20. Fighting for Love

1432 Words
Liv      “What the hell, Avalon? Why are you doing this?” I asked impatiently, taking a deep breath.  May the Goddess of Prozac help me, because with these men, it’s not easy! Just when I think they have improved and are behaving like almost normal people, my males surprise me.  “For you and for Mel!” he replied and entered the fighting grounds before I had the chance to say something else or try to talk some sense into him. There was a magical shield surrounding the round fighting arena. It was placed there to avoid the audience from accidentally getting hit by the combat and any magical attacks - supposedly friendly attacks, now I didn’t know anymore.  Elric took a deep breath and stirred once, before entering the fight grounds as well. I covered my face with my hand. My Devilicious wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest.  “Go fight guys, take your time and I will stay with the Sugar,” he chuckled before placing a kiss on my head.  “I should stop them,” I exhaled sharply. “Sugar, you can’t enter the fighting grounds anymore, the veil surrounding it closed when the fight started, a few seconds ago. Besides, you could hurt yourself,” he said.  His touch was calming me down a bit, but I was very pissed. I wanted to slap those two idiots big time, they would be the ones getting hurt.  “I just don’t get why the heck Avalon was acting like this now,” I sighed. “Elric deserves a good punch and maybe some Hellfire, I didn’t act on it to not upset you, Sugar. But I can’t say I am not happy Avalon is doing it, this way the elf gets what he deserves and I am not on your bad side.” I looked back at him and saw that dimpled grin.  But soon, the sound of a jolt of energy being discharged attracted my eyes to the fight. Avalon had used some kind of flash power that I’ve never seen him using before at Elric, making him fall on the ground. My breath hitched in my throat. “I didn’t know Avalon could do it, that he had such a power…” I muttered, half-absent as my heart was hammering against my chest. “You don’t see us fighting, really fighting that often,” Laius shrugged.  Elric stood up with a jump and summoned vines, which wrapped around Avalon’s arms, trying to paralyse him. But Avalon was fast, breaking the vines with a couple of quick and gracious movements. If it wouldn’t be terrifying it would be sexy!  Avalon struck Elric with a thunder-like thing once more and walked closer to him. I could see the metallic gleam in Avalon’s almost completely grey eyes. He was mad, he was really mad.  “That’s what you get for making her cry, she is crying in her sleep because of you!” he whispered-yelled, as he punched Elric. I huffed, no one was supposed to know that!  With another punch in Elric’s face, Avalon continued, “That’s for ruining Mel’s mating life!” Elric pushed him away using some sort of magnetic force, just like Lea can do.  “Don’t you hurt him, Avalon! Don’t” I demanded through our bond.  It didn’t matter what Elric did, I couldn’t see him getting hurt and besides that, I was the one who owed him a few slaps. Avalon was ‘stealing my job’. Rude!  “I won’t! I won’t do anything that hurts you, baby! Never again!” he replied. Oh Goddess, how could he be so stupid and sweet at the same time! This man makes me sink in a sea of contradictions!  “What is happening?” I heard Mom’s nervous voice and turned to look at her.  “Those many-hundred-year-old kids are fighting!” I told her, shaking my head.  Elric stood up once again and waved his hand once, summoning a huge wave that hit Avalon washing him a few feet away.  “You! You have no right to say anything about hurting her! You were the one to hurt her most!” Elric’s voice carried venom and his body was shaking with rage, his aura increased, and even from here we could feel fury rolling off of him. I’ve never even imagined that he could be like this, he was always so put together. I was astonished, I looked at my mom, her eyes were wide open as well.  Avalon tried to stand up, but before he could Eric attacked him with a brutal gush of wind, sending him further away and making his body meet the floor with a loud thud. I couldn’t take this anymore. “Enough! You two, stop now! This is absolutely ridiculous! It is NOT a friendly fight! What kind of example are you setting! Behave like kings and not like wild monkeys with Rabia! You both raise your hands at the same time and yield this stupid fight!” I yelled at them using the mate bond, I used my angry mom’s voice - something that I didn’t even have to use my Little Angel, she was my sweet baby. Not like some grown-ass males… They both raised their hands and the veil around the fighting grounds was lifted. I ran towards Avalon. He had a cut on his forehead and his chin. He was cut by the wind, but it wasn’t a breeze, Elric threw pretty much a tornado on his face.  I offered him my hand, helping him to stand up. “I am fine, baby. You don’t have to worry,” he said before a grunt escaped his lips. Fine my butt!  “Avalon,” I shook my head.  I was about to go check on Elric when I saw him leaving the fighting grounds quickly, he looked at me, his eyes were pure pain and an exhale left his lips. Avalon and I walked out of the fighting arena, I was very mad at him and I knew he could feel it through our wide-open mate bond.  “I know I’ve caused you lots of suffering and I still feel bad about it, forgive me, Baby. But now, I can’t see you suffering, I love you too much, my light,” Avalon muttered in my mind, I could feel his guilt and gloom through our bond.  Was hitting Elric a way that he found to redeem himself, since Avalon couldn’t kick his own butt? I sighed at this thought. I’ve already forgiven Avalon since he really changed and made up for his BS. But it seemed like he never forgave himself. When we rejoined Laius, Mom, and the others, I was up to another surprise.  “Valentin, I challenge you to a fight… I will try to be friendly,” Laius grinned.  “I accept it,” Valentin smiled. I thought that he would be a bit more mature than that.  “Really? I can’t do it anymore!” I huffed, “Where is Lea when her mate is having his moments?” I asked, looking around. “She is feeding Alexander in one of the spare rooms,” my mom replied.  “You kids do whatever you want, I will take this kid to a Fae healer,” I grumbled, wrapping my arm around Avalon’s torso.  Days like today make me feel like I have six kids instead of three. Weren’t they supposed to be old-as-dust Kings?  “I should slap you, but Elric already took care of it. What’s your problem? You know what, it doesn’t matter. Let’s go find a Fae healer.” “I don’t need a healer, I just need you,“ Avalon replied, wrapping me in his arms.  I heard a piercing scream, and the sound of a baby crying in distress.    My heart started racing as I tried to find the source of it. I knew that voice, it was Lea. Lea and Alexander.       
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