the bag was dropped to the floor. She sat beside Sam, her eyes not trying to hide the hint of her admiring the beauty in front of her. Sam smiled when she noticed Alice was lost of words, she placed her book aside before heading over to Alice’s lap. “Today” she whispered, Alice looked up to her trying to say something but Sam blocked her when she kissed her. And that day, they loved eachother, they admired and showed eachother how much they loved. Alice’s smile was still present on her face when John, one of the mannerless men gestured a bottle of pills in front of her. “May, medicine time. Take them like a good girl and today they won’t be and injections.” he placed the different coloured pills in front of her Alice took them from his hands before she stood up and walked to the trash bin, like their food she threw the pills away while he was watching. His eyes flickered in annoyance, with her middle fingers raised up high she moved them in the air towards him before she hurried off to the halls. She didn’t even make it to her cell when Fredrik got ahold of her, John followed with three injections both full. Like yesterday she would sleep like the dead and miss everything else, Alice was mostly kept asleep cause of her attitude and no one could ever get to her not even the shocks. She felt the piercing on her lower arm, two more where followed after that. And slowing the world began to fade, her heart beat weakened her eyes fell closed. The day Alice met Sam, was the day the Blue’s had just moved in. Alice was spying on them and her eyes couldn’t leave the girl her age she just saw. Her sister, Mercy came into the room, spotting Alice by the window spying on the new family that was just moving in. “Stop being creepy, and come help downstairs.” hearing Mercy’s voice surprised her cause she didn’t know when she walked in, she simply shook her head and her eyes fell on the neighbors again. While Sam was carrying one of the moving boxes, her eyes spotted Alice. To be friendly she gave her a wave and a smile but Alice in panic jumped off the window heading down stairs, leaving our new guest confused. When she was in the kitchen her mum greeted her with a loving hug, “Help Mercy with that.” Alice agreed and walked towards the sink. Once they had prepared the house welcoming food, the May’s where standing in front of the Blue’s front door. When the door bell was rung again, a woman about Avery stood there. “Oh come in, you must be the May’s. I’m Mrs. June Blue, we’re happy to have you.” “Pleasures all ours for the invitation, I’m Avery May and these are my daughter’s Mercy and Alice.” Once the greeting and hand shaking was done, they all got into the house making there way to the dinning room. Everyone was introduced, Mercy and Alice met Mike and Samantha as well as Mr. Blue. The dinner was soulful and full of chit chat, while Sam and Alice stole glances from one another time to time. Mrs. Blue cleared her throat, “Alice and Sam, you two should get to know eachother. You might became besties.” once she stopped speaking, Alice looked into Sam’s eyes their mouths altered no word but their eyes spoke. Only if their parents knew, it would be the start of something beautiful, so meaningful they wouldn’t be the same after today.
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