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CHAPTER 3 Three days later... At the private hangar, Manila Phils., Everybody from the Weston Family was present at the send-off of Alik, Elisha, and Elik. “We will see you next month, son, Elisha”. Khalan tapped Alik’s shoulder and kissed Elisha’s cheeks. “Yes, Dad!” Elisha responded timidly. Khalan looked at the simpleness of Elisha, the Queen of Giorginia. The beautiful lady, who stood next to his powerful and benevolent son, appeared like a simple wife --loving, caring, warm-hearted, and sweet. Unless someone asked about her background, nobody would suspect that she held the highest and the most privileged rank in her own country. After today, the couple will have a life far different from what they were used to. As they assume their positions in their country, they would shoulder an entire load of their Kingdom. Khalan signed deeply. He could only wish them the best. But, he also knew that-- good or bad, the Weston family would support them all the way. “Elisha, I hope we have expressed how happy we are to have you as a member of our family. Whatever happens, we are just a call away. Don’t hesitate even for a moment to call us anytime.” Aliyah muttered. She was so happy to have her, not for her stature as a Queen, but for the person she was. The woman, her son, loves beyond anything. “Thank you, mom. You made me feel so welcome. I am the one blessed to be part of your wonderful family.” Elisha meekly replied. To be a Weston was indeed a blessing. “Sister Elisha, I will visit you soon. We will also make the shopping mall there so amazing, and it will definitely draw the attention of neighboring kingdoms.” Khalie remarked excitedly. Alik and Luke were constructing a high-end shopping mall and hotels in the Kingdom to boost tourism in Giorginia. Aliyah designed the buildings herself, and Khalie was in charge of the interior design. “Oh yes! I will look forward to that.” Elisha giggled. The ladies hugged each other while the gentlemen talked about the company's final plans while they all waited for the go signal of the pilot. They would be boarding on a private aircraft of the Weston’s. After fifteen minutes, the crew had secured all permits and requirements to fly. Alik and Elisha, together with Elikhan, boarded the plane. As the aircraft door closes, Alik knows it was the start of his journey as Elisha’s consort. He would no longer be known as a businessman. He'd be the Grand Duke of Giorginia and the consort of the Queen. Alik signed to an unfamiliar royal route. But it was the only path where he could be with the woman he loved --nothing else mattered. As the private aircraft took off, Elisha and his hand were entwined. They have to wait for eight hours before they reach their destination. Elikhan was a little disturbed while the plane was stabilizing in the air... Alik stood up and got him from his nanny, and placed him in his lap. Perhaps knowing that he was safe in his father’s arms, the child settled down and eventually fell asleep. “He’s getting familiar with your presence. You’re spoiling him.” Elisha attempted to make fun of him as an overly concerned father. “I was just making up for the lost time, since his mother was too much of a coward to fight for his Dad.” He mocked her for hiding Elik's existence from him for a long time. Elisha was concerned and scared that Alik would take Elik away from her, the reason why she didn't let him know at first. Elik had been the source of her strength; without him, Elisha's life in the kingdom would become more intolerable. Nevertheless, that was all behind them now. She was already secure in Alik's feelings for her. “Maybe dad failed to let mom know that he was crazy for her. That’s why she was so scared.” Elisha bickered with him. “Ha?! Was it my fault that you suddenly left me? No communication for three years? And as I remember it correctly, your letter states 'to forget you.' It was good I never did." He bickered back, his playful eyes challenging her to play with him. They could already make fun of their bitter-sweet past because they knew it held just a small part in their present and future life. They were now more confident in their relationship, and they could handle all future challenges together. Their bitter-sweet past also held invaluable memories that made them stronger, braver, and more confident of their affection for each other. Her eyes twinkled and she said, “That Elik's father was so hot. His mother can’t take her eyes off of him.” She giggled after she praised him. Alik clicked his tongue playfully. "Tsk!" his eyes twinkled and his dimples appeared on his flawless face. “Was it just the eyes she couldn't take off? I think you need to include her hands too. She couldn’t take her hands off of his body.” Alik teased, remembering the way Elisha caressed every muscle in his form. “Sweetheart, you're the most freakin-arrogant and shameless man I’ve ever known!” Elisha scoffed and pinched the skin below his ribcage. “That’s the reason you love me,” Alik smirked and blurted out confidently. She nodded. “Yeah! Hubristic belief in your own self-worth.” her eyes held amusement in its depths. Alik cackl*d in laughter at her response while she glared mischievously at him. After his laughter subsided, he said, “True, but that’s what made me special.” Elisha surrendered, “Absolutely special!” She giggled, never doubting her husband’s self-worth. No one would dare question that Alik was a self-made man. It was just coincidental that he was from an affluent clan. But his own abilities made him an even bigger man than he was destined for. And what was more captivating for her was the fact that he was willing to forgo everything to be by her side. It made her heart melt whenever she remembered that Alik chose her over everything he had. His expression of that intent brought tears to her eyes. “Oh, uh. Don’t tell me you will cry again?” He asked dubiously when he saw the rims of her eyes turning scarlet. She snuggled in his arms and explained, “I’m just so touched whenever I remember what you have sacrificed for me,” Alik allowed the nanny to carry Elik to his private compartment to sleep better. He turned to Elisha when they were alone and pressed her to his chest with a playful grin formed on his lips.“Sweetheart, you are more important than any of my possessions.” he tenderly caressed her arms. “Thank you, Alik! I will forever remember how you fought for me.” She mumbled truthfully. “Silly, I’m still accepting payback!” He whispered, with a devious grin still pasted on his handsome face. Elisha wiggled her way to get closer to his body and snuggled with him even tighter. “I’m willing to pay anytime, possibly.” She whispered back at him and fanned her long eyelashes, which made her so flirtatiously attractive. Such an act of hers was Alik's spark --his blood always surged whenever she looked at him like that. His light brown eyes flashed with streaks of gold as he leered at his gorgeous and naughty wife. The automatic door of their compartment slowly closed. It gave them the privacy they needed at the moment as Alik's thin lips lowered onto Elisha's luscious lips. Eight hours later... The door of the aircraft opened. The crew of the aircraft took their position, and the Queen marched in the aisle. “Ready, my Queen?” Alik asked. He positioned himself at the back of Elisha, following the protocol and carrying Elik in his arms. Elisha turned, smiled, and glanced at him through her long brown lashes. “Yes, my Duke!” then she stepped out of the door first, immediately followed by Alik and Elik. The people of Giorginia were waiting for them spread over the unrestricted ground of the airport. They excitedly waved their hands with the Giorginian flag. The people were very enthusiastic and eager to see the royal family. The Queen, the Duke, and the Prince smiled and waved back at them. Excited voices and applause echoed all over the place. Alik and Elisha looked at each other meaningfully. It's the start of their official obligation as the ROYAL FAMILY.
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