Returning to the Castle

1556 Words

Phew!  And that does it. The words of David, marshal David have become rather faint as we progress back through town. I must confess all of this has been an adventure. And while it may have not started great, it still did end great.  Woohoo.. I am so happy about this. And I bet that Claire would be as happy as I am too. She had been the one who had urged me about the inspection right before Yulia and Alianus had come to get me down to the chariot. Alongside with Hera and the rest of the Principals.  That is something I should keep in mind, That sometimes, outings are not bad, really. And every once in the while, we should all take them.  And you know, blow off some steam. Phew! Speaking of steam, I have had just enough experiences with that. The first place for the visit had been to t

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