Chapter 18

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CHAPTER 18 ANA I walked through the crowd until I found Blair and Gideon leaning on the lockers by the entrance. They were arguing in hushed whispers and I stopped. Gideon was tense and he wore a blank expression on his face. Blair was the complete opposite, she looked furious as she poked her brother as she spoke. Gideon rolled his eyes and they reached me. Instantly, Gideon straightened and nodded his head towards me. Blair turned around, she still looked mad but also nervous. I cautiously made my way towards them. "Hey, what was that about?" I asked them, unsure if my decision was the right one. The two siblings looked at each other and then back at me. "It was nothing you need to worry about," said Gideon calmly and Blair nodded but she didn't look convinced.' "So, have you decided?" asked Blair as she changed the subject. "Oh right, that, yes, I have made a choice," I said before hesitating. "So what is it?" asked Gideon confused. "I have decided to join the hunters," I said more confident than I really felt. Gideon's eyes widened and he smiled warmly at me while Blair looked shocked and a bit disappointed, it looked as of she had really hoped I would say no. "That's great Ana," said Gideon. "Are you sure Ana?" asked Blair while she eyed me. I nodded, "I'm sure." Gideon nodded, "okay, then let's go to your house and get your things." My eyes widened, "wait what? Why?" I asked suddenly unsure and nervous. "I guess Elda didn't explain that little part," Blair mumbled, hope laced her words. I shook my head and looked at her for an explanation. "When you join the hunters you have to really become a hunter and that means living with us, training with us, you have to learn our ways and you can only do that if you leave your life here behind." Blair had been right, Elda had left that part out on purpose, she had tried to manipulate me. Sweat covered my palms as my wariness grew. If I left, I would leave my aunt alone with no explanation, she would think it was her fault and it would break her heart. After telling Clary the truth, I didn't think I could handle telling someone else and exposing myself to another rejection. I took a deep breath and nodded, "okay, that doesn't change my decision, I still want to be a hunter. I'll leave my aunt a letter with an excuse. Let's go." Blair looked surprised but didn't try to convince me otherwise. Gideon nodded and led the way out to his SUV. I was making my way to my car when Blair blocked my path. "You're coming with us Ana, we'll make sure someone comes for your car later." I wanted to protest but the firmness in Blair's voice stopped me. I nodded and followed the two sibling into a black SUV. The drive to my aunt's house was faster than I thought and soon Blair was helping me pack my things as quickly as possible. My aunt wasn't home but the neighbors liked to gossip and the black SUV parked outside my house was a clear sign of something suspicious. In less than ten minutes, Blair was rushing to the black SUV with one of my bags. I locked the door and looked at the place that had been my home for years. My aunt had welcomed me with open arms after the accident. I was frightened and confused, it had all happened too fast but my aunt had always been there to help me through and it all had been calm and good. "Ana, we have to go," said Gideon as he stopped the SUV behind me. I sighed and turned away from my past. I hoped my aunt would understand and I also hoped she wouldn't go looking for me. The ride to the camp was quiet and a silent tear dropped from my eye. I was going towards an unknown future and for the first time since I'd made my decision, I wondered if it had been the right one. ... "We're here," I heard someone saw as they gently shook me awake. I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to Blair. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep. I drowsily got out of the car along with my bags and then the three of us were heading towards Elda's cabin. The walk to Elda's cabin was quiet and I was becoming more nervous by the minute, the few hunters that were out when we arrived looked confused and surprised while others looked disapprovingly at me. When we arrived, Elda was in her office, sitting at her desk like the last I'd been here. "Hello Ana, I see you have decided and may I say, it was a very wise decision," she said with a smile that looked anything but kind. "Now, tomorrow you're going to be starting classes, Blair will be there to help you get used to our ways, Gideon on the other hand, will be too busy to help," she continued and I nodded in understanding. "Well now that that's settled, Blair, take Ana to your cabin, it seems