Chapter 4: Falling for him

1490 Words
It was deadly quiet when we entered through the black gates. No one was outside, no wolves, nothing. I couldn’t even hear any birds singing. It was very creepy and the hair on the back of my neck suddenly stood on end, sending shivers down my spine, though I wasn’t sure why. Suddenly we heard loud rustling coming from the forest. It sounded like it was coming closer, like a predator running at us. I smelt wolf from there, but not the usual warm and musky scent that the pack had, this one was more sharp and woodsy smelling and as soon as the smell hit me, it was accompanied by howling. The howling seemed to trigger my mind as it switched more towards the wolf’s. Apparently the longer you were a werewolf, the more you would involuntarily mentally shift to the wolf’s mind. Until you were like that permanently, with enough human in you to still live among people without too much discomfort. My body tensed as I listened to the challenge. It began with the Alpha howling three times, each one a little more intense than the last. Then it stopped before starting up again and being joined by the beta and working their way down the ranks until the whole pack were howling in unison. The mid-ranking packs would be the ones to howl, yip, bark and whine to convince us that there were more than there actually were. I only knew this information because Jane and Blaze had been teaching me, and although my mind had switched to the wolf’s, it held enough of my humanness to recognise that they were only trying to sound like a larger pack than there really was. Jane grabbed me and ran inside the building, locking the doors behind us. "What’s going on?" I panted. I was feeling both excited and nervous and knew it was my wolf growing excited at the thrill of a possible hunt, it was the human in me that was nervous. "It’s the pack we’ve been having trouble with. They want to take over our land and challenge the Alpha." she whispered. Leading me down the hall into the living room, we joined Blaze, where the rest of the pack were already sitting and waiting. "Jane, Josie. We’ve been looking for you, you weren’t answering your phone," said Blaze sternly from across the table. "Sorry. Me and Josie were at the cinema, but we smelt and heard the rival challenge of another pack outside and ran straight in." she replied, walking over to sit next to him. Jason was sat on Blaze’s other side at the small dining table, looking at a map of this place, and of course, Marie was sat with him, her arm looped through his pretending that she was just as interested as he was in the map. She looked up at me and smiled a very fake smile. The warning in her eyes and her whole body language were very clear, "his mine. Stay away or else." for a moment I forgot the warning in her eyes and was just chuffed that I had been able to read her body language so easily. It was the start of my wolf instincts kicking in and when I looked back up at her again she was already back to giving her undivided attention to Jason’s arm, snuggling into it like she’d never let go. I had an overwhelming urge to growl right then, I couldn’t help it. I was falling for a man I didn’t even know yet, and I was powerless to stop it. He was beautiful and dangerous all at once, and I simply could not resist him. It was pretty obvious the other females felt the same way. They were all looking at him admiringly every now and again when they thought he didn’t notice. I knew he did by the way he kept shifting uncomfortably and trying to gently ease away from Marie’s tight grip on his arm, hell I was surprised he’d even let her touch him seeing as he was so hostile and cold towards us. "So, Jason, have you come up with anything yet? Is it safe to sleep for the night, or should we all stand guard?" Asked Blaze impatiently. As Alpha, it was his job to think of the rest of the pack’s wellbeing and, being half human, he was able to be practical enough not to go out and meet that challenge straight away. "Yeah, we should all be fine here. There’s no way they can enter, although Josie’s room is closest to the entrance. I wouldn’t want to risk our chances, so maybe Jane should stay with her tonight," he replied, still looking at the map intently, making sure. "No, I would rather you stay with her, if that’s alright. I don’t feel comfortable leaving a very new wolf with another female. No offence Jane, but the males will have a better chance fighting them. I don’t want any females left alone tonight," Blaze said, looking around; hoping us females would not be offended by what he had just said. They hadn’t wanted to go out and meet the challenge because there were more females than males in our pack, and it would turn into a slaughter. I had heard some things about the rival packs’ alpha, he wasn’t afraid to play dirty to get what he wanted. "Well, Jason can stay with me tonight cant he? And Elijah can watch Josie." Elijah was a very big, muscular man. He had sharp green eyes, blonde curly hair and was just as sexy as most of the male wolves seemed to be. I managed to stop staring at him and carried on listening, "Jane has Michael and the others can pair up, can’t they?" It was the first time I had heard Marie speak. She had a very girly voice that matched her looks entirely, seductive and feminine. Jason suddenly looked up at her coldly, realising I think, what she was hoping for by having him stay in her room and much to my childish excitement he quickly added, "No, I’ll stay with Josie tonight. I think she needs the strongest of us more than the rest, and tomorrow we can decide what to do. I really don’t think it helps bringing an omega in to our pack. It weakens us." Jason looked at me coldly as he said that last bit. He didn’t like me one bit. "She’s staying. We don’t abandon our own, Jason, you know what would happen to her if she were taken in by the wrong pack," Blaze replied. A look passed between them. Like they were both seeing the same thing in their head. There was a moment when they both had a perfect understanding between one another, and then Jason gave a nod. After a little while, everybody started heading for bed with their bodyguard. That’s pretty much what the males were tonight. I on the other hand was pretty sure I wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight next to a gorgeous, dominant werewolf. I was right. Jason climbed in next to me, not the least bothered sleeping with a female. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt and black boxers, while I had on my pink night shirt and shorts. There was a big gap between us on the double bed, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to be laying in his strong protective arms. Jason was already sleeping by then, and I sighed miserably while trying to force myself to sleep next to this hot wolf and not touch him. I woke at seven that morning and didn’t know why, (It was way too early for me) before remembering Jason had stayed with me last night. I looked over at him and had to hold my breath. He was truly beautiful lying there with the covers just below his abs. His golden blonde hair was a sexy-tousled mess and I noticed it was slightly curly, very slight. He had flawless skin on a face that was sculpted to perfection, there was no other word for it, he had a gorgeous chiseled jawline too. He had full lips that were full and rosy looking, the perfect cupid bow shape. I noticed he had an eight pack with a small tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon just above his boxers. The wolf tattoo that ran down from his shoulder to his elbow was in grey and so life-like, as if it were frozen in its position of stalking prey while staring right back at you. This man obviously embraced his wolf side fully. At about the time I was staring at him, he woke up glaring at me as if he knew what I had been doing. I blushed furiously and almost ran to the small shower room.
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