Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 ETHAN I placed my arm under her legs and the other on her back and carried her out of the room, out of the house. My car awaited, parked deep in a forest on a dirt trail. I opened the heavy door of my black 1970 Charger and gently placed Ana in the back seat. I walked to the other side and got in before letting the car roar to life. Ana groaned quietly. I picked up speed and drove to the nearest hospital. I fast walked inside carrying Ana's sleeping form in my arms. A red-headed nurse walked up to me, "is she alright?" I shook my head, "she has a broken wrist, other than that I don't know what else is wrong." She nodded and called out for a doctor and assistance. Three people fast walked through the crowd dragging a gurney with them. While the nurse explained what was wrong, the others took Ana from me and placed her on the gurney. The doctor nodded and led the way to another room. I tried following but was stopped by a gentle but firm hand. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait here while we examine the damage." The nurse walked into the emergency room following the doctor and Ana. A wet feeling distracted my thoughts. I looked at my hands and tensed. Blood stuck to my hands, Ana's blood. My vampire side started to take over, he wanted to feed on blood, her blood. My senses sharpened and I could smell the sharp chemicals coming through different rooms of the hospital. The monster inside of me fought to be released. As I fought the urge to give in, my head started to spin and dizziness filled me. A warm hand was placed on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" asked in a gentle voice. I looked up and saw another nurse, blond, pale with full red lips. "Should I get a doctor?" she asked when I didn't respond. I cleared my throat, "there's no need, I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed." She smiled kindly, "don't worry, everything will be fine." I nodded and sighed, "I hope you're right." "Are you sure I can't get you anything?" she asked worriedly. "I'll be alright," I insisted as I walked closer to the exit. She nodded and twirled her curly blond hair. Was she flirting with me? "Well you know where to find me," she said confirming my suspicion while walking away and winking flirtatiously. I shuddered uncomfortably and walked out of the hospital. Once in my car, I gasped, my thirst was growing, I needed to feed. My instincts were alert and I could see why. Pointing at where my heart is was a laser. My eyes widened and with vampire speed I got down. Shattered glass covered me and an arrow went through the driver's seat. I quickly pulled it out and turned the car on. The window could be replaced but right now I had to leave. I sped down the empty dark road. Shots were fired behind me. One landed close to my head. I examined it, a wooden bullet. They'd found us. There was a tail following me. I had to warn Benjamin and Devion, together we could survive, alone it was nearly impossible. The car following me was farther behind than before and in front of me were two roads leading opposite directions. I took a sharp turn left, hoping they wouldn't follow me. Not taking any chances I accelerated until I was a short run away from the building where Benjamin, Devion and I lived. I locked the door behind me and sprinted towards the building. All was quiet but I couldn't be sure. "Ethan, you're back," said Benjamin clearly surprised. "Where's Devion?" I asked out of breath which was unnatural for a vampire. Confused, Benjamin pointed to Devion's room. I barged in. Devion was in his room dealing with another vampire who was pinned down under him. "What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something," Devion hissed. I straightened, "I apologize," I said tightly, "but there's something wrong." Devion's eyes were still filled with rage but a hint of curiosity sparked in them, "Can't it wait until morning?" I shook my head and he sighed and let go of the vampire, "you can go Josh but tomorrow we'll talk." The other vampire nodded and flashed away. "What's happened?" he then asked. "Hunters," I said. "What about them?" he asked confused. "They've found us. A couple of them followed me out of the hospital and started shooting bullets, wooden bullets," I explained. His eyes widened, "and you led them here?!" I shook my head, "I lost them but it's only a matter of time before they find us." "Benjamin!" he called. Fast footsteps ran up the steps and in a second he stood at my side, "Yes Devion?" "I want you to find a relocation for us, we're leaving," demanded Devion. Benjamin nodded and walked away. I stared at my brother, "we're leaving?!" Devion made a sound filled with annoyance, "yes Ethan, we're leaving, the hunters have found us and it's only a matter of time before they try to kill all of us so go to your room and get your things, we'll leave in a couple of hours." "What about our life here?" I asked with urgency and disbelief in my voice. I wouldn't be able to protect Ana if I left. Devion's eyes widened, "our life here? We don't have a life here, although, I don't think that's the reason why you don't want to leave," he said amused, raising an eyebrow, "I bet it has to do with a certain human, what was her name? Oh yeah, Ana. Oh Ethan, I know that as a future king you'll need a queen but you can find another who's better fit for being queen. I know I did." Devion looked at Emma's door with a smirk. I laughed so coldly, that it even sent shivers down my spine. "I don't care about the stupid crown." "Then why are you still here Ethan?" asked Devion, daring me to answer. "Together we're stronger, we can survive from all the dangers out there but most importantly, because we're a family," I responded, Devion hissed when I said family, "this is not a family Ethan, but you're right, we are stronger together and here we're in danger, we must leave." I nodded and walked out. I saw Emma's door closed and I made my way towards it. I knocked on the door before walking in. Emma was laying on the bed and her surprised eyes focused on me. "I took her to the hospital," I said a few seconds after thinking about what I was going to say. Emma averted her gaze and focused on her hands. She stayed quiet. "Why?" she whispered. My confusion must have been written on my face because she continued, "Why didn't you stay with her?" I sat down on the edge of her bed and looked out the window. I had guessed that after all Emma saw she would think I felt something for her sister. "I couldn't, I'm sorry," I whispered in defeat after a few seconds. "But she is you beloved, isn't she?" I heard her ask and the question made me stiffen uncomfortably. Just like werewolves, vampires also have a soul mate and in our world they were called 'beloved'. The