now you have a roommate. Grant we have to talk." Both siblings nodded and Blair led me out. She looked tense but her face remained like stone, cold and expressionless. We stopped in front of a cabin with a number on the door 16. Blair opened the door and inside I found two beds, only one looked as if it had been used. On one half of the room, I found Blair's things, from her weapons to a few photos. I looked more closely and I saw Blair as a little girl as she laughed in the arms of another, older girl. "Who is she? Is she your sister?" I asked. I couldn't remember Gideon or Blair ever mentioning a sister. Blair shook her head, "soon you will know, that is our last assessment before graduating." I nodded, not really understanding but Blair would explain when the time came. I set my luggage on the other bed. I was just sitting down on my bed when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at the screen and my aunt's face was on the screen. I hesitated but then I neglected her call. I gave Blair an apologetic look but she was eyeing me cautiously, as if I were about to break down in any moment. "I'm fine, Blair," I assured her and she nodded. There was a silence again and then my phone rang again. "I'll give you some privacy," said Blair before walking out of the cabin. I hesitated once again before taking my aunt's call. "Anastasia Drew, you are in so much trouble! I have been worried sick trying to find you! You left without telling me anything, you just left a damn note! I thought we had agreed to never lie to each other." My aunt yelled through the phone and I grimaced. "I'm sorry aunt D, but I had to leave, it's just temporarily and I'll visit you whenever I can," I said trying to sooth her. "You are coming home right now Anastasia, I don't want to hear excuses young lady," she said sharply and I sighed. "I can't, I'm sorry but, Emma wanted me to come live with her." I felt guilty for lying to my aunt but she had to let me go and using Emma as an excuse was the only way. "Why didn't she say anything? Why didn't either of you say anything? Both of you just took off without an explanation." My aunt sounded even more defeated and hurt with every word she said. "I'm sorry aunt, it's just happening too fast and things are changing," from the corner of my eye I saw Blair step in and my nerves increased, she looked a bit uncomfortable. "I have to go, Emma wants me to help her unpack, I'll call you as soon as everything is settled. Love you!" I said quickly before hanging up. I could imagine my aunt's face as she read the note and her wariness when she couldn't find me as well as her anger. Meanwhile, Blair and I looked at each other in silence. "You know, I actually broke one of our biggest rules by letting you keep your phone and more so by letting you talk to your aunt," she said blankly and my eyes widened. "That's a rule? I can't talk to my aunt, or have a phone?" I asked bewildered and she shook her head. "When you agreed to become a hunter, you agreed to leave your old life behind and that includes your aunt. Also, you won't need a phone because we hunters have devices much more productive, besides, your aunt could use your phone to track you and consecutively, find the camp." I nodded my head. "It's still not too late to return to your aunt," she said and I eyed her closely, she really didn't want me to stay here but why? "No, I'm staying but I just can't understand why you don't want me here." I got up and crossed my arms over my chest. Blair sighed, "if you think it's because I don't like you or that I don't want to be your friend, you're wrong. For one, I barely know you, the first time I heard about you was two weeks ago when Elda assigned your case to Gideon and me and secondly, I was born into this world and more specifically, I was born Elda's kin. I know her and I know our ways, i just don't want that to break you into something dark and vicious." I sat down and she did the same in front of me. "I really can't say that I know what's going to happen to me once I begin training but I have no intention of becoming an emotionless weapon, I'm just here for my sister." Blair nodded. "I understand." A bell rang once and Blair got up. "Come on, newcomer, it's time for dinner." I nodded and looked at the phone in my hands. I took in a deep breath before taking one of Blair's weapons and smashing it to the phone. My phone broke into pieces and it made a weird sound before dying completely. If I wanted to succeed in finding Emma, I had to leave my old life behind. I hoped my aunt would understand and I'd probably have a lot of explaining to do once we were reunited but until that day came, I had to let go.
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