Chapter 2 Morning talk

2102 Words
Mia's POV When I emerge from my bedroom, I automatically make eye contact with my roommate. "Good morning, beautiful." Naomi's cheerful voice rings in my ears like a bird in the early morning. I groan out, sending her a half smirk. I reach up, stretching and waving as I just walk past. I get to the cabinets.. I open the one that holds our glasses as I search every single shelf for my favorite mug.. but it is not there.. I close it and go onto the one holding the plastic ware.. not there.. I go to the pantry one, just hoping I accidentally put it in there.. I even look at the drying rack where I set the wet dishes down to dry after being washed... not there, either. Since I'm sure I had washed it and made sure to put it away yesterday... I just don't know where else to look.. I'm baffled but also out of it since I didn't get much sleep.. It must be here right in front of my nose without me even knowing. I'm human, and people make mistakes all the time.. so maybe I'm delusional at this point. Where could it be? I start slamming cabinet doors open, then shut, reconfirming that my mug is not in there. I huff out in frustration, not trying to throw a fit but with me being already tired, waking up to more bad news, along with my sh*tty lack of a love life and now this? I just want to have a nice, easygoing day. Is that too much to ask? "You looking for this Sour Sally?" Naomi softly asks from right behind me as I flip around and face her just to see my favorite owl mug in her hands. The steam that exits the mug billows around her face, almost framing the smug grin that encompasses her features. "Yeah, thanks... but I'm not sour.. or grumpy.. I'm just tired." I snap as she scoffs automatically at that sentiment. "Yeah, sure.. you tell yourself whatever you need to, but I know grumpy when I see it.. So you are something. If not grumpy or sour, then what's with the attitude this early in the morning?" She inquires from me as I shake my head before taking a sip of the perfectly soothing and sweet coffee I needed at this moment. " I'm just tired.. not grumpy.. I'm just.. irritated.." I state but not giving her an actual explanation. "Why are you irritated.. I thought you said you made great money last night.. and last I saw you had a big smile on your face before you went to bed.. So what happened in that span of time? a bad dream? restlessness?" She inquires once again before I spat under my breath. "No.. I.. I just didn't get much sleep." She giggles at my explanation before stepping closer and pushing my hair that's hanging down in my face from my high placed messy bun, then behind my ear. "I think that's the same thing as restlessness, Mia." I roll my eyes as I turn away from her and storm over to the kitchen island in a huff. I flop down into my seat, letting the irritation just radiate off of me. Naomi looks sad at my actions, and I feel bad automatically. She didn't do anything wrong, so I shouldn't be taking this out on her. "I'm sorry, Nay.. It's not you.. I am just irritated.. and maybe you're right.. Maybe I am a little grumpy from the lack of sleep.. just like you said... and probably other things, too." I finally give in and slightly explain to her as she walks over to the edge of the counter that's directly across from me. "So why was there a lack of sleep? What kept your mind up? What's going on? You can't expect me to not want to know what the 'other things' are." With her question begging for an answer. I instantly can feel the frustration of not being able to keep a stable relationship going and how every time I find someone I'm interested in, they are more than willing to leave me high and dry without a word to me.. This has happened to many times over the years to ever think that it's not me. "I'm not worth anyone's time or energy.. that's what." I spat taking another sip as I loudly put the mug back onto the countertop. "You're worth all the time in the world.. so what's really going on here?" She says as she leans down on the counter, which brings her face only a foot away from mine. "I just don't think I will ever be happy.. and it's irritating." I state to her as I look down ashamed about this, knowing it is something wrong with me.. I'm the common factor in all these same problems, so how could it not be? Naomi reaches over, pushing the hair I didn't know was falling down again, right back behind my ear. She keeps her hand up there just to trace her fingertips from my ear and down along my jawline before pinching my chin lightly. She quickly smirks my way before she retorts. "You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and I truly mean that.. You will be happy, and the right person for you is out there.. I promise." She says as I shake my head. "I was ghosted again, Nay.. AGAIN!" I shake my phone at her, and I think she gets the idea that I haven't had any responses back since our date a couple of weeks ago.. I have been trying to be patient and not come off desperate.. but it's been a while now with nothing in return.. and I have sent multiple messages and even tried calling with no response whatsoever. I watch as Naomi shake her head, but I do the same before spatting, "This can't be a coincidence anymore.. it has to be me.. this has happened far too many times for me to ever think it's them.. I'm the common factor in all of these situations.. But none of them will talk to me to even tell me why.. so I can at