5. Their Pawn

1365 Words
      Mel The mist of burned salvia faded away in the air and left me lost in thought. Maximus's fingers were still enlaced with mine.  Just for a moment more, my soul asked.  Before today, I only had a vague idea of the why of all his secrecy. I knew what my girls told me after Liv madeMaximus lift the blood oath he made her take a few months ago. I knew it had to do with achieving peace. However, I didn’t know the full dimension of it. It was a noble reason, the noblest one.  But it didn’t give them the right to keep me outside of everything and play with my life as if I was a pawn, their pawn.  I fidgeted with a strand of my hair, as their words echoed in my mind. This spell also allowed me to sense part of the person’s feelings, Maximus’ feelings.  Memories always carry so many emotions.  He was hesitant, pained. I also could feel his desire, longing to be with me, even before we had ever truly met.  A question arose in my mind and I voiced it, looking between the two males, “But how could you be certain that I would be able to get pregnant? Pregnancies are very rare, especially during war time when the Goddess’ curse was still present. It could have taken decades for me to be with a child,”   “Once again, I didn’t take any risks,” Elric sighed, “You know that apparently such a curse didn’t affect pixies and their natality numbers were always the highest, don’t you?”  I nodded confused. What did it have to do with my pregnancy? With me? I wasn’t a pixie.  “It wasn’t the case, Melinda. They weren't ever immune to the curse, they only had some substances that could increase their fertility,” Maximus added. “I acquired such a concoction, the pollen of a kind of dark petunia that only grows in their small kingdom, mixed with other substances of which I couldn’t find out the nature. While you were in Maximus’ villa, you were fed with such a substance for a few months. We didn’t know if it worked for a female that wasn’t a pixie, or its side effects. But I always had a team of Fae healers prepared to heal you if the need should arise,” Elric told me.  His words sent a chilling jolt down my spine. They fed me something without my knowledge, I was perfectly used.  “You used a substance that you didn’t know the effects on me?” I muttered looking into the distance. I was at a loss, my breath was shivering slightly and I let go of Maximus’ hand as if it was dirt.  I couldn’t bear his touch.    ~ * ~   Maximus   Melinda pulled her hand away abruptly.  She looked lost and even grew a tad pale. Although she didn’t cry, her voice was broken and the sound of it pained me.  I wanted to move closer to her and wrap her in my arms, comfort her. But I knew it wouldn’t be wise, I was the cause of her pain and misery. I was her bane, not the one to fix it.  “We wouldn’t let anything happen to you, Mel,” Elric tried to reassure her, his voice soothing. She let out a quiet and humourless chuckle.  “You don’t know that. You try to control everything, but you can’t. Many things will escape your control, you aren’t a God!” Her intense gaze pierced him for an instant before she moved it away and looked into space once again. She was right.  We shouldn’t have done it. I didn’t want to, but we were desperate, especially Elric. I also knew that peace might be his main aim, but it wasn’t the only one. He was desperate to meet his mate, to be with her, and feared that it wouldn’t ever happen. He also feared that his inner darkness would devour him and prevent him from ruling, and from living.  He took his decision as a king and a desperate man.  “I cannot believe it!” Melinda murmured. Although her voice was weak, it conveyed the intensity of her pain.  My body moved at its own accord and I took her in my arms. At first, she didn’t pull away, but before I could take a deep breath, her hands were against my chest, trying to free herself from my embrace.    ~ * ~   Liv   After my first pregnancy, I was peachy, but now I was so swollen and I felt as sexy as a watermelon. A watermelon leaking milk for that matter.   I went to talk to Elric about Helena, she was crying very hard again and this time Valentin’s healing and Lea’s balms weren’t doing much for her. I was glad that she finally fell asleep, after four hours of lullabies.  I could just talk through the bond, but I wanted to say hi to Sienna and Alba and asked them for some healing for myself.  I was not okay. “Please Sienna, Alba heal me, I’m not alright. I have 3 babies!! Aurora is teething. Helena is an opera singer, her cry is impossibly high pitched. I swear to you that she has already broken dozens of cups and even glasses just by crying. They wake up Zorion and he’s not happy to be awake every time he falls asleep. They cry and then they cry again. I don’t know what sleep feels like anymore. I can’t even pee without those 3 whimpering babies driving me crazy! Last time, I almost fell asleep on the toilet! Please heal me!” I pleaded. Sienna hugged me and patted my back softly.  “I can send you some healing energy, it will increase your energy level and make you feel better. I’m sorry, but I can’t help Helena. I can heal Aurora, but the discomfort of teething will come back every so often, so I’ll need to heal her once every couple of minutes.” Alba said.  She did have a soft and melodic voice. “Thanks, Alba,” I sighed deeply, sinking into Si’s hug.  “It will get better, Liv. Aurora will be better soon and hopefully Helena too. If you need help, I’m always here to support you,” Sienna added and I tightened my hug on her. “Liv, Liv dear…” I heard her voice calling after some time. “I think you fell asleep on my shoulder,” She muttered.  I woke up chuckling at her words, I wasn’t exactly sleeping, just in some sort of absolute exhaustion-induced slumber. Oops. “I’m sorry, Si,” I muttered, covering a yawn.   She giggled, “No problem, but I think resting on your bed or the sofa will be more comfortable for you.” “It does make sense, but I can’t. I’ll talk with Elric and go back to my babies.” I flashed to the front of Elric’s office and I was about to knock when I heard my mom’s voice and then my father’s. A smile formed on my lips. He was finally talking to her, having THE TALK. I could hear some words even without placing my ear against the door. I was never one for eavesdropping, not even when I was a kid.  My hearing was much better after I unlocked my elf powers.  I was about to try to knock again, but Elric’s words made my hand stop in mid-air.  I couldn’t believe my ears.   
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