Chapter 3: Girlfriends

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It's been a week since they had talked to each other. Their usual talks with each other are now replaced by stolen glances and the constant ignoring of each other's presence. Riley regrets her decision of running away but at that moment when Julianna kissed her, happiness bubbled inside her and at the same time, she was frightened. What if she can't love Julianna like she think she could? It's also another day till Valentine's Day, which leaves Riley with one more day to make things right so she can spend it with the one she loves most - Julianna. Riley climbed up the stairs of the Cabello household and knocked gently on the door of Julianna's room. This is the first time she had ever knocked before entering and it feels awkwardly weird. Riley shrugged off the feeling and opened the door to see Julianna sitting on the bed with her earphone's plugged in, scrolling through her tumblr feed. "Hey Jules." She greeted quietly so she won't scare the younger girl. Julianna looked up at Riley with tired eyes, she obviously hadn't been sleeping well for the past week. "Hey Rye." Julianna replied putting her phone away, "What brings you here?" "Nothing." Riley replied, "I just missed you a lot Jules. I'm sorry for running away. I should've -" "It's not your fault." Julianna said cutting Riley off, "I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry. I should've known that you don't feel the same -" This time, Julianna was cut off by Riley's lips on hers. Their lips moved together in sync and harmony, Julianna's hands tangled in Riley's hair. "Will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" Riley asked panting, almost immediately when oxygen became an issue and they had to pull away. "Of course! I'd love to." Julianna squealed pecking Riley on the lips. "Julianna!" Austin called out through the crowd of students, "Wait up!" "Yeah?" "I have two tickets for Demi Lovato's concert and I was thinking if you would go with me?" He asked, holding out two tickets for Julianna and ran his fingers through his hair with the other. "Sure!" Julianna replied with a grin. "Really? Thanks Julianna!" "Well, it's Demi Lovato! Why would I miss it?" Julianna replied and before Austin could reply her, Riley appeared and hugged Julianna. "Hey Jules." "Hi Lo! This is Austin, he's from my math class." Julianna introduced. "Nice to meet you Riley." Austin held out his hand and shook Riley's. "Nice to meet you too." Riley smiled, "What were the both of you talking about?" "Austin invited me to Demi Lovato's concert and I accepted." Julianna said and Riley felt a pang of jealousy in her stomach. Did she hear right? "Oh. That's great Jules." Riley replied voice dripping with jealousy. "Alright. We have to go. Thanks for the invite Austin." Julianna said and grabbed Riley's hand, pulling her out of the school. "What's wrong?" "You're asking me what's wrong?" Riley asked seething with slight anger, "You accepted Austin's invite without asking me!" She added. "I thought it was my only chance to see Demi!" Julianna defended, "I'm sorry okay?" "You don't seem sorry at all." Riley huffed, "I'm going home." She added breaking free from Julianna's grasp. "What about our date?" Julianna asked before Riley could walk away. "You have Austin." The older girl simply replied and with that, Riley stormed off, leaving behind a devastated Julianna. Julianna walked home after Riley walked off angry at her and totally forgot about how Julianna needs a ride to get home. She plopped herself onto the mattress immediately after she climbed into the treehouse, falling asleep slowly whilst hoping that Riley come over so they could patch things up.  _______________________________ Julianna woke up to a familiar sense of warmth behind her in the dark. She smiled and closed her eyes, only to open them again when she realized she fell asleep alone. "Rye?" Julianna breathed out huskily, "Is that you?" "Who else silly." Riley chuckled and ran her thumb across the cheek of the younger girl, "I'm so sorry I stormed off and left you in school. I forgot that you can't drive yet." The green-eyed girl apologized making Julianna giggle. "It's fine, just don't do that again. I had a hard time walking all the way back from school." Julianna laughed lightly, "On a serious note, were you jealous that I accepted Austin's invitation to the concert?" Julianna asked with a smirk. Although it was dark, Julianna could feel Riley's cheeks turn bright red, "Are you blushing?" "No." The older girl denied. "Don't lie Flores." "Argh. How would you know?" Riley whined, blushing even harder. "I could feel the heat radiating off your cheeks. Besides, you look cute when you blush, what a pity that I can't see it now." Julianna teased, gaining a smack on her arm. "Ow, what was that for?" Julianna pouted. "For teasing me. And don't bother to pout because I can't see it anyways." Riley said sticking out her tongue, she herself forgetting about the fact that Julianna might not be able to see because of the dark. "I can tell Austin that I won't be able to make it for the concert if you want." Julianna suggested. "It's okay, you should go. It's your only chance to see Demi." The older Latina mumbled. "But I would rather make you happy than see Demi. I'm telling Austin that I can't make it." Julianna muttered, sensing the insecurity in Riley's voice. "Are you sure?" Riley posed, "It's really your -" "I'm sure RyeRye, hundred percent sure." Julianna replied, giving a gentle squeeze to Riley's arm, assuring her.   
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