
1026 Words
- - Julian's POV - - For being someone with no soul, something in my gut felt unsettled by these endless stone corridors that now surround me and my guards. The guards behind me seem to tense as they also feel what lurks behind the walls. And still I keep walking desperate to get to my destination, to save the princess inside the forgotten cell.  Rounding the corner the smell of sweet honey and jasmine seems to fills the air, as we round the corner and a sliver door stands almost waiting for us to open it.  The guards seems to shift on their feet as if to prepare themselves for what lives behind the sliver door. I gesture for the guards to give me the key, only to find my own hands slightly shaking. Even in my undead body I still seem to take a deep a deep breath almost willing myself to be calm.  The sliver key weigh in my hand, almost humming calling for me to open the sliver door that now faces me. Pushing the sliver key into the keyhole, the whole door seems to hum under my hand as I unlock the door and open it.                                                                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  The first thing that catches my eyes were the most stunning set of eyes I’ve ever seen almost taking my non-existent breath away her eyes almost glowing at me. One ocean blue and the other the pure gold, searching me and the corridor behind me. Something in my throat tightens as we make eye contact. Her too pale skin and her sandy blonde hair almost framing those beautiful eyes.  Finding myself staring I finally push out some words.  “Hello my darling princess, would you like to leave?”                                     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As if frozen on the spot, I watch the guards pass me and put runed sliver shackles around her thin wrists, her eye’s never leaving mine even when the shackles hissed as they locked.  Unable to stare into her eyes anymore, shifting away to look at the cell. A thin mattress lays on the ground in one corner and a toilet in the other corner. But the most important thing that catches my eyes are the walls, dear hell the walls covered in tallies and drawings of people I don’t recognise, not a centimetre of the walls were bare.  Hearing the guards finish with the shackles and stand behind the princess, I turn to look back at the princess only to find her eyes still looking at me. Slowly I turn towards the corridors and hear her follow.                                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bone hitting stone snaps me out of my maze of thoughts of the cell, a small yelp escapes her lips sending ice up my spine. It was the first noise came out her and it came from pain. The guards moved down to pick her up. “Stop”. The command comes from me roaring down the stone corridor, I didn't even realise let alone have time to think about what I was going to do. Again I find those damn eyes again staring up at me. Her face almost hopeless and scared of me sends guilt down to my stomach. Gulping down the guilt, I down to help her. The princess the pale skin surprisingly warm as I pick her up. Tucking her under my arm and keeping my hand on her shoulder, we continue down the stone corridors.  We round the corner towards a more open corridor that leads to has more doors lining the walls then I could count even if i lived in them. As we do the princess starts to struggle in my grip. Slowly I let go looking down at her as she pushes me away with such force I'm left surprised. A laugh escapes my lips, turning I see her run at my guards her eyes glowing and her ears point out of her hair as if her wolf inside her wants to help her fight back.  Clicking my fingers hoping those runed sliver shackles worked, she slows down as her knees start to give way. Catching the princess before she hits the ground. Her body feels frail and small in my arms, lifting her up. Her scent fills my nose, the sweet smell of honey and jasmine. I find myself drawing her closer to my chest. “You may go now, i can handle her from here” telling the guards turning as I walk towards the princess’ new room.                                         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Opening the door, I lay her on her new bed and for awhile I just look down at her, watching her sleep. Her chest rises and falls softly, her hair has fallen on her face almost covering her too pale face. Cautiously as not to wake her I reach down softly pushing her hair behind her ear, her wolf form now gone.  Looking down at her face I notice a small yet noticeable birthmark that rest under her right eye, almost perfectly shaped like a crescent moon.  Stirring she rolls over almost facing me, still peacefully asleep. Drawing my hand away and move towards the door. “Sleep well Princess” whispering as I slip through the door.
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