Twin's Birthday

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(Dara's POV) Seems as though I have Alot of training to do in the future now that I have found the princess. I don't think she realizes she has 3 powers already. Her wings means she can fly. I will have to teach her that her wings can come out in any form and can be retracted in any form too. She will have a total of 21 powers by the age of the 13. She needs to learn to control all of them by that time. When she turns 13 we will have to start our journey to find her mate before heading to defeat the king. Hopefully her other two protectors show up before then. Moon Goddess guide her protectors here. We will need all the help and protection we can get. The protectors can form a shield to protect Adelia but it's stronger when all 5 of us are together. Show up soon I sense danger in this pack. (Adelia's POV) -6 Months Later- It has been six months all my brothers, daddy, mommy, Dara and Emma have been helping me train. I do the human form fighting with Emma because no one can know of my wolf or powers. The twins and Dara help me control my powers I have gained a couple of those too. I now have elemental control of air, water, earth, fire and energy. That makes 8 powers now because Dara taught me that my wings can let me fly in wolf or human form. It's amazing. I have learned to control all 8 powers but Dara says I have 13 more powers to go, which is alittle scary. My daddy, Aron and Adam have been training me to fight in my wolf form. I think I am getting really good at it but ik I still have Alot to learn. Today is the twins birthday. They are 18. I am hiding in the backyard where the party is waiting to surprise them. I see Alec and Alfie looking everywhere for me, we were playing hide and seek. They finally step out the back door looking around. The whole pack jumps out and yells, "SURPRISE". They gasp litterally shocked till they remember they were looking for me and go back into protector mode searching for me in the crowd. When their eyes land on me they sigh in relief. "Thank you everyone. We are so glad to celebrate this day with you all." the twins say while smiling. Dara nudges me, "I think you scared them when they couldn't find you. Probably not the best way to surprise them," She whispers in my ear. I guess she's right, now I feel bad. "I didn't mean to worry them," I whisper. The twins walk up to me and go to hug me, I back up and hang my head in shame on the verge of tears. "I'm so sorry I worried you guys." I say while sniffling. "Oh no." Dara says. Did I do something again. The twins wrap their arms around me, "Don't cry princess we aren't upset with you and you don't want to ruin your pretty dress and this nice party by crying and making it rain do you?" I guess I haven't got it all under control yet. I wipe my eyes before the tears can fall and smile up at my brothers. "Are you really not mad at me?" I ask. "Of course not princess. We love you to much to be mad." The twins say. While Dara decides she wanted to join the group hug too. We all laugh untill Ashton walked up to us. "Happy Birthday Alec and Alfie. You mind if I talk to Adelia?" Ashton says. The twins growl at him and Dara stares daggers. She has wanted to kill him since she found out the whole story of my mixed emotions. The reason my body called for her. I haven't seen Ashton since the day I fell. What does he want? "It's okay guys. What do you want Ashton? Shouldn't you be with Bella?" I ask through gritted teeth. "I want my mate back. My wolf is angry all the time. I don't want Bella. I want you." Ashton yells. The twins growl again. What did he just say? What just happened? I feel so conflicted. He never even had me. 'My daughter there is no mate bond with him anymore. Let him leave. Stand up for yourself.' "You never had me Ashton. I am not your mate." I say getting angry "Leave and forget about me. I don't exist to you anymore." I all but yell. Next I know I am sitting in a forest with flowers all around me like I am in a garden. How did I get here? Did I pass out? Am I dreaming? Little one foot tall people with wings and colored like the rainbow start flying around me, their wings glisten in the sun. They are so pretty. They land on the ground and bow down to me, a little pastel pink one with hot pink hair walks up to me. She has a white crescent moon on her forhead like Dara and the twins wolf form. "Hello Princess, I have waited for you to show up. I am your fairy protector, Ally. I am 150 years old. It is nice to finally meet you." Ally the fairy says. Wow. Amazing. "Hi I'm Adelia. Nice to meet you Ally. Do you know how I got here? Or where we are?" I say shyly. Ally laughs and gets up from Bowing. "Did you know you could teleport? I assume not. This must be your first time. We are in the fairy hidden forest. We hide so the Werewolf King doesn't find us to drain us of our powers. Okay. I am going to hold your hand and you are going to think of where you just came from so we could go back." Ally says. "Okay." I say. I think about my living room because if I go to the back yard everyone will see and off Ally and I go back to my home. This is so cool I can teleport and found my fourth protector. I smile to myself. (Alec's POV) We listen to princess practically yell at Ashton. There is so much authority in her voice. What is happening? When she is done talking she just disappears. I look at Alfie and Dara. They look confused and scared. Their eyes are searching everywhere for Adelia. How did we lose her? She runs fast but not too the point we can't see her take off. "Where is she?" I ask them. "Where is who?" Ashton asks. Is he dumb? I growl annoyed, "Where is Adelia guys?" Alfie