01.Lee's Handsome Stranger

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"Come on Lee, it's been forever since you did anything fun." Endora tried to coax her friend into joining her to the club. "Plus it won't be only us, our whole group is going and they miss you. They haven't seen you for weeks and you have been cooped up in this tiny house of yours forever." Lee wasn't still convinced, him and her do this almost every week. He was convinced that his best friend was just addicted to partying. "Dora we came here to study not party all the time." Endora rolled her eyes, "well you do a lot of studying for the whole group." She said sarcastically, "and you do a whole lot of partying for the both of us." He retaliated. "Look just one night allow yourself to forget about the guy you dated five years ago, let loose, have fun and by tomorrow I'll join you in the depression of your lost love." She stopped pulling on him and threw herself on the couch next to him. "If I go will you promise not to ask me out again for the next two months?" Her eyes lit up and she faced him, "only if you promise to have genuine fun and not sit at the bar just drinking until we done partying." Lee sighed, looks like his plan to get through this partying was ruined. Endora waited in anticipation. He nodded in agreement and as soon as he nodded, Endora stood up and rushed to his bedroom and started picking an outfit for him. She emerged from the bedroom holding three outfits, "which one do you like best?" She asked all excited. "That is too colorful, Im not wearing that." He pointed to the first outfit shaking his head. Endora immediately eliminated it and held out the two remaining ones. "where did that come from?" He pointed to the long pink t-shirt and the shorts. "It's one of the outfits I usually just buy for you and sneak them in your closet whenever I sleep over" she giggled. "That's creepy and it shows too much leg for me to wear it to a club." Endora nodded and handed him the last outfit, "get dressed and then I'll do your make-up for you." She handed him the black see through long sleeved shirt, with the black leather skinny pants. Lee looked them over and he knew he can't complain. He went and got dressed then immediately came out. "Wow! You look absolutely stunning." Endora nodded with approval. "My n*****s are showing." He complained, "well you didn't want to show your legs." She pulled him in and sat him on the couch not giving him time to complain further. She started putting on make-up for him. She went for the smokey eyes, and light make-up but she put on a little shimmer for him on top just to make him pop. She showed him the finished look and Lee couldn't lie, it has been a very long time since he saw himself looking so beautiful. He smirked and Endora knew he loved it, then she went and got ready and to the club they went. They met their group of friends there who were utterly surprised and happy at the same time to see Lee out and about. "You look beautiful." One of the girls from the group commented. Lee smirked, "Let's go party guys." They looked at him surprised and then followed him. They started their night with shots immediately. Lee just wanted to get a little tipsy so that he can have the energy to party. After a few shots he dragged Endora to the dance floor and they started dancing. The music was wild and crazy and Lee was keeping up with the beat. After a few minutes Endora just stopped dancing and observed her best friend enjoying the music. After three songs Lee whispered to Endora that he wants to return to their table and drink some more. They returned to their table and Lee took four shots consecutively. Then one guy approached him and asked him to dance he glanced at his friends and dragged the strange man to the dance floor and they started dancing. By the second song Lee and the strange man were awfully close to one another, making eye contact, the man had his hand around Lee's waist pulling him closer to himself and Lee had his hands wrapped around the stranger's neck, with their face so close to each other they can feel each other's breaths on their faces. Lee was busy grinding on the stranger getting him all hot and bothered but to Lee it was just fun and there were no feelings whatsoever. His friends were surprised but Endora was happy for him, she was glad he kept his promise. They decided to join him on the dance floor and after several songs and when Lee could feel that the man was getting a little horny he decided to end their dancing and go back to their table and calm himself down with two shots. His friends joined him in a little while, "wow! You went all out on the dance floor." Endora yelled. "Well you said to have fun." He smirked. Michael looked at him, "will you dance with me the way you danced with the stranger?" He was just testing the waters, he knew that Lee would say no but he tried either way. "No." Lee raised his eyebrows. Michael wasn't that disappointed he expected this. Lee suddenly pulled him, "I can do wayy much better." He smiled and dragged Michael to the floor, leaving everybody shocked. He didn't start slow with Michael, his back was against Michael's chest, and he was moving his hips to the beat swiping against Michael's front. Michael was hesitant to touch him and Lee knew so in the next beat drop he suddenly bent down, touched the floor and grinded against Michael. This had his friends jaws on the floor and Michael was still stuck, he didn't know how to react to this Lee. Lee could still feel his stiffness soo he took matters into his own hands and stood back up leaning all the way back into Michael and just grinding against his whole body. Then he took Michael's hands and started controlling them to roam his body and and feel his body. Michael was stuck for like five seconds then he took control over his