1396 Words
Why did she take so long in the bathroom? I can't get restless while waiting for Mia, I've been wanting to see what she has prepared to entertain me today. I expected to enjoy myself because I was going to pay triple of what she was asking for. Maybe that girl is an expert in making men happy so she agreed to make a deal with me. I was never shocked at that thought, what else could I expect? She is probably just like her mother who is a low class woman. I didn't expect the anger to rise in my heart, I froze and clenched both fists. There's only one thing I'm going to do today, I'm going to make sure that I'm the only one enjoying this night. Mia will finally taste the bitterness of my vengeance! A little while longer, she came out of the bathroom. She was wearing white nighties while her two piece underwear was black. I grinned as I stared at her, she looked like a bar girl who was ready to seduce just to make money! The only difference is that her face has no make-up and... am I seeing the fear in her eyes?! I shook my head, how she will get terrified when she agrees because of my money?! I looked at her again, in fairness to her, her body has a curved shape even though she was a bit chubby. I felt excited to touch her whole body, I think it was because she was so good at restraining me. And since the light wasn't off, I could clearly see that her skin was smooth and her brunette color was even. Mia's appearance is really attractive, her face is gentle and her hair is a bit messy which accentuates her charisma even more. I noticed that she didn't seem comfortable in front of me, she was holding tightly to his nighties as if that was the only thing she could do to hide her body from me. There was a feeling of pity in my chest but my brain immediately countered it. "What else are you doing, Mia? Get naked and make me happy!” I know my language is hostile but who cares? She took a deep breath with a look of doubt on her face, but she bravely removed her nighties as well. Now she's only wearing a bra and panties but she can't look into my eyes. "Now, dance." I ordered her coldly. "Huh?" "Are you deaf? Can you not ruin my night or else-” "Y-yeah, okay. Alright, I'll dance." She immediately cut off what I was saying and walked a little closer to me. I nodded and adjusted my leaning against the headboard of the bed. “D-don't we even have music?” she asked. I almost laugh, did she think we are in a romantic moment right now? "Are you kidding, Mia? Do you hear some music, huh?” She shook her head one after another. "That's right. Then, what are you waiting for?!” My voice started to get high. I felt tired. I'm slowed down by the pace of what we're both doing. Confusion and fear registered on her face, she started immediately, she grabbed the canopy of the bed and gently twitched her waist. I can see the shame in her actions but she fights it. I took a deep breath and looked away. She looks so boring. "How much will I pay you, Mia?" I asked her in dismay.. She stopped what she was doing, wet her lips and folded her shaking hands. Something she often does whenever she's in a panic. "U-uhm. Wa-one hundred fifty t-thousand," she answered almost in a whisper. In my annoyance I threw the pillow I was holding at her. "That's right, I will pay you more than what you deserve! You know, there are lots of expert women than you with a lower price but I chose you. If you can’t do your job properly, then you are just wasting my time!" "S-sorry, I'll try.." She said immediately and bowed her head. I was shocked when she suddenly took the bottle of whiskey from my mini-table, she opened it and poured the liquid in her mouth without saying anything. "Son of a- what are you doing?" I yelled at her. I must admit I was a bit amazed at what she did. After swallowing a few times, I could see that she was about to throw up but she stopped herself and faced me again, she still had the bottle in her hand. "I'm sorry, Liam. I-I really don't know what to do. If it's okay with you, let me do it the way I know how." I wanted to stone her again with anything I could touch but I held back. Why are her eyes like that? Does she have magnetic eyes? It seems like she wanted me to feel sorry and gave in. "Do anything you want. Just do your job properly if you don't want me to kick you out of here for nothing!” Mia smiled and then went to her bag. She took out her cell phone from there and played instrumental music. The melodious melody was sexy and if I’m not mistaken, it was coming from a saxophone. I immediately felt different, especially when she turned off the light and opened the lampshade which became our only light. I saw her take another sip of whiskey before finally putting it down on the mini-table. After a while, she seemed ready. I couldn't help but drool when I saw her close her eyes and follow the melody coming from her cellphone. She gently swayed while holding her hair, as if she was washing it down to her face. After a while, she also slowly removed her bra. She is not an expert in what she does, that's what I noticed, but the warmth she brings to my body is strange. "M-mia," I said weakly as she climbed onto the bed and took off the last covering on her body. When she landed on top of me, her natural aroma mixed with the smell of alcohol and her fragrant breath. I can't count how many times I swallowed my own saliva. I was right, her body was soft, I felt even more hot when I could freely hold her round and firm breast, it’s distance from my face was very small. I began to feel my libido get high, I wanted to take her immediately. I violently put my hands and mouth on both sides of her breast, sometimes I could hear her moaning in pain but I didn't care. She didn't object either as I lifted her up without saying anything to finally fulfill what my body wanted. I just didn't expect that she was still very tight. At the same time, as I finally entered to her, she suddenly hugged me tight. I was even surprised when her nails almost dug into my shoulders. “Aahhh- ouch!” she growled softly. It was very low as if she just wanted to hide it but I heard. I got nervous and stopped. Suddenly the heat I felt changed, I felt my body became cold, I stopped moving and I violently pushed her away from my body. My heart seemed to break when I saw her eyes filled with tears. "W-why did you.. Stop?" trying to fix her speech, she also wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Are you still.. a virgin?" I can hardly say that because of the strange feeling that surrounds me now. "H-huh?" she bowed down her head again. "G*d damn it, Mia, answer my question quickly!" I loudly shouted at her. She nodded one after the other. "Y-yes, b-but I'm fine now-" "F*ck!" I yelled angrily again. I don’t know if the anger I feel is for her or myself. “L-liam,” I quietly took the cheque and wrote the amount we both discussed then I threw it at her. “Leave!” I ordered as I pointed to the bedroom door. "B-but," "I said leave!" I saw that she was still startled by the force of my shout but she quickly followed. She entered the bathroom and quickly came out wearing her clothes and left me without a word.
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