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Alice POV As I sit here on my new porch swing, watching the sun dip below the horizon, I close my eyes, basking in the last of its warm glow for the day. Rocking gently, I savor this moment and take another drink of my beer. My new house is finally complete. I knew from when Uncle Tom and his crew of vets built Star's house that they were amazing at what they did. But finishing the extension to the left tunnel that leads to my basement garage and building my house in 6 months has been nothing short of a miracle. The soothing motion of the porch swing has my mind drifting to all the fun times I have had with him these past months. I’ve come to love his particular crazy. I laugh to myself. I’m brought out of my thoughts when I see Uncle Tom approaching and sitting beside me on the swing. I reached down and grabbed a beer out of the carton, handing it to him. He smiled and took it with his large, weathered hand with a twinkle in his eye. ”Tomorrow is our last day, little bird. All that is left is installing the hot tub on the deck,” he says, pointing to the corner of the large deck opposite us. ”You know I hate when you call me that,” I state with a challenging look. He laughs a deep belly laugh. “I know, but I love riling you up.” I shake my head and laugh at him. Our conversation is interrupted when my phone chimes, indicating a message. I pull it from my pocket, seeing it is from Hector. I shake my head and sigh as I read it. “Require drop off for 9 am expired.” Knowing we don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow morning, I reply. “Good to go.” Hopefully, that will be the end of it. When my phone chimes again, I know what’s coming. “Have dinner with me tomorrow,” it reads. I groan. This man never gives up. “Not interested,” I reply. I quickly send a group message to Star and Alex, letting them know about the drop, and then lay my phone beside me. Uncle Tom must have noticed the change in my mood because he was now studying me carefully. ”Is someone bothering you?” he asks in his deep, gruff voice. “He is persistent and doesn’t understand the concept of no,” I reply, not elaborating further. ”There is more to this than what you're saying. Talk to me. Maybe I can offer a different perspective,” he says in a calming voice. I study him for a minute. They say with age comes wisdom. Why not, I think to myself. ”He has been a client of ours for years, or rather, the cartel has,” Uncle Tom raised his eyebrows, realizing who I’m talking about. Being ex-military, he’s not stupid to who they are or who we have as clients. I continue, “Close to a year ago, he wanted to watch a drop. We had a brief encounter, and there was an instant attraction on both our parts. However, with me doing background checks on all our clients, I knew he was a complete playboy. He has stuck his wick in everything that walks since he was a teenager. It got worse once he inherited his father’s position. My gut says to stay away from him even if I’m attracted to him. So I keep turning down his advances,” I tell him. He looks in deep thought for a long while drinking his beer. “My instincts have saved my life many times, both overseas and as a civilian. If yours are telling you he is no good, then listen to them,” he eyes me carefully. “You might as well lay it all out. What else?” he says, almost demanding. I chuckle at how perceptive he is. This is almost like talking to a therapist, except Uncle Tom tells you how it is. ”There is someone else I am drawn to, but there are issues there too. Besides, I’m not sure he feels the same way,” I say, looking at my beer bottle as I peel the label off. ”Tell me about the issues because I already know any man in his right mind would find you attractive little bird,” He says. I laugh at him, both paying me a compliment and goading me with that damn pet name he gave me as a teenager I hate. “He owns a club I go to sometimes and is a captain in the bratva. The problem is I know the oath they take and how the bratva is. Even if he was interested in me, nothing could come of it,” I explain. ”What is the oath they take?” he asks. I sigh and finish the last of my beer. I recite it for him. “I take no family, I take no home, the brotherhood is all.” When I finish, he shakes his head as if in disbelief anyone would swear such allegiance. ”Throughout my life, I have heard people spout crap about fate, and if it’s meant to be, it will happen,” he says, shaking his head. “But you know the truth. Hell, JP drilled it into you kids growing up. Things only happen when you work for them and make them happen. If this man really cared for you and wanted you, nothing would stop him. The same goes for you. Once you decide what you want in life, do what you’ve always done. Grab that bull by the horns and make it yours,” I chuckle at his terminology. “How are your night terrors?” He asks with concern. It breaks me out of my laughter. “I haven’t had one in about a year, thankfully,” I say honestly. I don’t even like thinking about them. “Good. It’s a big step moving out on your own like this,” he gestured to the house. “Are you going to be ok?” he asks. I know he isn’t talking about physically because we both know I can handle myself. ”I’ve been tossing around the idea of getting a dog. Both for a companion and the extra sense of security,” I confide in him. He smiles wide at my idea. “A good buddy I served with specializes in training dogs for police departments and search and rescue. Why don’t I call him and set up a meeting for you?” he asks with a glimmer