Chapter 48

1651 Words

Narrator’s POV— “What about Chris’s room?” Dan asked again. Nikita frowned! She really didn’t think that Sam might be in Chris’s room! It never even crossed her mind for once! But now that Dan asked, she felt like a fool! “Umm..well….err…” she hesitated and stammered scratching the back of her neck. “Well what?? Did you or didn’t you?” Dan strode to her and asked bending over the sofa where she was sitting. “Nope!! I didn’t even consider that possibility!” Nikita shook her head and pressed her lips into a tight thin line. “Gosh!” Dan rolled his eyes and said under his breath and then left commenting, “And here I was worrying for nothing!!” Nikita scowled looking at Dan’s back and huffing angrily she stood up. She also needed to prove that Dan was wrong and as much as she knew Sam, s

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