30. Mating Ball

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  Liv    I’ve arrived at the ball with Laius and Avalon, each arm hooked around the arm of one of my males. The babies were at home with Sienna, her mate, and Nema - and an army of demons guarding them, of course.  I couldn’t stop ogling my men. They looked very delicious in their formal typical suits, Avalon’s had a shade of royal blue and golden details, and a dark blue cape, looking like a prince charming from the movies. Devilicious was in red and golden, the colours of Hell and he looked well… devilicious! I looked down at myself, I was swollen and leaking on a dark blue dress, with a long velvet skirt with a huge opening that reached my thigh. After we joined Elric, Lea, and her mates, the Elf King opened the party by saying some introductory words.  “Welcome, we gather here tonight to celebrate the union of the peoples of the Six Realms through love, dance, and pleasure. The Olympic Games were a success and a further step to our long-lasting peace and harmony. I hope you all can hear the call of your soul and find your soulmate tonight, washing over your soul with light, a love deeper than anything, and a new sense of purpose; for having a mate changes one’s gravitational center and makes everything revolve around a single person. This miraculous love elevates one’s soul to greatness, harmony, and wholesomeness.” He glanced at me as he said these words, his voice laced with emotion, “A mate’s love makes all beings a better version of themselves, dissolving the darkness of selfishness and anger. A mate’s love is true peace,” he added.  I saw Alexus taking Lea’s hand in his through the corner of my eye and a smile formed on my lips. My sister’s love was the most powerful among all her healing concoctions.  “We hope you all enjoy your night and find the one who can be your partner, your lover, and your reason to breathe,” Richard’s romantic words surprised me.  Funny enough, instead of having his eyes on the crowd, he was looking at Lea and my little sis had a beautiful and almost sunny smile on her face.  “If you can’t find your mate tonight, don’t lose hope and enjoy the whiskey and the wine!” I added, knowing well that not everyone would be lucky or get lucky tonight. The band of Elves and Fae were joined by a flautist vampire and they started playing classical music and the crowd that was listening attentively, started walking around, going for some good old Fairy Wine and swaying around the ballroom. Among them I could see Cali and her Elf mate, they looked so happy and were all smiles and giggles.  I could also hear the exchange between Agatha and her werewolf mate, Alpha Matteo. They seemed happy and much more handsy than they should be, but I didn't blame them, I also wanted to get all handsy with my mates soon.  “Let’s dance, Sweets?” Laius husked, a dimpled smile on his face.  “It’s tempting, you are all about temptations but we have to find Daisy’s mate,” I replied, showing him the small green scarf.  “I will help you,” he flashed me another dimpled grin and soon Avalon joined us in the search. We walked around the ballroom for a whole hour without any luck. Lea and her mates were also walking around with a piece of Daisy’s clothes carrying her scent in an attempt to find her mate, hoping that her scent would attract him and we could take him to the sleeping fairy. We couldn’t really use the mating app with her sleeping deeply; she couldn’t fill in her information.  “Any luck?” I asked Lea and she shook her head and sighed.  “We will find him, if not today, soon,” I tried to cheer her up. She cared so much, even about the cray-fae that tried to steal her mate.  We all stopped in our tracks when we saw magic happen. Tanesha, Alexus’ second in command locked eyes with a tall, tanned, and strong werewolf, and soon they were pretty much running into each other’s arms and sharing a passionate kiss.  “The Goddess really wants to unite the Vampire and the Werewolf Realm,” Lea smiled.  “Yes and Tanesha seems happy about the divine plans. I am not sure if she realised he is a werewolf yet, she is too busy melting in his arms and kissing him,” I chuckled, looking at the happy and grabby-grabby couple.  “Who do you think will be the next one to find their mate tonight?” Lea asked with a curious smile.  “I wish it was Nema, but she didn’t want to come today,” I sighed deeply, taking a sip of my alcohol-free wine, which was a less boring way to call grape juice.  “She will get over it with time, and I think she is happy with her vampire boyfriend,” Lea added.  We saw some other beams of light, as many other people found their mates, it was a beautiful thing to watch, love was found.  I stole a glance at Elric, dreading that our love was lost.  “Now we can dance, Sugar,” Laius whispered from behind me, blowing a bit of hot air in my ear and making hot goosebumps rise everywhere, goodbye dry panties!  “Oh, yeah,” I almost moaned. I had to behave, this ball was part of my queen duties, but this too hot male didn’t get it.  He laced his hand around my waist and pulled me to his chest, making a thin smoke emerge and it levitated us to the ball hall. My Hottie knew that I was a terrible dancer, so to avoid having his shoes - and maybe even one or two toes - ruined, levitation-dance was his best shot.  He pulled me even closer to his hot and strong body and I could feel his hard-on against my leg.  “Let’s do something about it, Kitten?” he asked with a grin.  “Laius! This is a very important event! We can’t just sneak out and have some fun.” I frowned even though the idea sounded very appealing, mating without the risk of being interrupted by a cry coming from the baby monitor.  “We already opened the ball and everyone is very busy, either with their mates or a good glass of the best Hell Whiskey,” he added in my mind, as his warm lips touched the sweet-naughty spot just below my ear.  How could I say no when he sounded and felt that convincing? Well, I couldn’t! “Let’s find an empty room,” I sighed and his dimpled smile only grew further.  We walked away from the Ball Room and looked for a place to get all hot and bothered. I couldn’t wait and I was sure neither could my Devilicious , so we went to the first room we saw, a sitting room.  “Sweets, I have to lick you clean, no one besides your men should smell your delectable arousal,” he said as he scooped me up in his arms.  *** Steamy content starts *** Devilicious laid me down on a classic chaise lounge and placed my legs down, crouching down in front of me. He parted my legs and peeled my wet thong off, pulling my hips towards him and sinking a kiss on my slit.  His fingers dug into the flash of my buttcheeks as he started his magical tongue work. He licked me from my clit to my entrance and thrust his tongue into me, making me moan out loud. “You taste so good, Kitten,” he muttered in my mind, his mouth full of my pu.ssy.  I wrapped my legs around his head, urging to have him even closer; urging to burn and melt in every kiss and caress.  My legs were shaking non-stop and my breathing was a mess, every warm lick was taking me one step closer to an abysm of pleasure. His hand moved down from my hips and he replaced his tongue with two thick fingers - although not thick enough, especially in comparison to what I wanted there, his co.ck.   He took my folds into his mouth, before sucking my clit in and nibbling it slightly. His fingers swirled and curled up inside me, as he tortured my clit with overwhelming pleasure from both sides, I felt an aching knot form in the pit of my stomach, my body had no option besides to come very hard for him.  “Laius, I...I…” I cried out in the desperation of my all-consuming pleasure, throwing my head back and arching my back towards him.  “Yes, Kitten… come beautifully for me,” he rasped in my mind. Even through the mind-link his voice was raw with desire.  He soothed my burning bud with a few soft licks, making my climax linger in a new wave of pleasure. I was still lost in O-wonderland, releasing a few whimpers of pleasure, as he positioned his hips between my legs and entered me with a single thrust, filling me up completely.  Before I could even open my eyes, his lips were molding against mine and his tongue invaded my mouth, tangling itself with mine. His hands were full of my breasts and his pumps were getting even faster and harder.  I could feel the depth and desperation of his desire through our bond.  “You feel perfect, Sugar,” he muttered, parting our kiss to look into my eyes. His cognac-colored eyes were now darker with lust.  I let out a moasp (which is something between a moan and a gasp), and nibbled his lips, “We feel perfect together!”  “We do!” he replied, kissing me harder and riding me deeper.  *** Steamy scene is over ***  We were interrupted by someone opening the door. I wondered how they could not hear us.  “I placed a little spell on it, no noises or smells left this room. I told you, your pu.ssy is only ours to smell and taste,” Laius answered my unspoken question in my mind, glancing at me before our gazes went to the door again.  I saw my sister and Alexus by the door. Lea swallowed hard and her face became redder than a ripe tomato.  She looked away, “Oh, Goddess! How can I unsee that?” she gasped, burying her face on Alexus' chest and he wrapped her in his arms.  It’s not like she saw much, just Laius’ incredible butt. We were almost fully dressed.  “Don’t judge! I’m sure you came here because you two had the same idea,” I replied.  “I… no, we didn’t!” she said without taking her face from her mate’s chest.  “Sorry, Lelea,” Laius added, covering his butt with a cushion.  “Let’s go back to the ball hall, Baby,” Alexus told her, taking her away with him. “I hope she is fine,” my sweet Devilicious said softly.  “She should be, it could have been much worse. Next time a spell to lock the door would be a good idea. I guess we were too busy to think about that,” I gave him a mischievous smile before I chanted a spell under my breath, “Fac maceriam hanc, ab omni et. Custodi quod intus est c*m invisibili velamine huius cantus in mente mea.” (*) “Good idea, Sugar,” Laius chucked and took my lips in his as he resumed pumping into me, angling his hips to caress all the yay-spots inside of my inner walls.  After we both melted in ecstasy in each other’s arms and cleaned up a little, we went back to the ball hall and continued our dance. I found Lea in the crowd, but she was avoiding looking at me.  Poor baby sis, she will get over it soon, I chuckled in my mind.   ~ * ~    Maximus   I looked around the ballroom, it was richly decorated, many golden chandeliers hanging on the ceiling and flower arrangements on the sides. They surely were from Lea and Valentin. I smiled briefly, thinking about my sweet younger daughter. I missed her.  Many fountains of Fairy Wine decorated the place and the banquet tables were impeccable.   