Chapter 4

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"Milton dear?" I opened my eyes slightly and got a look at Cathlin laying next to me. I turned my head towards the light source just as Catherine stepped in. "I see I have awoken you. I am sorry but this is urgent and must not wait until the morrow." I nodded and stifled a yawn. I silently moved Cathlin over and sat up. Catherine sat on the bed and smiled at me kindly before handing me a piece of paper. "Will Carter. A business partner of John. He is in need of another secretary after his last one was found dead yesterday morning. I asked John to recommend to you." She handed over the candle and I read the paper. It was a street address and a name. Nothing else. I felt my eye twitched as I handed back the candle. She laughed quietly and blew the candle out. "I felt the same way when I first read it. Like everyone is supposed to know who he is or something?" I felt her move as my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. I saw her silhouette walk away from me before the sound of a door closing softly reached my ears. I sighed and tightened my grip on the piece of paper in my hand. "Freedom. Freedom. This is for my freedom." My soft whispers made Cathlin stirred and latch onto my arm. "Mama." Her voice sounded scared and sad. I laid back down and pulled her close, keeping my grip on the paper. "Tomorrow I officially begin my life as Milton Tilly." I groan in frustration at the blasted name. "Why couldn't have I said Rikkard? That sounds like a much better name." I guess I'll find out tomorrow. * "Ah! Milton darling! What would you like? Eggs? Bread and jam? Or maybe some porridge and potatoes?" I looked at the spread on the table. I sat Cathlin down in a chair and sat next to her. Dylan passed me the potatoes and a placed some on my plate. "That's all darling?" I nodded with a smile. "Yes, Mrs. Diggle." She rolled her eyes at me just as John walked through the doorway. A small smile was placed on his lips before he swooped down and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Johnny dear. Not in front of the children." A giggle could be heard from behind her hand. Dylan whined at them as chuckles escaped their lips. I finished off the porridge, now filled with homesickness. Mother and father acted like this when I was just a tot. "Oh! Milton dear." I looked up from the memories to see smiling Catherine. "Mr. Carter said he would meet you at seven today. You best hurry along if you are to get there. Johnny dear, let the child borrow one of your suits for the occasion." John grumbled a reply under his breath to which Catherine smiled widely. "Come along child. You have to cross town to get to Mr. Carter's work of business. Now let's see what is to fit you." She walked me to a room filled with a bed and a wardrobe. Nothing else really graced the room except a small body mirror and a table to the wall. She dug through the wardrobe and pulled out a hat with some trousers and a tailcoat. "Let's see if they will fit you, darling." She handed them to me before stepping out of the room. I shrugged off the oversized coat of Derek's and removed the trousers of great proportions. Derek really should have thought about my size, the blasted goat! I heaved on the new trousers before shrugging on the tailcoat of Mr. Diggle. Mr. Diggle was quite small, as I fit in his clothes. There was a problem with the chest area, though. "Mrs. Diggle!" I heard hurried footsteps before the door opened. A burst of loud unladylike laughter filled the room. "Oh good gracious darling. Maybe those baggy clothes were better off for you!" She held her stomach and I scowled. Blasted breasts! Why did I have to inherit such a large bosom from mother!? "Oh, darling." She took off the tailcoat and unbutton the shirt. "Rather large bosoms are a curse in these types of situations." She was still chuckling by the time she finished wrapping this cloth around my breasts. As she buttoned up the shirt once more, it was viewable that I indeed looked like a male. My bosom was no longer a problem as she helped me into my tailcoat. "Come along darling. You can stop by to see Mr. Carter as you and Dylan escort me to the shopping center." I nodded and placed the hat on top of my head and tucked my hair underneath. "A suitable young man I would say!" John patted my back before hurrying off to his office I would presume. "Dylan darling! Grab Cathlin and meet us by the carriage!" Catherine ushered me out the door and to a carriage. People waved to us before continuing with their day. Young girls giggled and blushed before scurrying off, much to the displeasure of their mothers and escorts. I helped Mrs. Diggle into the carriage and waited for Dylan and Cathlin to appear. "Excuse sir." I turned just as a pretty little thing curtsied before me. I went against my training and bow slightly with a kind smile. "How might I help you miss?" A small giggle slipped through her lips before holding out a letter. "Mother has allowed me to help pass out the invitations to my coming out ball. I wish for you to be there if you can. My name is Harrietta." Three more girls appeared by her side and giggled as I took the invitation from her. "I will try miss but I have you know I am promised to another." Sighs escaped them before they caught them. "To who, might we ask?" A giggled came from my right and I turned just in time to catch Cathlin as she tripped over her dress. Dylan hurried to her side a helped her up before bowing to the four ladies. "Mr. Tilly. Auntie is awaiting us. We must hurry for Mr. Carter." I nodded and helped Cathlin into the carriage before helping Dylan up as well. "She is a secret for she has not come out yet. I will tell you when she does, though." I pressed a finger to my lips and the girls hurried off, giggling along the way. "Such frivolous things nowadays, Mr. Tilly. So scandalous talking to a man though not of. Come along child." I giggled as I climbed into the carriage. "If they are scandalous, then what am I?" She grinned at me. "Another being Mr. Tilly. MOVE IT ALONG!" She banged against the roof of the carriage and we lurched forward. Cathlin fell into my lap as Dylan laughed before falling to the ground, his head landing underneath Catherine's skirts. A surprised noise came from her throat as I laughed with Cathlin at Dylan's red face. "My my boy. No balls for you for quite some time." His face darkened considerably as Cathlin giggled before placing a kiss on his cheek. Catherine did a knowing laugh before she patted my hand. I gave her a smile as we passed by many things, heading towards the district that will change my life. Oh, how Aunt would have been if she had seen me now. Her eyes stared and her heart burst from joy.
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