Becoming Royal — 3

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OLIVIA (LYRA)’S POV. “This happy gathering might have to be postponed till few hours from now. We have been invaded by the protectors and pack witch of the crystal moon pack. They claim to have seen the next alpha in line’s runaway bride here.” The cheery expression on the kings face disappears like it was never there as three men dressed in similar amour like tops moves to inform the king. What’s actually weird is the fact that I am not even anywhere close to the king, but I just heard every single word whoever this men are just said. “Selena, what are you?” I ask and hit my temple with my right fist. “What?!” “That’s a wrong question. The right question is, what am I?” I ask and she moves closer to me. “You are a confident lady who took a mare maid such as I as a friend and even a sister. Even if you are nineteen and you are still the only one in the family who hasn’t shifted yet, you never let it bother you. You speak whatever comes to your mind without mincing a word and even when you promise yourself multiple times to hide your honest opinion you just can’t. You have had a crush on Mateo ever since he was you were five. You are a special person.” She whispers and I suck in my lips. I think Lyra is just obsessed with Mateo, Adrian the ass feels like the right one – “That wasn’t what I meant, what I meant was –“ I am cut off when she walks past me to meet Gina. Shifting my gaze to everyone, I discover everyone is moving except I and the Mateo man who seems unable to take his eyes off me. Maybe Lyra’s crush wasn’t one-sided after all. It must be mutual, but I would rather end up with Adrian even though he is an ass. There is something about his touch that I am yet to figure out. Not even in my twenty seven years of living have I ever experienced such flutters in my heart at first sight and touch– “Hi.” A chubby and shy female says as she moves to stand next to me and I give her an equal sheepish smile. “Hi.” I reply and I watch her smile grow. Was Lyra a snub too? “I have been curious for a long time, I just want to know if you are human too.” She says and I turn fully to have a clear view of her face. Of course I am human or am I some immortal being now that I might be in my previous life? “Do I look and feel like a ghost?” I ask and she makes an ‘oh!’ shape with her lips as she raises her brows. “She’s just like I have heard.” She murmurs, but again I can hear even the slightest sound. “Wait! That’s not what I meant. I just wanted to know if I look so inhuman.” I try to explain as she walks away, but she is unable to hear me. I just asked a simple question – it is actually going to be harder than I imagined living as Lyra. ‘I am Aubery.’ The same voice I have heard once before says and I turn around to figure out who just spoke, but no one is standing next to me? Since I got some immortal ability to hear words said extremely far away from where I am, it must be that some Aubery was speaking with someone. It just sounded extremely loud like it was said in my head or right into my ears – “The event continues.” A man who must be the king’s announcer says and everyone gathers around again as Selena and Gina moves to stand on either sides of me. “Aren’t you meant to stand next to Kaia?” I whisper and she smiles. “Right, but only the Luna’s daughter gets a chance to stand next to the princes on a day like this.” Gina explains and I feel my right brow raise. Really? “Is there a particular reason why a day like this has such a rule?” My curiousness gets the best of me most times. “My mother is the king’s concubine and only the first female gets to be treated right. The rest of the ladies are meant to remain in the background like they do not exist.” She stops talking and I nod in understanding. “I am sorry I asked such a personal question.” I apologize and she smiles. “It is fine to ask. You are bound to know any way. You seem to have caught the eyes of my brothers, I hope the moon goddess would be nice enough to make you compatible with one of them.” She whispers and I shrug as I turn to face the throne. Everyone does their squatting thing before falling on their knees except me. Falling on my knees without going through the cycle of squatting before kneeling, I let my forehead touch the ground just like the rest as I try to retrieve my memories from last night which seems pretty impossible as all I can remember is turning off the my bed side lamp to sleep in other to make it to the office early enough like I have always been. Rise everyone. To the humans present, I appreciate your presence and peaceful coexistence with us despite the huge differences between us all. The skies are becoming darker by minutes and all unmated females are to remain isolated from the males for now. My first son, Mateo who is also the next in line and our future Alpha would be deciding his mate now.” The king announces as it seems like he has resolved whatever crystal moon problem was. Females shouldn’t be isolated… I might not have been able to face everyone who trampled on me like a door rug to move aside, but being Lyra makes me feel different… The night is about to happen let me know what their full moon is all about because the history books never mention any part that featured inhumanity. “Turn around everyone.” The king’s announcer announces and everyone turns their backs to the king, except. Why should we turn our backs? Should anyone be trusted blindly? What if the king wants to have them dead? I watch Adrian