least try to fix what's wrong with me.. but it's just radio silence. I don't have an inkling of an idea why every person that finds me attractive and I have some sort of connection with has left me high and dry.. I don't know what I do to turn them away from wanting to be with me.. I just feel so unappealing." I try to explain as best as I can, feeling all the sorrow from my heart through my words. I feel Naomi's hand lightly lift my chin, so I am looking up at her. She has sadness in her eyes, maybe understanding the pain I feel or maybe just hating seeing me like this. "I was talking about that with Deema the other day, and the first thing she said was that it's his loss and I agree.. He doesn't know what kind of a catch you're, so all you need to know is that he doesn't deserve to know.. especially if he acts like this.. I still think you need to go back to women completely. You know we will always take great care of our partners. It's well worth it." She tries to convince me once again about her lifestyle that I have absolutely no problems with. "I wish Deema would make a trip over here so I could finally meet her.. she sounds nice.. are you sure that the two of you aren't a thing yet.. you both have been close for so many years.. maybe it's time to try that. "I say, trying to change the subject, but with her one eyebrow raising as she continues to stare at me, I think she sees what I'm doing. "Nice way to avoid things while changing the subject." she states, making me chuckle as I shake my head. "I thought I was slick.. but it's not like I have given up on women or even men.. You know I love both equally.. they are all beautiful in their own ways, and I appreciate both sides.. I just thought I had connected with him like I had with the others, and somehow they all weren't interested... the men or the women because remember there have been some of both that have ghosted me over the years.. it's just frustrating.. and making me not want to date anyone.. man or woman.. I almost want to give up all together. " I snap this out loud, not at her but at the situation. "You know what? Forget that guy.. and you know what else? When we get home from work tonight, we will have a fun night to ourselves. We will drink, relax, stress relieve ourselves and play games.. We could even cook and watch movies.. it will be a wonderful night.. That sound good to you?" My head instinctively nods, loving that idea. "That sounds wonderful.. thanks, Nay.. I don't know what I would do without you." She circles the counter as I turn with her. Still facing her the entire time until her arms wrap around me. She comforts my hurting heart with her kind words, great ideas, and selfless hugs. I would be lost without her.. this is why she is my best friend and has been that for 6 years. "Besides, it's going to be busy couple of nights and we will need the relaxation to survive it without compustong from within. From the basketball game tonight to the UFC fight the next night, and you know we will be filled up with people for that.. so we take advantage and make tons of money, then spend some of it on getting us some alcohol.. and forgetting the whole rest of the weekend, since we have the day off Sunday to recover. She explains as I keep smiling and nodding. "Wait, you want to drink both nights?" I ask as she vigorously nods. "Of course." I shake my head not knowing if that's a good idea at least for me. "I don't know if I can do that anymore.. the drinking is getting harder for me." I state because she knows I'm not the biggest drinker. "I know. I just thought we could let loose and have some much-needed fun." She explains as I groan out, punching the bridge of my nose. Once I open my eyes again, they connect with her pleading ones. "Please, Mia... Please?" She begs of me as I huff out before agreeing. "Of course I'll drink with you both nights.. But I'm having a full recovery day on Sunday then.. ehich means Im not doing anything!" I demand of her as she chuckles and nods with me in agreement. "Alright, I have to work a double today.. I get there at 10 and work until close tonight.. what about you?" She asks, chugging the rest of her coffee as I follow doing the same. "I picked up Stacy's morning, so I'm going to be doing the same.. which is probably good that we walk in and out together.. especially with that man running around the city assaulting women." I claim as she sadly nods. "Yeah, I heard this morning that there was another one last night.. it's getting a little too close to home for me.. I want you to take my brass knuckles." She suggests as I vigorously shake my head. "You know those are illegal in our state." She sadly nods but still walks to her purse to try to hand them to me. I keep shaking my head as I state. "I would rather just put my keys between my fingers. At least I know I wouldn't get in trouble for that." She continues to sadly nod at me as she puts away her technically illegal weapon. I have always kind of been a stickler for the rules.. not always, but most of the time, if I could help not getting in trouble I will.. and she knows it. "I'm going to go jump in the shower.. thanks for the coffee and the talk." I say to her as she smiles and I blow her a kiss before walking to the shared bathroom. Starting that water that will help wake me the rest of the way up for this long day to come.. or at least that's what I'm hoping.
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