Chapter 5

228 Words
Chapter 5 Galactic Standard Date: 152,323.02 AE Earth Orbit: SRN ‘Jamaran’ Lieutenant Kasib LT. KASIB The SRN Jamaran [20] orbited the blue resource planet which Shay'tan (a thousand blessings upon his name) had sent this battle cruiser to secure. Sata'anic Royal Navy Lieutenant Kasib stared at ship's communications console, a no-frills black and white flatscreen just like the others which ringed the command center, flicking the air with his long, forked tongue as he scanned the reports scrolling in from the planet's surface. In the commander's chair behind him, shaped remarkably like the pedestal of a black rook, General Hudhafah's sharp dorsal ridge [21] reared in irritation. "Any word on that Angelic [22] scout ship?" he hissed. Kasib eyed the reports with his gold-green serpentine eyes. "We can detect no energy signatures emanating from the planet, Sir," Kasib said. "It appears to have broken up during reentry." "And what about the wreckage?" Kasib tasted the air for pheromones [23] indicating General Hudhafah's level of irritation. Like all low-ranking males who served in Shay'tan's armies, he was hyper-alert to the slightest reddening of his commanding officer's dewlap. "It broke up here." He pointed at a part of the map, a narrow sea fed by two great rivers in the middle of a desolate swath of ochre yellow desert. "Calculate the most likely crash area and find the wreckage." General Hudhafah bared his fangs. "The last thing we want is the Alliance knowing what we've found."
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