brows crease as Mateo finally takes his eyes off me and I turn my back too like the others. There is a long silence broken almost immediately by the noisy wind as leaves floats in the air like rain drops and the noisy footsteps of horses becomes louder causing me to turn towards the direction of the extreme noise. “My nephew would be picking his wife and I am not invited?” The man who seems to be leading his troop says as he gets off the horse and I just can’t miss the king’s void expression. “You are here anyways.” That’s supposed to be a silent reply, but my new sense of hearing from afar just can’t skip that. “You treated my son’s case casually.” The man who must be the King’s brother retorts and the people’s silence is deafening. Shoulder length hair, extremely tall, well-built body and a scar on the left side of his face – I think I remember who he is. He is Jullian, the King’s brother who rules the neighboring town and succeeded in killing his brother. “Could it be? –“ No, no way… Am I here to help save the king? Would that change the plot of the history books containing the contents filled with this era? How do I get to tell the King about his brother’s ulterior motives? Would he even bother to hear me out? I can’t bear being locked up in some cold and scary cell. I might not even be picked by Mateo and I do not crave to be his anyways. If it were Adrian maybe I would have done whatever I can to ensure he picks me as his bride. Also, what if I am wrong? I really do not want to be the reason why two brothers become enemies. “Lucas’s mate fled and rumors has it that she was aided.” The king’s brother continues and Gina moves to pull my hands. “Do not look back please. You might get on my father’s wrong side.” She whispers and I nod as I do as she has just requested. “Who is the other man?” I ask. “He is my father’s brother. He rules the other pack.” She is whispering. “Are they on good terms?” “I can’t answer that. If you become a royal tonight, you will eventually find out. Why do you ask by the way?” She replies and I nod multiple times before shaking my head. “I just –“ I trail off as I try to form an appropriate sentence but nothing is coming. I really do not fit in here. I wonder where Lyra is. Why did she leave her body and why am I in hers? Where is my own body? “I am sorry for replying harshly, it is just that such questions can’t be answered where they all can hear.” She explains as Selene moves to stand next to me. He is indeed the King’s brother who rules the neighboring town. The history books are right… Maybe I am here as an angel to save the king. All I have to do now is to remember what happened the day the king died… “I am here with the mind of attending my cousin’s engagement.” A man who seems to be in the age group of Mateo says as he approaches and walk past me. Once again, I am tempted to turn back to see what’s actually going on, but Gina’s harsh reply makes me stay still. “Father, I didn’t realize you were here.” He adds and I clench my fists. “Brother.” I can never mix up Adrian’s voice with someone else’s. “Let the event begin, the full moon is about to set. We believe strongly that you have your new members under control and the full moon won’t require locking them up.” The king’s brother says and if I am not completely wrong, that sounded more like a mockery than an actual statement. Also, can the king’s brother have some sense of shame? Can he not wait until everyone has been dismissed? “Romal isn’t here. If she was, I have no reason to keep her away from you; she is Lucas’s mate after all.” The king replies calmly, but his tone has a depth of anger hiding in it. “Here comes the special moment I have been anticipating… I hope my mate finds me tonight too.” Gina gushes in as she clasps her hands to pray. “The royal family gets married on the same night?” I ask and she grins. “You sound like you aren’t from our pack. You were born and bred here. No, having a mate who wants you is different from getting engaged or having a betrothed.” She answers and I nod. “So I am supposed to be excited right now?” I ask and Selena nods. “For the first time in the history of the royal line, the Prince would choose his bride with all eyes on him. Turn around everyone and watch the next Alpha pick his bride.” The king orders and everyone turns around. Gina and Selena walks away from me as the other ladies who might also be picked in Lyra’s place stands around me. Again, everywhere is filled with a terrible deafening silence and I can slowly feel my heart race for no reason. ‘The time has finally come.’ The Aubery’s voice says again and I turn around. “Who are you?” I ask. “Are you asking to know if the first Prince knows me?” The lady next to me answers and I tilt my head. “Are you Aubery?” “No, I am Gia.” She replies and I feel my nails digging into my palms. Again I am the crazy one… Mateo finally steps down from where he has been standing and two men with swords in their right hands walks behind him. He starts off from the lady in front and he moves away from her, causing her to fall on her butt in disappointment. “He is not that special.” I mumble and he raises his head. Did he hear that? He moves unto the next and the one after until he is standing right in front of me and the next word that slips out his mouth wouldn’t have meant anything if Adrian didn’t just move like lightening to stand in front of me. “Mate.” They say in unison as Mateo takes a hold of my right hand and Adrian takes the left.
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