body remembering that this kinda of opportunity comes only once in his lifetime. They were dancing and feeling each other's body during the dance just letting their bodies to do the talking. Now in the dark corner of the club where the lights seldomly lit up there were three men sitting there just observing what was happening in the club. They initially came out to have fun but when they got to the club they couldn't find anybody to have fun with and when the other two men suggested leaving Theo stopped them and told them that he planned his outfit and at least he was going to sit two hours enjoying wearing it. His friends were annoyed but Brian thought since they are staying two hours at least he will drink his boredom away. Theo was sitting his fine ass self in the most charming position showing off his outfit, while nursing his second glass of whiskey on the rocks that he has been drinking for the last thirty minutes. He wasn't a big fan of alcohol or many things that people love, like coffee or spicy food. Brian had lost count of how many beers he had been drinking. He loved beer and champagne more than any other alcoholic beverages but he could drink literally anything as long as he got drunk. As for Nathan he wanted to come to club to dance and let loose, he loved dancing and good music and most of all he loved clubs that played good music which he could dance to but today he was disappointed because with all the good music that was playing all the ladies did for the 1 hour and forty-five minutes they have been here was approach them and ask to talk, or ask for their numbers or ask to buy them a drink and join them. Obviously Theo was content, he loved the attention, Brian couldn't care less and Nathan was counting the minutes remaining for them to get the hell out of here. After finishing his whiskey Theo told them they could leave as he was now getting tired of the shallow attention he was now continuing to get. Nathan sighed in relief and Brian downed his last drop of beer and they stood to leave. As they were heading for the exit a couple caught Nathan's eyes and he loved the way the guy was grinding on the other guy, all carefree and how their bodies were just moving in sync and doing the talking. Brian and Theo looked at him as he was immensed in the dancing of the couple, they were surprised as to why he suddenly stopped when he was the one who wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. His heart started beating more loudly than it usually does, and he could feel himself get aroused by the way they were moving. And without even knowing he started walking towards them, and he stood infront of Lee who didn't notice him because he was immensed in dancing with Michael and his eyes were closed just letting the music take over his body. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw Nathan standing in front of him. He stopped dancing getting Michael out of his trance. Lee and Nathan locked eyes and for a second Lee could swear he saw Nathan's eyes flash a color of deep ocean blue before they went back to their normal self, but he brushed that aside thinking it was the lighting and his drunk self. "Can I dance with you?" Nathan yelled through the music, Michael farrowed his eyebrows annoyed, because couldn't this sharp jaw lined, perfect faced guy see he was dancing with Lee? Lee smirked and nodded. "Lee..." Michael reminded him that they were dancing. Lee turned around smiling to his friend, "I came here to slut around for just a few hours, we danced enough you must be tired.... go take a rest and let me take this handsome man out for a spin." He whispered in his friends ear so that the stranger does not hear what he said. Nathan tried so hard to hear what they were whispering about but the music was too loud interfering with his hightened hearing, all he got was, "handsome man for a spin..." he smiled to himself hearing that. Lee didn't even wait for Michael to be far away from him before he started throwing himself on the handsome man. They were doing the same moves that him and Michael had pulled but theirs were more in tune, and swift and light. It was like they had practiced dancing before, it came so naturally to them. Lee couldn't deny that he was feeling a sense of euphoria everytime the handsome man got his face anywhere close to his body and breathed down on him, he had to take a sharp breath in everytime and let the feeling swallow him whole. The whole time he was dancing from the first strange man to Michael he could feel himself putting effort into dancing but with this handsome man there was no effort at all, his body just knew what to do and how to respond to the handsome man's moves. Nathan loved everything about dancing with this man, something about this man just pulled him in everytime and once in a while when he touches him soflty and swiftly Nathan's eyes would light up a deep ocean blue giving him the best feeling, better than s*x. He never knew his eyes would light up so much from only dancing. On the other hand Brian and Theo were surprised and mesmerized by what was taking place in front of them, Nathan had come here to dance and looks like he found someone he could dance with for eternity if given a chance. As both their friend groups were immensed in their passionate dancing, Lee knew the fifth song they were now dancing to was coming to an end and he was exhausted he knew he couldn't do another song or he might pass out on this handsome stranger's hands. So when the beat dropped Nathan expected him to pull another awasome move that would give him that euphoric feeling but Lee did something different. He immediately turned around and launched himself onto the handsome man with no confirmation whatsoever that he would be caught, but Nathan didn't disappoint and caught Lee obviously surprised. Lee put his