Chapter 2

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ZAILA I kiss Lavender's cheek before I exit the room. I search for Pinky and Lizzy, only to see them in the kitchen eating five different cans of ice cream with gusto. Then I smiled, knowing Lizzy would be alright with Pinky. She's the best person on this team that could make everyone feel comfortable. Yet dangerous like us once you poke her. Our code names are based on our personalities. I'm Rain, Queen the Deadly Assassin of Elite Team. Bubble is our hacker, tech nerdy, and she loves bubble gum so much. Pinky is the joyous person on the team, she remained positive in life even after she'd been through, and she loves the color pink in everything. Lavender is a silent person but a genius on the team. Her experience was worse than any of us in the time of our captivity at the hand of the drug lord. She's still struggling to trust a man in her life or even anyone aside from our mentor and us. Her code name came from her favorite flower, lavender. Ash and Pen are twins, fierce, and both headstrong women. They are the second in command of our team. When I rescued them, they were in prison away from everyone since both weren't afraid to fight back if anyone touched them. The drug lord regrets kidnapping them because they rather take a bitting than someone's touch. Ash, code name came from her favorite dog that was killed trying to protect them from being kidnapped, while Pen came from her hobby, which she loves to draw. The five of them were on her first mission. When Ultor Organization used her as bait for the task, killed the pedo-drug lord, and burned down his business to the ground with him and his men, they rescued the five girls and many others who had been held captives. The five girls stuck by her side since then; they have formed a connection with each other until now. They became soul sisters. My mentor helped and trained them alongside me. From therapist, education, and training, it took them four years to finally work with me on the mission. We are a close tight team, and no one aside from our mentor knows who we are. "My last target?" I asked Bubble. "Room 287," she answered without taking her eyes on the screen of her laptop. "You have 10 minutes before they will realize what's happening here. Cops are on their way; I'm trying to delay them even though I'm also the one who called them a few minutes ago." I wave to Ash and Pen before leaving and head to the room that Bubble told me about. I quickly ran towards the fire exit before others could see me, even though I knew Bubble still had control of the hotel system. Ensuring the coast is clear, I silently move toward room 287 and slide the employee's card into the lock. As I enter, I can hear the commotion coming from the bedroom, so I go there. I open the door silently and watch the man trying to escape from his bond and cursing when it only tightens in his wrist. Lavender was best in her knot, and I don't think the man can escape anytime soon; he never will. I cleared my throat to take his attention. He immediately glanced in my direction; fear coated his eyes when he recognized me. The twins rough him up very well. They could kill him, but it was something they drew the line in the killing. They like their prey fighting them while I don't care as long as I will eliminate the monster in this world. I watched his eyes widen; his body started shaking when he saw me remove the katana from my back. He is not the first nor the last to have my katana in his throat. Swiftly, I strike the katana in its mark. I did not wait to watch for his last breath—a waste of time. I wipe my katana on the bedsheet put it back in its sheath, and immediately leave the room. I quickly ran up the stairs when I heard the police siren nearing the hotel's property. "Two minutes Queen and the system will be back to normal," Bubble informed me. "Almost there," I replied. I knock on the door that we're occupying promptly. Lavender opens it and pulls me into the room I once used to remove my dress. She helps me get rid of my katana, jumpsuit, and boots and pushes me into the bathroom. "Take a shower, Rain, and wear the dress in the bed that I prepared." She uttered sweetly while fusing around to hide my things. "Yes, ma'am," I answered. I took a shower and slipped on the dress she told me. We will pretend that we did not know what was happening outside our suits and that we were busy with our bachelorette party. "Where's Lizzy?" I asked when I walked into the living room decorated for the bachelorette party, and the music was blasting like we were partying. "Pinky put her to sleep. The poor child was still haunted by what happened to her." Pen answered sadly. I nod and sit beside them. Mission accomplished. We only have to wait until tomorrow morning and check out, pretending that tonight never happened. Lizzy will be taken to Josephine's Academy, a girl's school and dormitory. Build to protect the victims from the underground world. Disguise is a school that gives young girls a chance to become normal again and helps them build their future despite the horrible things they experienced. Six of us work there part-time to give the girls a sense of familiarity, and protection knowing that we are there, present in their lives even after saving them. For the past decade, 98 percent of the victims have continued their lives and keep moving on. 2 percent of them, unfortunately, suffered from a traumatic past, taking their lives to find peace out of this world. I didn't condemn those girls when they made those decisions; I witnessed their difficulty in fighting back. It saddened me to know I failed to save them again, but I can't help someone if my enemy is inside their minds, but it fueled my desire to eliminate those monsters. The reason I am feared by many in an underground society, especially if they knew my name. Others change the path to make sure we won't cross because, once their names in my list, I'm coming for them. "Good job tonight, ladies. Another successful mission on our list. After this, we need a break for a while, don't you agree?" I said, causing everyone to nod. This mission took us two months and 17 days to complete. Our targets were cautious in their tracks, but nothing could get past Bubble's radar. "Aye! When was the last time we had a break from missions? Damn! I miss my life," Ash responded. "Why can't we start now? After all, this is my so-called bachelorette party. Let's celebrate people." Pinky uttered excitedly, pulling Lavender out of the couch and starting dancing. And boy, a party we did. For once, we let ourselves loose and be normal ladies.
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