Chapter 31

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"Too close to home I surmise." Amelia at last said, separating the quiet with her statement of regret. "Indeed, we… approved of our families not being there. That is to say, we abandoned that quite a while in the past you know?" Raven supported uncertainly. "The last manager of Last Sojourn was a single direction bargain." "They carried on with long lives, they just… uhh… " Amelia was confused. This wasn't actually the result she had been expecting when she declared that they could log out. "Passed on," Forsythe replied. He didn't sound furious, very much like he was completing her idea for her since she had staggered in the course of the last part. "I don't recall what it resembles." Aidan at long last conceded delicately. "What resembles?" Amelia inquired. "Torment. Oxygen. Contact. You get that kind of stuff in the game indirectly. At the point when you're in torment your vision mists, reenacting harm. The servers send olfactory data to your mind and you're left to conclude what you're smelling, however you're not actually smelling. You can contact things, interface with them yet… " Aidan followed off, bewildering Amelia considerably further with saying and clarifying precisely the thing he was thinking. "Where do we at any point go?" Raven inquired. "Anyplace," Amelia answered. "Where are you, Amelia?" Forsythe asked out of nowhere. "No doubt. We should go to Amelia." Raven said, unexpectedly lighting up. "She's an American," Aidan said, sounding out of nowhere ready. Amelia sat back in her seat in absolute shock. The library in the palace was tranquil and large and furthermore void so nobody was around to see her nearly drop out of her seat while she addressed them over the party channel. She put the book down and gazed out the window, attempting to envision having those three cyclone's appear at her entryway. Her heart started to hurt in a manner she had encountered previously, lastly, she understood that she was unable to have requested much else complimenting. "Better believe it. OK." "Truly?" Forsythe sounded stunned. Amelia hadn't thought she'd heard him sound amazed by anything. "Definitely," Amelia at long last said once more, oddly OK with the thought. "Assuming that is the thing that you need. However, i don't need you there assuming that you're not beneficial. Breeze through whatever assessments you need to, and Forsythe you can have a go at preparing us genuine supper when you arrive. Gracious, and you can't contact my stuff, and you most certainly can't remain in my loft. Raven, you can't sleepover, you really want your own place and I really want my space. Aidan… " "I comprehend," Aidan said seriously. "I won't pass judgment on you on your unusual beautifications." "I like that," Amelia murmured. "Goodness! I will begin streaming live for an organization soon. Catherine needs to do it and honestly, I've been figuring I ought to have said no, at the same time, the more I consider declining the more I imagine that lady would have recently made different courses of action. Detestable, plotty, game plans." "Would you like me to bother her when I empty?" Aidan inquired. "Please," Amelia said with feeling. "Oooh. Me as well, me as well." Raven said, snickering. "Is it alright on the off chance that I ensure they don't go excessively far and get our organs gathered in a spirit of meanness?" Forsythe asked. "I think your organs are fine. Which is amazing by its own doing." Amelia answered dryly. "Perceived." He sounded calmed. "How was your ride?" Amelia asked out of nowhere, recollecting the conveyed discussions from last evening. "I would rather not talk about it," Forsythe answered. "Let's go Fours." Raven whɨnėd. "You seemed like a gigantic weakling." "I had a terrible encounter," Forsythe said unobtrusively. "Shouldn't something be said about it was awful?" Raven asked. "I HAD a terrible encounter," Forsythe rehashed powerfully. Causing it to appear as though there was no more space to talk on the issue. "Did you come to the Underground Castle? I'll head there without further ado." Amelia said, standing up. She had been somewhat dallying since she would have rather not enlighten them regarding logging out while she voyaged. "Superfluous. The Tomb of the Hard Slide is accessible." Forsythe announced. "Truly? You didn't need to move a sculpture?" Amelia asked, really astonished. "What sort of animal was it." "It was an enormous creepy crawly. His name was Rhinlos. He obviously recently matured and remained down there covering the opening. Sovereign Orekin had some awareness of him. They hang out I surmise." Forsythe announced, attempting to be compact and on second thought welcoming various different inquiries. "What does it eat on the off chance that it simply remains there constantly?" Aidan said, sounding astounded. "I inquired. The Prince doesn't have a clue. They never feed it." Forsythe murmured. "I would figure the Beetle eats what's on the opposite side of the opening." That was an upsetting idea. The entryways that had been fixed could be utilized by the beasts inside to get out. More upsetting was the possibility of a Giant Beetle pivoting and eating them when they hazarded the excursion. "It appears as though the Beetle went into the burial place consistently. The Prince doesn't really accept that the beasts will come up." Forsythe proceeded. "Rhinlos," Raven said. "What?" Aidan inquired. "He continues to call it 'the Beetle,' yet it has a name." Raven brought up. "The Beetle 'Rhinlos,'" Forsythe kept overlooking Raven unbelievably, "moved far removed when the Prince asked him to since they're companions. The Prince has requested that I help a portion of different Transients lead the