right hand through the fluffly straightened hair of the handsome man and yanked his head back, then he went wrapped the left hand around Nathan's exposed throat and leaned in and kissed him. None of the parties who were participating in the kiss knew what took over them but kissing was happening and it was out of this world. Nathan's slim upper lip and avarage lower lip were absolutely soft mixed with Lee's slightly rough lips. They were dancing like their bodies and you would think the kiss was rough and sped up but it wasn't. It was slow, and deep but with less passion. Their friend groups were shocked nearly to a heart attack, and Michael was furious and jealous at the same time thinking if he hadn't agreed to let that stupid handsome, perfectly structured handsome man near Lee, he would be the one feeling Lee's lips which he always dreamed about. The song was finally over and Lee immediately broke the kiss and got down from handsome man's body, "thank you for the dance." He whispered leaving Nathan rooted on his spot only turning his head to follow the direction he took. Lee got to his table and downed three shots then turned to Endora, "was that enough fun for you to stop bothering me for the next few months?" Dora was still in a trance but she nodded slowly. Lee had expressed that he was tired and now wanted to go home and rest his body, Endora couldn't say no because she was so happy with her friends performance tonight. The group went to find taxis and Lee went to pee before catching up with them. As he was stumbling outside the club, Nathan suddenly showed up in front of him, "hi." He raised his hand. Lee just stared at him indicating that he can just talk. "Can I have your number? I would very much like to see you again." Nathan nodded. "No." Lee shook his head. "I'm not into dating, I was just out to have fun and that's where I would like for it to end." Nathan read his face for a while, and he could tell he wasn't playing hard to get he was really serious. "Please, I promise I won't be creepy or clingy. I just want to take you out on a date and get to know you better." He was pleading with his eyes. "That's excatly what I'm avoiding." Lee said and tried to walk past him but Nathan blocked his way. Lee let out a sigh of frustration. "Fine just give me your number and we can talk over the phone until you're ready to let me take you out on the date." Lee rolled his eyes wrecking his brain on how to deal with this annoying guy because he could tell he would never let him pass. "Okay fine let's make a deal." He smiled. "I'll allow you to take me out on a date." Nathan immediately took out his phone and handed it to Lee. "No." He rejected the phone. "Pick a place." He commanded. "Huh?" Nathan was confused. "Pick a place you want to take me to for the date." He explained. "Mhmm..." Nathan thought hard then he picked some fancy restaurant. Lee rolled his eyes because he hated fancy restaurants, he preferred small restaurants that had a homey vibe. "Okay now pick the date and time." Nathan thought this was strange but he did as he was told, he picked next week Tuesday at 7pm. Lee nodded. "Okay me and you will meet next week Tuesday at the agreed restaurant. If the date goes well and I enjoy myself as much as I enjoyed tonight, then I will give you my numbers and we will continue to get to know each other better but if I don't enjoy myself then you don't get my numbers and I never wanna see you again. Deal?" He asked and Nathan nodded, Lee was about to leave but Nathan blocked his way again. "What if you're tricking me, what if you don't show up?" Lee breathed in then out trying so hard to compose himself. "Fine what guarantee do you want that I will show up." He asked, "give me something valuable to you that you would definitely want back, forcing you to come to me and get it." Lee searched himself and realized he wasn't carrying anything valuable on him except his phone and wallet and he couldn't give those out. Then he touched his left arm and saw the bracelet, it was one he promised to never take off, although the person he promised this to was likely married and in love with someone else by now. But that didn't matter to him, this bracelet was important to him and it will always be. He was hesitant to take it off but he did and handed it to him, "I'll definitely come for it." Nathan looked it over and it was a handmade bracelet and it looked old, how was this even important to him, if he lost it he would definitely just make himself another one. As if he could read Nathan's mind he said, "I know it doesn't look valuble but it is, the person who gave it to me is someone I will never find again. So this is the only thing that's still connects me to him and I want to keep that connection for as long as possible." Nathan's heart was warmed up and broken at the same time but he was still not convinced. "See, this pic was taken five years ago and the bracelet was still pretty new, and I still wear it to this day." Nathan looked at the picture and Lee was smiling so genuinely in that picture that anyone could tell how happy he was to recieve that bracelet, it still looked cheap although new. "Okay I'll hang on to the bracelet so you must come find me." Lee nodded and started walking away but he stopped and turned around. "Remember I'll only wait for thirty minutes, which means you're allowed to be thirty minutes late. Anymore than that, I'm leaving and you won't ever see me again." Nathan squinted his eyes, "make sure no emergency comes up on Tuesday." He formed a soft smile and walked away. He immediately regretted giving away his precious bracelet but he was too tired and exhausted and his head was buzzing so he did what he did so that he could end the conversation quickly with the stranger and rush home.
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