Unexpected Fate

1693 Words
  Oh, how soft and tender the side of the road really is. Hmm? It’s just my plain and conventional spring bed. Yeah, having such powers would be overwhelming to a normal guy. Stopping time by just speed-walking to the maximum. Haha, pretty much a humor to talk about. “Yo, Marion. The bird’s told me you’d standing there. It seems they are perfect in prying you out.” “...“ It's possessing myself again, huh. I am transparent, just like what happened under my vision. However, I don’t have to run this time, and my body didn’t have the surge of energy as it was. Is this a disease? “A sprint wouldn’t be a sweat to come by.” (humph......humph) “ I lost my breath, as well as my hyper-speed.” I am unable to freeze or delay the time in a snap, unlike the day before. How can I do my job if my body is invisible to my crew? It's not the only matters to solve, since the sole hassle from all phase of my work is the managerial duty. Do I have to unveil myself to everyone?  Ah, being a phantom could be eerie for my female co-worker. I have to tell them the truth, at least it’s only for 24 hours straight. Or is it? How do I know when this would end? It’s a best bet to standby and wait for them to arrive. Better spring to my desk and try this one out for insurance. “Morning, Mr. Manager!!! I’M EARLY!!” She is coming this advance? How is this possible, for once? “Boss?! Is he in the back office? I can feel something up on the scene. What is it, then? A murder, burglary? Or.... He got kidnapped?” Well, it’s your over-estimation, Lauren. You’re the best woman for that sort of reaction. “And to count of his butt, he is measly not an outstanding playa. He might be diligent, but nothing outstanding for the kidnappers to attempt on snatching that douche.” Ergh, it is surely tickles. Time’s up, Lauren, let’s try this one on her as revenge. “I heard it so clear, Lauren. Why do you think that way of me? Am I really that ordinary?” Hahaha, I expect that one to be surprising to you, no matter how sturdy that brave face would be. Let’s keep this around for some time. “This is not funny, Mr. Reginald. I am shivering right now.” “Of today’s note, I can file a report with your name on it, you see. My superior would be aware on this one, I’m so sure about it.” Her face is turning stiff, as I predicted. “I yield, boss, It’s my fault.” “...” “Mr. Regi? I can listen to your giggle.” Who am I to bother? This is the best chance for me to play with her guts... Oops!! Shoot, she can do a kick? She never told me of this at all when she applied for the job. “You wished to kill me, huh, Ms. Lauren? Those kick would never..... “ Whoa, another slice of round from her leg. I don’t know when she studied for this, but she is a menace to have at this point. “Alright, alright, hand’s down. You have great intuition of finding me right here.”  “Huh? You are standing in front of me, boss? Really?” “You may not be believe in this, but... I am transparent.” “And you’re naked? That’s in the book. Of all people, you must be doing this already.” I am certainly not wondering about this. Why did my clothes also shrouded off the light? “No, I am not. My full outfit are still in one piece, unscathed. You can touch me if you need proof. Why are you feel so certain of my interest? Are you content that I am a nudist?” “Do you need back-ups of it, boss? Is it enough for me to show the last photos of you, lying down the beach, in your bare skin? I do save a lot of your pictures...” She is sharp... I couldn’t bear with it.... I have to rest myself for some time. Switch roles, my third sense. ---  “Alright, so you already noticed my issue. I have to go back on working. Happy to be here.” He murmured with lifeless tone, walking haplessly to get out from the counter. He didn’t even notice the other clerk, Rufus, being the one turned up overtime to work. “Good morning, Boss... sorry if I’m late. The traffic hold me hostage on the road... hey, where is he, Lauren? I need to speak with him.” Lauren is grinning happily to Rufus' genuine feelings of their boss' disappearance. “Good luck to find him, Rufus. He’s around the corner. Be keen on your senses.” She is waving her right hand and walking towards the office room upstairs, leaving Rufus with lots of question left unanswered. Rufus is chasing her tail in full vigilance of his surroundings, enhancing sensitivity of his awareness. However, no matter how cautious he has been, there's not a single hint of his boss everywhere. “Hmm, this is useless. How come he is not absent? Are you sure that you’ve met him today? It might be just an illusion, Lauren.” Lauren, stationary to her computer work, replying him without averting her attention to the man. “Have a faith with me, Rufus, and be patient. He would pop-up behind the back if you’re not aware with it.” “Yeah, Rufus. She