of hope that I take him up on his offer. I smile so hard my cheeks ache at his idea. “I would love that,” I exclaim. “Good. While I get the hot tub installed tomorrow, I’ll have a couple of the guys run into town in the morning and get some fencing for your new roommate,” he says with a nod as if making a mental note to do it. I kiss his cheek goodnight and make the walk to Star’s. It seems weird thinking that because it’s been my home for so many years. But I will start moving into my house in the coming days. The next morning, when I go down for breakfast, Uncle Tom is eating with everyone. My twin Alex is the first to greet me good morning. Then Star, Tony, Max, and Tim follow suit. “Good morning, everyone,” I say cheerfully. I'm still excited at the thought of getting a dog. I’ve never had a pet. I know the jewels are part of the family, but I don’t consider them pets. ”Maveric can see you after his morning training class. Can you be there by 11?” Tom asks. “Definitely,” I reply. “I’ll need directions,” I say. He pulls a small pad and pencil from his shirt pocket and scribbles directions, handing them to me. “Do you guys need me for the drop this morning?” I ask, looking from Star to Alex. “No,” comes Max’s gruff morning voice. “We will take care of it,” he says, giving Star a pointed look. She stares right back at him as though she is challenging him. It makes me laugh. I pull up outside of a huge fenced facility. Entering through the main glass door, I am met by a large, burly man who was definitely military. ”You must be Alice?” he says sternly, stopping right in front of me. “Yes, and you are Maveric, I’m guessing,” I reply with a grin. He gives me a firm nod and then says, “Tom explained your family and what you are looking for. I have two fully trained available that would meet your needs. Follow me,” he then turns on his heel and starts walking. Geeze, a friendly guy, I think to myself as I stifle a laugh. As we walked through the facility, you could both see and hear various dogs undergoing training. Men's voices carried that sounded like drill sergeants spouting out commands to them. Once we reached the back of the facility, there were large outdoor dog runs surrounded by 10-foot fences. The first dog he showed me was a German shepherd. He explained his training and medical records. I looked closely at the beautiful dog before me. But something was missing. I felt no connection. I never thought I would initially need to feel something, but I do. I looked at Maveric and asked him to show me the next available trained dog. We walked further down until we reached a run that had a Mastiff. He was large and imposing. But again, I felt no pull or connection to him. When I turned to look further down, my eyes landed on a huge, solid, black majestic creature. He had intense, soulful eyes. His very presence exuded strength, and I immediately connected to him. Something drew me in his direction as if I needed to be near him. ”This is Bear a Cane Corso. He has been stubborn with his training and isn’t ready yet,” Maveric explains. I turn towards him, curious. “Stubborn?” I question. “We train all our recruits to attack only on command. Bear here attacks immediately when he sees one of the trainers in the K-9 bite suits we use during sessions,” he explains. ”So you are saying he is intelligent enough that he learned what those suits represent and acts on instincts to get the jump on them?” I exclaim with a challenging eyebrow raised. Maveric looks a little taken aback by my statement. But that is exactly what information I understood from what he told me about Bear. ”I guess that's one way of looking at it,” he finally says. “Would you please open the gate so I can meet him?” I ask, trying my best to be polite. He gives me a firm nod and then unlocks the gate. I walk forward with my chin up and shoulders square. If Bear will be a part of my family for the rest of his life, we need to meet properly. I stop short of him by 5 feet and look him over. His ears are up straight, but he sits perfectly still, taking me in also. Our eyes meet, and I see his nose flaring, trying to take in my scent. The connection I felt earlier is stronger the longer I look at him. He has a fierce soul, but I also sense he could be a big teddy bear, too. He gets up and walks over to me, and I stand still, letting him sniff me. When he sits looking up at me with those big, beautiful black eyes, I melt. I kneel on one knee in front of him, reach up, and stroke from his powerful, thick neck down his back. ”You’re gorgeous, Bear. Would you like a new home?” I whisper to him with a smile. He leans forward and runs his big course tongue from my neck up the side of my face, kissing me. I burst out laughing. I stand and rest my hand gently on top of his head, turning to Maveric. “When can I take my son home?” I say with confidence. Because there is no doubt Bear is mine. Maveric looks taken aback by my question or by my calling him my son. I’m not sure which. “We will need to get you up to speed on his training and commands. If you agree to come by every afternoon for a week, you can take him home then,” he states with finality. I look down at Bear with sadness flowing through me. But Maveric is right. We need to train together. I probably need more training than Bear does, if I’m honest with myself. “I’ll be here tomorrow to see you, big guy,” I tell him, then stroke his head. I turn to Maveric. “I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then.” He nods at me, and I smile.
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