5 # : Promise to herself

1595 Words
Anaya walks fast and decides to leave this house now. Samir stopped her. Samaira scrambled to her and hugged her. Samaira and Samir pulled back Anaya forcefully to her room. Actually, Anaya is the daughter of Mamta and Ranvir Arora. They are close friends of Samarth's parents. They are out of the country for some reason So they left Anaya at Samarth's house. Both families are planning a marriage of Samarth and Anaya. They wished that both children would come close with each other. "Anaya, listen... just calm down. Please... " Samaira tried to calm her down. She is Anaya, she can never tolerate anyone's presence in Samarth's Life. "How to calm..? You know that I love Samarth from childhood, but he never gives importance to me. Always... Arohi... Arohi... She died, but not left Samarth and that was not enough, now this bitch..." Anaya barked and cried hard. "If you will leave this house, how will you kick out this Aradhya?" Samir said with an evil smirk on her face. "Samir is right. Bhai doesn't love this Aradhya. We will find the truth behind this marriage. Till you have to stay here." Samaira explained to her and tried her best to stop her. Soon atmosphere became peaceful in her bedroom. But they are unaware of the storm, which is coming towards them, and that's Samarth Goenka. Samarth knocks on the door and enters the room, trio of them are standing in a line in front of him like criminal stands in front of the cops. Samarth is moving here and there in slow motion. The colour of their face was vanishing with every step of Samarth. They knew very well that today they will be finished by Samarth. Samarth sits on the chair and lift her left leg and put it on her right knee with a unique style. He was looking not less than the devil. "Now who will tell me about the previous night? Anaya or Samir?" Samarth let out and narrowed his eyes. His anger is visible on his face and his eyes are revealing only the terror. "Yes, I did. So what? I want you, want to be your wife, can't you see my love? He's you ever think what affects me? Even you know that soon we are going to marry, still, you marry that b***h, why Samarth, why?" Anaya said angrily and tears filled her eyes, while her voice was cracked with pain. "We were going to marry soon, you know that. So why you did this with me that night? This is your wrong way, you tried to seduce me, the Samarth Goenka, do you know whom you tamed?" Samarth growled and stood up in front of Anaya. Anaya is creeping in fear and stepped back with terror. " But nothing happened between us..." She paused and Anaya trembled, "T-trust me..." "So what...?" Samarth roared at her and she twitched tip to toe. "You know, Anaya, I love Arohi, then why you tried to do this in Nasik?" Samarth asked, this time his tone was normal, he tried to keep it normal as much as possible. "Sorry... Samarth, but why don't you try to forget her??, she is no more between us." Anaya asked with fear. "She is living in my heart, will always live. Now forget about me. I married Aradhya, now respect her. If anyone of you will try to harm or tease her, nobody is worse than me for the trio of you." Samarth warned them. He was about to leave but stopped hearing her again. "If you really love Arohi, then why do you marry Aradhya?" Anaya asked and gritted her teeth. "After marrying her, no need to give the reason of not marrying you. I don't want to marry you, that's why I married her." Samarth answered arrogantly. " Samir, pack your bags, move to Nasik, continue your study. As per your demand, I transferred your admission to Nasik. And you both, stay in limit. Otherwise...... You know what I can do..." Samarth said and moved out of the room. He whirled back and reminded, "Mark my every word." Anaya threw herself on the bed and slapped hard on the bed while gritted her teeth. "Anaya, just calm down. Wait and watch." Samaira cupped her face and said to Anaya. On another side... Aradhya went to the kitchen, breakfast is cooked by maids. She is stammering to say something, at that time, Sakshi noticed her and greeted her with a bright smile, " Bhabhi... Good morning." She said and hugged Aradhya. "Good morning... Di... And please don't call me bhabhi. Call me, Aradhya." Aradhya pouted. Everyone laughed. Aradhya touched Dadi's feet for blessing. Dadi kissed her forehead with so much love. Aradhya never expects so much love from anyone but she was