and Dara look upset, "I don't know" they both whisper. Mom, dad, Alpha, Luna, Derek, Adam and Aron run over to us. "Happy Birthday boys," they yell smiling till they see Dara Alfie and my worried faces. "What's wrong?" Dad asks. "Where's Adelia?" Mom asks. "Where's princess?" Adam and Aron growl out. "Why are you over here Ashton? Did you do something to Adelia? We told you to stay away from her." The Alpha Bellows. "What? Who's Adelia? I was just wishing the twins a happy birthday."Ashton says. He really does look confused what happen? Dad and Mom growl, "Shes our daughter." "You guys have a daughter?" Ashton questions. " I thought you only had 4 sons." Okay something is wrong here. He seems completely confused and like he's telling the truth. I look at Alfie and Dara and I see it in their eyes. Pride. I get it she must have gotten a new power. " Okay guys stop. Ashton thank you. Enjoy the party." I say. He smiles at me and takes off back to his friends. Everyone is looking at me very confused and very angry. "I think Adelia got a new power." I whisper. They all smile, "I think she has manipulation of the mind. She can make you forget things, believe different things, control your actions. It's very impressive." Dara says smiling. "Then where is she?" mom asks. "That we don't know, mom. Maybe she's invisible." Alfie says with a goofy grin. He can be an i***t sometimes. You can tell he's a minute younger than me. We all look at him like he's crazy. " I'll go check the house" I say running towards the back door and of course everyone decided to follow me. We can't find her anywhere. We ran out the front door and found a note attached to it. I decide to read it out loud to everyone. "Dear wolves. I know she is here. I will be collecting my prize soon. Better watch your backs she may be already gone. hahahaha. Yours, S" "What the hell is this? Are they talking about Adelia? We have to find her." I say. (Adelia's POV) Ally and I got in the living room it was alittle rough on the landing. I fell on the couch and Ally landed on top of me. I groaned from the impact. Good thing she's small. "Okay I think you need to learn more about how to land." Ally squeaks out. She has a high pitch voice but it's not one of those annoying ones, more like a mockingbird singing. "I agree." I groan. Once I stand up I am tackled to the floor by non other than the twins and Dara. Aren't they supposed to be protectors. Ugh. "Okay get off grizzly bears." I say to the twins because Dara's already up looking at Ally weirdly. The twins chuckle and lift me up along with themselves into a bear hug. They are going to be the death of me. Once the boys put me down the questions start firing off. "Where were you?" Alec says. "How did you leave like that?" Dara says. "Can you turn invisible?" Alfie says. "Why can't Ashton remember you?" Luna Marie and Alpha Ryan ask. "Are you hurt?" Mommy and daddy question. "Who is that?" Aron and Adam ask pointing at Ally. Ugh I can feel the headache already. " I am fine everyone. I don't know why Ashton can't remember me I just told him to leave and forget me because we are not mates anymore. I am not hurt mommy and daddy I'm okay. I can't turn invisible Alfie but I can teleport, which is how I found Ally my fairy protector." I say to everyone while pointing at Ally. She waves. Dara decides to talk. " You have two new powers," she said excitingly. Two? I question in my head. "Mind manipulation and teleportation. Goody new things to practice." I forgot to mention we had to have a meeting with the Alpha, Luna and Derek so they know almost all of the situation except who my father is, that I can shift into my wolf and that the person starting the war and that I have to kill is no other than the werewolf king. Something's aren't trusted to everyone because if they are questioned by higher superiors they would be forced to spill. We can't have that. Element of surprise is my best shot. I introduce everyone to Ally then I decide to go to bed. My powers drained me. I feel like I could sleep for a week. Before I can take 5 steps I am stopped by Alec's words, "Someone is after you. We will have to do rotations in your room to keep you safe." He reads the note to me and it scares me more, the clouds outside are getting dark. Oh no. When I'm scared I can start tornados. This isn't good. Dara comes and rubs my shoulders to try to calm me. "Your safe. Calm down. I won't let anyone get to you." Dara whispers in my ear. What? "Who is 'S'?" I question. "We don't know." Aron says upset. They discuss rotations between everyone and then Alec and Alfie take me up to bed. I think I need a good night's sleep. .................... ....Dream..... ................... I am back at the waterfall with my mother, the Moon Goddess. "Hello Mother" I say smiling at her. She smiles back, "Hello daughter. Congratulations on your two new powers. S is Sinthler. He is a vampire and siren, he has no one behind him but thinks if he can get you he will rule the world. The easiest way to defeat him is by fire. He will be back on your 10th birthday for you in 6 months. You must find your last protector before then so they can put a shield around you while you send fire at him. Otherwise he will lure you in with his songs and you will stand no chance against him. Be safe my daughter. Your vampire protector is near. Use your senses and bring him out. Distress calls bring the protectors to you or you to them. I love you." She says. I run up and hug her tight. I love seeing her. "Thank you mother for the warning. I love you." Then I get pulled back into darkness determined to find my fifth protector and strengthen my powers.
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