uncomfortable situation had me on my feet and walking towards the door. Unlike the world of werewolves in which they cherish their mates, for vampires it is risky letting someone know who your beloved is because it's the perfect weapon for revenge. But this was Ana's sister, she loved her and would never let her in harms way. I could trust her, couldn't I? I had already done it numerous times before so now it wasn't any different. "Yes, she is," I whispered almost out the door before closing it after me. I walked back into Devion's office where he was waiting for Benjamin's news. Meanwhile we sat in silence and you could feel the coldness and hatred in the air radiating from both of us. Benjamin hurried in a couple of minutes later, "Devion, I've found a new place for us." "Where is it?" I asked with hope of it not being too far away. "Europe, there's a fewer population of hunters there," said Benjamin, shattering my hope. While I stared at him agape Devion smiled, "good, we'll be gone by morning. Pack everything and get rid of things that might lead them to us." "What!?" Asked Emma standing in the doorway with a shocked expression on her face. "and what about me?" Devion turned to her, faster than light, he was at her side caressing her cheek, "you're coming with me, my queen." Emma huffed and turned away. Everyone scattered around packing and getting rid of evidence. I was in my room laying on the bed when there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said. Emma peaked her head in before coming in and closing the door behind her. Confused I sat up and stared at her wide eyed, "what's wrong Emma?" She fidgeted, "we can't leave, Ethan, Ana would be heartbroken, she needs us." I nodded but sighed, "it's either that or be killed by hunters and it wouldn't be good on Ana. At least if we leave she'll know we're alive." She nodded and walked to the door, "I'm going to see her now, just thought you should know." Then she walked out without another word. I didn't follow her, if I did, I knew I wouldn't be able to leave Ana. ANA I woke up with a throbbing headache and realized I was in a hospital room. I looked around but nobody was there, how did I get there? There was a cast on my wrist and I realized why when I tried to move it. It was broken. What had caused my broken bones and sore body brought bad memories. Ethan, shoving my feelings back, Devion coming in and beating me, nobody had tried to help me. The door opened and a blonde-haired nurse with green eyes walked in. When she saw me awake she smiled nicely. "Hello, how are you feeling?" "Better, I guess. Do you have a mirror I could borrow?" I asked and she nodded handing me her little mirror. I looked at my reflection, red, puffy eyes, tear stains, black eye, scratches on my face and a cut lip. "You'll be fine, they won't leave scars," she said trying to calm me when she saw my bewildered expression. I nodded and gave her the mirror. "I won't be long, I just came to check that everything is in order." I nodded once again. After a bit she left and I was alone again. There was a knock on the door before a familiar figure walked in. "How are you feeling?" Asked Emma, worried. I shrugged and stared at her with surprise in my face, "I'll be okay." There was silence between us and I knew Emma wasn't telling me something. "Just tell me, Emma," I said, frustrated. "Ana you're not going to like this but-" she started to say and I stopped her. "What's wrong?" "There are some people after the Royal Brothers and they have to leave," she explained. For a second my thoughts drifted to Ethan and him leaving me. No! Don't think about him, he said he used you and doesn't feel anything for you. I thought to myself. "What does that have to do with you?" I asked slowly. She didn't answer at first and she looked at the ground. "Ana, I have to go with them." There was a silence between us. "Why?!" I demanded. I had tears in my eyes, I had just found my sister and I was going to lose her again. She shook her head, "it's not safe for me to stay here, don't worry, I will come back." "No! You promised you were going to stay!" I yelled like a child. "Some promises cannot be kept," she whispered. I shook my head and the tears in my eyes started to drop, "no, you can't go!" Her water filled eyes turned even sadder, "I have to, Ana." "No, you can escape, you don't have to be with Devion anymore," I urged. She sighed, "I never told you how I met Devion did I?" I shook my head, "no, but it doesn't matter." "Maybe, or maybe it does," she said, "I met him in high school, he was a sophomore and I was a freshman. I don't know how we met exactly but we did and after that we started to hang out. He became my best friend. When I was a sophomore I developed feelings for him and he confessed his love to me. I was shocked but I told him how I felt. Sometimes at night I would sneak out to see him, I was deeply in love. He had his defects, like being extremely possessive which bothered me but at the beginning I ignored it until it became unsupportable. I tried to break up with him but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He told me he was a vampire and that if I broke up with him, my family would suffer. Of course I thought he was delusional and slammed the door in his face. I didn't see him after that, that is, until he caused the crash. Ever since that night I've blamed myself for what happened, Ana, I'm so sorry," she said wiping the tears from her eyes. "It's not your fault, Emma, he's crazy that's why you have to leave, he could do something worse," I said hugging her. "Ana, you have to understand that if I don't go, I'll be killed," she urged with sadness in her eyes. As much as I wanted my sister with me I knew it wouldn't be safe. Stakes were high and I didn't want to be responsible for my sister's death. "When will you be back?" I managed to whisper. Her eyes met mine, "I don't know." Emma started to head towards the door but she stopped midway. She turned back to me with sad eyes, "there's something else you should know Ana. I get it if you don't understand and I don't expect you to but Ana, Devion isn't just another vampire, he's my beloved." My eyes widened a little, my mind was trying to process the information, trying to reason. I only heard a door close and my attention turned back to where Emma was standing. Ignoring the pain in my body, I got out of the hospital bed and out the door. "Emma, wait!" I yelled. A few people stared at me confused but my eyes were busy looking for my sister, it was useless, she was gone. "Miss, please get back inside your room," said a nurse nudging me back inside the room. Shortly, I was back in bed and alone. "What is a beloved?" I asked into the silence but no one was there to answer.
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