Dwarven Immortals in there tomorrow. So I will remain." There was a short delay. "It feels pretty ordinary." "Ok." Amelia was somewhat frustrated in spite of the way that Forsythe whimsically saying it was typical was everything except. She had never been down the gorge nor the underground city region of the Dwarven Kingdom. "Amelia and I will help King Elairdrin tomorrow then, at that point, and Hunter can deal with the Silf." Aidan proposed. "What is Raven accomplishing while we work?" Forsythe needed to know, sounding dubious. "Raven is hoarding a Pirate armada." Raven countered poignantly. "I have 5 boats under my order now you know! The teams are even faithful. For the most part faithful. Around 72% faithful." She wrapped up. "Accumulate." Forsythe rehashed the word with a lot of doubt. "Goodness shut up Forsythe!" Raven said. "How could you get to the figure of 72%?" Aidan asked, sounding bewildered. "I'm approximating," Raven said. "Look. I can send my privateers on their way assuming you don't need the additional labor. I realize I will not be the one that misses the smell of abnormal privateer smell or having salt drop off all that I wear." "I don't trust you," Forsythe addressed promptly, challenging her false front. "Surrender the privateers then, at that point, we'll have you back." "No! They're mine!" Raven shouted out furiously. "I consider you're completely enlivened to be regular." Hunter ringed in abruptly. A brief glance said that she and Elisha had recently signed on. "Gracious! Great planning," Aidan said. Amelia could nearly see him smiling that sluggish grin he had when he was providing orders he realized individuals would comply. The issue was he was the one providing the orders so they actually somewhat needed to ignore them. "We're passing on the Silf to you tomorrow. All of us are separated. That will not be an issue?" "No. To be straightforward it'll be great to be down in a prison. Clear, testing, and away from the Queen and her new little dog." Hunter answered dryly. "Ok, it showed up," Forsythe added. "Sooner than anticipated," Aidan answered. "Can I truly hit this?" Raven requested. "What?" Hunter asked, unexpectedly confounded. "...we just got a schedule update. We should bunch up in reality." Aidan answered gradually. His voice was unsteady and scarcely credible. "Ah. Well, it'll take time for the troops of the respective kingdoms to come back from their dungeon spelunking. That and the real world always takes priority right?" Hunter asked. She hadn't missed the shakiness in their voices and didn't know what to make of it. "What kind of gathering are you having? You all sound a little freaked." "Hunter," Forsythe said suddenly. "Yes?" Hunter said, hesitation creeping through her voice. "What kind of food do you like?" Forsythe asked, forcefully even. "Uhh. I uhh… haven't really thought about it. I guess I've been craving a really good avocado lately?" She answered. "Understood. I'll make you the best avocado dish in the world." Forsythe said, moments before his player pane reported he had logged out. "Hey, Elisha! I'm really looking forward to seeing that show you were talking about! I hope we can talk about it!" Raven said. "Sure!" Elisha said after a pause. "Hey Raven, hurry back and we'll talk about it. Stick with it. The first season is totally the worst but it gets so much better." "Yeah." Raven's pane went dark as well, indicating a disconnect. "Amelia," Aidan said into the silence. Hunter and Elisha had apparently been shocked by the abrupt disconnects and were silent. Amelia had some sympathy since she knew that they hadn't ever seen them log out, literally. "Yeah, I'll wait for you tomorrow." Amelia acknowledged, guessing that the log out pane had been added to their options and that was the reason they were all ditching. "No. In case I don't get to say it. Thank you for everything." Aidan said slowly. "I don't remember doing anything other than getting pulled around by a bunch of unreasonable people," Amelia admitted. "Why wouldn't you get to say it?" "No. Amelia, as I have always said, is the strongest. You once asked me why you got to join us? We just knew you were one of us. All of us. We recognized you." Aidan said. Amelia was speechless and remained so even when his pane went dark. She didn't know what to say, and no amount of time could have fixed that. She felt that same hurt in the pit of her stomach that she felt when she saw their faces when she was talking about the AA Finals. "What an i***t," Amelia said softly. How had these people become so dear to her? "What was that about?" Hunter demanded. "Are they okay?" Amelia made a decision then. Later she would have described it as instinctual, or guttural. Somehow Hunter and Elisha had become close to her just as she was close to Raven, Aidan, and Forsythe. "Hunter." Amelia finally managed to say. "I'm going to tell you and Elisha something, and you have to keep it to yourselves. It sounds… crazy, and impossible, but to my knowledge all of it's true." "Uh huh. Sounds pretty secretive. Why are you telling me?" Hunter asked. "Why you?" Amelia smiled, finally, and said. "Because… I just know that I have to tell you because you're one of us. Are you streaming?" "Not now." She replied. "Is this an ȧduŀt conversation? Should I boot Elisha for a bit?" "Mom..?" Elisha sounded annoyed. "Elisha, you pay special attention," Amelia said slowly. "You like that story about heroes? You and Raven talk about that show right?" "Yeah. It's pretty popular." Elisha supplied. Amelia let out a long sigh, and with a slow start, told Elisha and Hunter everything she knew about Aidan, Forsythe, Raven, Catherine Waide, and the death game - Last Sojourn.

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