My eyes traveled to the dance floor, where many dancing couples were. Their happiness and their joy were visible, almost tangible. Many of them were enjoying being in the arms of their fated pair for the first time. I had been trying to help Lea and Liv to find Daisy’s mate.  Liv was among them, dancing with Laius, they were both levitating, talking and laughing. I saw that I wasn’t the only one looking at them, Elric’s eyes were fixed on her and they were filled with longing. He was suffering and I knew that even though she was trying to not show it, she was suffering too.  Liv had learned to be strong, and appear even stronger, at a young age and I knew why. She did it because she wanted to be strong for Melinda, since she was a little girl, she wanted to reassure her mom and defend her, when she saw my mate suffering.  An exhale of regret left my nostrils and I ran my fingers through my hair in aggravation. It would be different now, I didn’t have to carry the burden of a secret, I would always be by my Honey’s side and love her completely.  “Elric, how are the searches going?” I asked him through our mind-link, even though he was on the other side of the room.  My fear was growing by the day, the Blue Moon will form a cuspid with the Orion Constellation in a bit more than seven days.  We didn’t have time to waste, we had to find these obnoxious mages immediately.  “Lysander and the enforcers joined some demons and wolves and looked for the triad all over the deserts, not only in the upper realms but in Hell too. However, every effort went in vain, we couldn’t find even a small trail or hint.” Elric exhaled sharply, frustration clear in his voice. I wanted to be there too, looking for this trio of monsters, but I couldn’t and wouldn’t leave my mate.  I hoped she was feeling better now, she was going through a very strenuous pregnancy and doing her best, fighting fiercely and keeping herself together for the babies. She was the best mother I could ever wish for my children.    “Dad, do you want to dance?” Lea asked softly, bringing me back from my thoughts.  “Sure, sweetie,” I took her warm little hand and we walked to the dance floor. I was happy that we would have the chance to talk, that she wanted to talk to me.  “I’m happy that you are talking to mom, that you guys are making some progress,” she started.  She was much better with words than me. Sometimes speaking wasn’t my forte, and I was only able to express myself through my craft or through the written word, like my letters to my mate.  “Me too. Once again she isn’t staying with me because of herself, for herself. She always put you and Liv, and now the twins, first,” I exhaled deeply, “now it’s different Lea, there aren’t secrets or a mask between us, but,” I stopped on my track not knowing how to express myself further.  “But you feel that there is still a wall between you too? That you both are still distant?” She wondered. “Yes.” “I think it’s hard to let the past go and see someone in another light even when they are changing a lot and trying their best,” she said, as her gaze roamed to the side of the room. I followed it to see Alexus, he was on the corner of the ball hall talking to his second in command, Lady Taneesha. His eyes met mine, they were sober, serious, but didn’t carry hate or rage.  I couldn’t see Alexus change, I didn’t see when he started to become a better male for my daughter, because of his love for her. Now Melinda couldn’t see my changes, at least not completely. It was ironic. “Maybe it only takes time and patience and you and mom will be able to rebuild your relationship, restart,” Lea said with a small smile.  My little girl grew into a wise and strong woman without losing her gentleness.  “You are right, it might take some time to restart, or rather start our relationship and build the bond that mates should have.” I thought out loud and Lea nodded softly. “Sweetie, I shouldn’t have told you what I did about Alexus. I should have tried to see his changes and been more thoughtful of your condition, your pregnancy, and everything you had been through,” I exhaled.  I was trying to protect her, but despite my intentions, I was wrong. I wasn’t thoughtful enough and ended up only hurting Lea further, now I could see it clearly. “I know. You shouldn’t have. What Alexus did to me didn’t hurt only me, but you, mom, and everyone who loves me as well, I understand that, but you should have treated me as a grown-up woman, instead of terrorising me as a confused parent does to their little child when they are afraid that the child gets hurt.” “Do you forgive me?” I asked her.  “I do. But I ask you to see me as I am, a grown-up woman, and think about the consequences of your words before saying them. Words can be very hurtful,” she said softly.  “I will, sweetie, I promise. Your little one is very lucky, you are kind and understanding, great qualities for a parent, which I’ve lacked sometimes,” I replied. “You were a great dad for me in your own way, Dad,” she smiled.  Suddenly, I felt my heart clench painfully. Melinda, something was very wrong with her. I shouldn’t have left her alone.  “Dad, are you okay? You look pale,” Lea muttered, worry was clear in her eyes.  “Something is wrong with Melinda,” I told her as I let go of her and flashed towards my mate.  I had to help her, to fulfil my vow and never leave her alone again. She was the one I always wanted to be with, and I wouldn’t ever allow anything to happen to her.  (*) Latin - Make this door a wall, Away from any and all. Guard what is inside  with the invisible veil of this chant in my mind.    
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