Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 ANA The next morning I woke up anxious, my 18 hours were almost up. What was I supposed to decide? Which option was the correct one? I sighed and got ready for school. Aunt Daniela had already left so I decided to skip breakfast and only take an apple from the counter. The drive to school was slow since I wasn't in a hurry and I decided to take my time to think. Emma was my sister and she wouldn't be hunted down by hunters if I decided to join. On the other hand, the Royal Brothers, I didn't know them very well but I loathed Devion for what he had done to me and to my family. Benjamin was just on the winning side and Ethan, Ethan... he was very different from Devion, he was his complete opposite. But I barely knew him, was he actually who he pretended to be? He had seemed kind and empathetic and I could almost swear I had felt some kind of bond forming when we were together, but considering all that had happened, I could have just imagined it or he could have controlled my feelings and thoughts. Could vampires do that? Also, I couldn't shake the feeling of wariness after Blair had told me her mother wasn't who I was beginning to think she was. What had she meant by that? What would Elda do if I agreed and she only used me? A car honk took me out of my thoughts and I managed to hit the brakes before another car slammed into me. "Watch where you're going!" yelled the woman driving the other blue car, as she sped away. I blushed embarrassed and kept my eyes on the road for the rest of the way to school, I didn't want to get in trouble again so soon. When I got there, I turned off the car and sat in there numb. Time was running out. I heard a soft knock on the glass that made jump. I turned and saw Gideon and Blair looking at me expressionless. I got out of the car slowly and looked at them expectantly. "Ana, Elda wants to know what you have decided," said Blair bluntly and Gideon nodded. I hesitated and stayed quiet. "Could I have a little more time to think about it?" I asked and Gideon shook his head. "You have until my mother's deadline is over in a few hours or else the offer is off and forget all that my mother promised, she's very strict and keeps her word so there would me no second-chances." I nodded and walked past them into the school. They didn't try to follow me, for which I was glad, they would only confuse me more. Around me, students were laughing and talking but I couldn't hear them, my head was focused on something else. This decision was going to change my life plans, I was no longer going to go to college, instead I was going to train to become a huntress and kill many creatures, at least that's what I thought. I got to my locker and took my morning classes' books. Across the hall I saw Clary doing the same. I could tell she was really mad. Last night when I had tried to talk to her she had ignored me completely and I missed her and needed her right now. She had to know what was going on and help me. I rushed across the hallway and stood next to her. "Clary," I began to speak but she held her hand between us. "Save it, Anastasia, if you're not here to tell me what's going on and you're just going to come up with an excuse, don't even try," she snapped back with anger and hurt in her eyes. I sighed and nodded, "Clary, I'm here to tell you everything." Clary's eyes widened and she nodded. "But not here, we have to talk somewhere less crowded." "Fine, you have until Homeroom starts," she said and I looked at the clock. 20 minutes, that would have to do. I nodded and led her out to the empty football field. Both of us sat down at the bleachers. I held my hands nervously and took a deep breath before starting. "For the past few weeks there's been something going on that you didn't know about," I began and she nodded. Then I told her everything, from when Emma appeared to the hunters' camp. I also mentioned the Royal Brothers and told her they were vampires. The only part I left out was about Gideon and Blair being hunters, I only said one of their close relatives was a hunter and that was why they had looked for me for the past week. Clary listened patiently. When I finished, Clary was expressionless. "Let me get this straight... to sum it up, you found your sister who was living with a group of vampires and a tribe of hunters want you to join their tribe and they gave you until today before school ends to decide or else the deal is off?" She asked warily and I nodded. I exhaled, relieved she understood. "You're crazy! You have really lost it, freak," she yelled back at me as she quickly got up. My eyes widened and I looked at her shocked. I thought she'd understand! "Clary, please, you're my best friend, you have to understand," I argued hoping she would believe me. Clary shook her head quickly. Her eyes were cold and unfriendly. "No! You stay away from me Anastasia, you're delirious. I want nothing to do with you or your stupidities," was the last thing she said before rushing off back into the building. I sat there bewildered and numb, I had expected Clary to believe me because she was my best friend, I guess I was wrong. I decided to skip Homeroom to think until I had made up my mind. After the bell rang, I quickly got up and rushed back inside to look for Gideon and Blair. I had made up my mind, I just hoped it was the right one.
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