is speaking of truth. I am omnipresent, watching your every move in close contact with your heart....” An immediate mumbling appeared beside Rufus, started a barrage of spooky chant to the brawn. “Hoahh!!” He is throwing an array of fist to his right side in an instant. A rustling sound emerged, revealing the boss in a face saturated by blood. “Oww, you really are a demonic beast, Rufus.” Lauren, in contrary with the common empathy of human being, roaring uncontrollably over the  dramatic scenario. “Lauren, curb your enthusiasm, why are you letting me drowned like this? Please help me, sister.” “Look, Mr. Regi, I am alright with your nonsense, but for you to pretend as a god....  that’s just ridiculous.” Rufus got bewildered by the situation. He confused on which way is better to react. “Boss, hummm.... I don’t know how to say this, but.... I’m sorry for arriving late this morning.” He kneel down to the floor, crashed his leg down to the ground as the way of apology to the king. “Ouch.... I would never do that anymore. Please do not report this to the headquarters.” “Ahem, Rufus.” “Right, boss?” “Please take one scroll of bandage from the store counter. It’s futile.” Rufus, in full excitement, rushing to pick up the manager’s request in accelerated dexterity. “Is he a buffoon? He doesn’t even have a clear mind over the emergency situation like this! how about you, Lauren?” In a sluggish fashion, Lauren hesitantly walking closer to Reginald. She’s starting to massage the manager’s leg and forearm in attempt to relieve his stress. “What am I suppose to do, Mr. God? Is this the spot?” “In the face, you dummy!! Just bring me the medication from the toolbox, and go!” With the face in bloodbath, Reginald is spurting out his complaints to Lauren. A small portion of the blood was sparkling to mid-air, smeared her face with it as a result. “Yuck, boss. That’s filthy and the most vulgar way to speak up... Yeah, yeah, I’ll get it.” She stood herself up and walking to the first-aid box on the left wing side of the door. “Uhh, Mr. Regi, which one do you need to stop the bleeding? Is it the pills?” “What pills? The only medication we have for this is the painkiller, give it to me real quick.” “Ah, I found it!!” Lauren is turning back to Reginald’s direction, only to be surprised with the sudden disappearance of her boss’ body. The muddled blood were the last track of him, made everything seems tragic and perilous to the background of their office. “Boss? You are fading out again... Are you still awake, Mr. Regi? I couldn’t look after you if it’s not.” “Yes, I am. Where is the medicine, Lauren?” “Here. I’ll drop it on the floor ahead of you.” Lauren is tossing the painkiller aimlessly to Reginald’s assumed position, as she doesn’t have ideas over his location in general. “Owww, you hit my pancreas!!” “Oh, sorry boss, I missed. Unintentionally, of course.” “Nah, just kidding. Thanks Lauren.” One of the pills vanished, ceased to the void universe, next after Reginald had swallowed it whole. “It’s fascinating to see how you eat it, boss. The pills are like ‘poof,’ I’m gone. ” “Yeah, yeah, It’s a good entertainment for you, but do not record this one at any cost whatsoever.” “Why? This is a nice idea to have this kind of footage, Mr. Regi. Think about it, ‘the sighting of paranormal activity in a broad daylight,’ It will carry our fame soaring high to the top!!” Lauren is peeking around, looking for a camera to film the “paranormal activity” that she keep blabbering about. “Yup, and I will be the responsible person to satisfy all of those journalists.” She got even more in rapture by Reginald’s answer. “No, no, I will. You are the ‘alien,’ and I will be like, ‘Yes, our boss were gone missing, he might be getting himself abducted by an unidentified character.' Which I don’t know, obviously. and that’s the best plan ever for us to wrap.” “And to wonder why I have to shut my mouth for this back then...” “I have to make a phone call, shuussh.... hello? Is this Ten-fold news? I have a scoop for you guys.” Reginald quickly dashing up to rob the phone out of her hands. “Just a phony call, not the real one, Mr. God. By the way, Rufus is taking too long for a simple bandage.” “Yes, it is. Do you mind if I ask you to check? I am not in a good condition for it, you see.” “Not in a bit. It would be more rewarding if I could put you on camera, though.” “Stop those nuisance and carry the grunt back up here, will ya?” ---Today is finally sets to the finish line. I can dismiss all my worrisome thoughts about my co-workers reaction. They might be surprised, and some ended up to be an accident to my head, but it is still going as I pleased to be. I have to contemplate more in regards of this power, however, so it’s scribble for dinner. Night-night.
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