cherished by all the family members, whom she met just yesterday. "Okay, Aradhya, breakfast is already cooked, you should cook the sweet dish. What would you like to cook?" Sakshi asked holding her shoulders from the back. "A carrot Halwa," Aradhya replied happily. Sakshi helped her in preparation, then Aradhya cooked herself. After some time everyone came to the dining table. Aradhya served breakfast and Halwa to everyone. Samarth is sitting beside Dadi, and Sakshi forcefully made her sit beside Samarth. Anaya came late and sat in front of Samarth and beside Sakshi. Everyone starts eating. Dadi praised, " Aradhya, you are the best cook. I never taste Halwa like this. So yummy." "Thanks, Dadi." "Hmm, Aradhya, so yummy," Sakshi said. "Thanks, Di." (Actually, Aradhya was sent to a hostel from childhood. Her family is not so rich, so they sent her to the girl's hostel, It was govt hostel, where no fees were to be paid by parents, but no workers were available, so every girl had to work there, A hostel runs on a grant provided by govt. She is trained in every work of household from childhood in the hostel. So cooking is an easy task for her, she is the best student at that hostel.) Aradhya is thanking her warden, in her mind. A smile appears on her face. Her warden was so strict so the girls of the hostel became perfect in their every work. After breakfast Aradhya was collecting plates, Samarth is ready for the office. Dadi came with a box and called Aradhya, " Beta, this is "Shagun" for your first cooking in this home. Dadi said and gave her a diamond necklace. She said, "I ordered it for Samarth's wedding and finally our daughter in law is found. So this is for you, my child." "Thanks, Dadi, but I don't want this gift. Please." Aradhya denied taking it. "Aradhya, you can't deny, this is 'Shagun' Please keep it with you," Sakshi said lovingly. "Okay, thanks Di.." Aradhya smiled. Samarth was watching them, he was talking with someone on phone, but his eyes are on these ladies. When he hung up the call, Dadi asked, " Samarth, have you gift her anything last night?" Aradhya's eyes opened wide hearing that. Samarth nods negatively. "This is not fair, beta. Buy something for her today." Dadi ordered. He nods only. Aradhya left for her room with a Jewellery box and Samarth left for the office. Aradhya opened her cupboard, in the corner of the cupboard, she hides there her reports of that black day. Her eyes filled with tears. She murmured, " Dadi, I don't deserve this. For once I become a daughter in law or wife, but I'm not....... I don't deserve this honour " She cried a lot hugging the jewellery box. "Dadi and Di... I hope that you will never learn the darkest truth of my life, if you will know, I don't know how will you react?" She murmured herself and cried again. She thought that yesterday she wanted to die and jumped into the river, and today she forgot everything and lives happily with Samarth's family. Everyone is loving and caring for her except Samarth. "Samarth is not so bad but he is arrogant, Angry man, especially with me, whenever we met, started with a fight. Ohh god..." Aradhya thought about Samarth and slapped her head, " How can I think about him... Awwww... No... Never....." Her tears stopped for a while and started again, "In fact, I have never been worthy for him. He has just sympathy for me, and he wanted to avoid his marriage with the girl, whom his family chose, so he married me. Nothing else." Her mind is fighting with herself. She is not an egoist girl, but whenever they meet each other, the situation turned against them and they blamed each other for the wrong that happened to them. So she orally fought with Samarth every time. She touches her Mangalsutra and promised herself, " My new life is given by Samarth, I know that I'm not capable of payback you but I will try my best to cherish Samarth's life from now. And if he needs to be free from this relationship, I will free him whenever he will wish... I will try my best to give justice to this relationship." She was sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes. Cursing the tragedy of her life and also blaming God for the misery of her life. She can neither change the past nor move ahead. She feels that she doesn't deserve the place which she is honoured by fate, especially, being a wife of The Samarth Goenka, the biggest business tycoon.
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