Club Fangtasy

1489 Words
Drew Carlton pulled his car into a spot behind Club Fangtasy. He left the engine running on purpose. He'd already driven by twice and circled the block as he decided whether he wanted to go through with his plans for the night. The nearest streetlight blinked intermittently causing weird shadows across Drew's face. Somehow that didn't inspire confidence in him. The young man looked toward the nondescript brick building with apprehension. Drew slipped a headset over his ear. He picked up his cell phone from the console between the driver's seat and passenger seat. His thumb swiped the screen a couple times until it touched the icon he wanted. After one ring, a pleasant female voice answered. "I thought you might call around this time." "Hi, to you too, Kate." Drew's nervous laughter filled the silence after that. "There's nothing to worry about," Kate said. "You've been ready for this for a long time." "I wish you were here. You know, for moral support." Drew tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Sure, yeah. Nothing in a gay vampire bar says 'Hey, big vampire stud, wanna come home with me?' like having a female by your side!" "Especially the way you dress!" "Yes, that would be quite a deterrent," Kate agreed with a genuine laugh. "Don't worry. You'll be just fine." "I have to admit I'm nervous." "Everyone's nervous the first time," Kate dismissed. "It's natural." "What if nobody in there is interested in me?" Drew asked, convincing himself more with each syllable that he should just slip the stick shift back into drive and get the hell out of there. "Drew, are you kidding? Nobody interested! Have you looked in a mirror lately? Who could resist those cute dimples?" The young man glanced in the rearview mirror. Even in the low-light conditions, he could see all his good-looking features and the sharp haircut he'd gotten just that afternoon. "You do know how handsome you are, right?" Kate prompted. "I guess," Drew shrugged his agreement, even though they weren't using video chat and couldn't see each other. "I hear vampires like younger guys. You're what, twenty-five? Some of them are bound to be hundreds of years old! It's perfect." "When you put it like that..." "I'm getting another call," Kate said. "You can do it. I'll even say a little prayer for you." Drew could hear the smile in her voice. "Thanks, Kate. I'll let you know how it goes." "I wouldn't miss it for the world! I'll be waiting for the details. I'll stay up all night – until the sun comes up if I have to," she assured him. Drew laughed. "No pun intended, right?" "Never!" Kate said and then disconnected the call. Just like that, Drew was on his own again. He pulled the headset off, putting it and the phone on the passenger seat. "You can do this!" Drew told himself out loud. The young man knew that a little liquid courage (the more, the better) would go a long way in a situation like this. He twisted the cap off a silver flask. He brought the flask to his lips and tipped it vertically. Drew sucked greedily until he'd drained every last drop. He tossed the empty flask onto the passenger side floor mat. Drew finally cut the engine. He turned on the interior light and did a final quick check in the mirror. "Good to go," he told himself. A minute later, Drew Carlton took a deep breath and entered the doors of Club Fangtasy. * * * A shirtless bouncer stood in the foyer with his arms folded. The black leather strap around his right bicep really made the muscle pop. The small light fixture on the wall behind him reflected off the bouncer's bald head. He eyed Drew with the same intensity he used on every newcomer who walked into the club. The bouncer reached up to scratch his goatee. A tattoo of a snake devouring a skeleton covered his forearm. Drew fumbled in his wallet to pull out his ID to prove his age. He couldn't complain that bouncers still found his face so youthful that they wanted proof he was over twenty-one. Drew finally flashed a driver's license at the bouncer who nodded and gestured with a slight bend in the neck towards the inner room. Heads swiveled in his direction as soon as Drew stepped into the dimly lit space. He could almost feel their eyes studying him. No, boring into him, reading his heart and soul. Knowing exactly what he wanted. He took a calming breath. Drew knew a lot about vampires. There were no cases or evidence of vampire telepathy. He'd have to rely on more traditional methods to get his point across. Of course the jeans that hugged his taut ass and the one size too small t-shirt (so as to cling to every defined muscle in his chest and every rippled ab in his stomach) also gave the other club goers a clue about Drew's intentions for the night. The young man carefully scanned the crowd, giving as good as he got when it came to sizing up the strangers. He knew it would actually be harder than it seemed at first glance to find a vampire in a place like Club Fangtasy. Real vampires were few and far between. Those who wanted to indulge in role-play and fantasy fulfillment, on the other hand, kept Club Fangtasy and countless other businesses like it filled with patrons night after night. A husky guy, not much older than Drew, sauntered up to him. "Hey, hot stuff, are you alone tonight?" "So far," Drew answered casually as he internally sized the guy up. "Buy you a drink?" the guy asked while showing off his own glass. "Nah, I'm good." "The name's Casey." "Drew here." They shook hands. Drew noticed Casey's warm, sweaty palm. "So what do you get into? Are you a sucker or a bleeder?" Casey inquired. "No need to ask you that," Drew answered as he gestured towards the other man's t-shirt which proclaimed: It's True. I Drink Blood! "Guilty as charged, officer," husky Casey smirked. "I just got here so I'm going to walk around a bit." "Yeah, I get it. I'm not your type," Casey told him with no animosity in his voice. "Well, if you change your mind or can't find what you're looking for and I'm still unattached..." He let his voice trail off, but the invitation came out loud and clear anyway. Drew smiled politely and walked away. He knew that exchange had been a waste of time. Casey, a vampire? No way. If his obviously human temperature flesh hadn't given him away, his t-shirt certainly would have. No self-respecting vampire would ever wear such a silly shirt. Something like that belonged strictly to the realm of overeager fanboys. Drew sighed and turned to explore another area of the club thinking there may have been someone interesting in the dance room. He never made it that far. "Oh, excuse me," Drew said in surprise as he suddenly found himself face to face and locking eyes with an alluring stranger in his mid-thirties. Where had he come from, Drew wondered. "The fault is mine. I didn't mean to startle you." The seductively smooth voice tumbled from his pale lips. Drew could barely get any words out to respond. He could hardly rip his thoughts away from the other man's stunningly handsome face. Drew fought to control the inexplicable urge to reach up and run his fingers through the man's thick, dark hair. The brooding stranger's eyes almost sunk into his skull, but not in an abnormal or unappealing way. They reminded Drew of shining a flashlight into a dark forest and suddenly seeing the light reflecting off eyes peering back at you – eyes that you didn't know were there a moment earlier. "You didn't. Startle me. I mean, you did, but it's alright." "Is it?" the mysterious man asked as his eyes swept over Drew from head to foot. He seemed to be studying him somehow. Drew took a step backwards. "Don't be afraid." The man reached out and touched the back of Drew's hand in a friendly gesture. The surprising feel of the cold, lifeless flesh sent a shiver up and down Drew's spine. For some reason beyond his comprehension, it also sent a feeling of giddiness to the pit of his stomach. "My name is Ben," he said as he slowly lifted Drew's hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it in a most gentlemanly manner. Even though Drew expected the lips to be cool against his own warm skin, he still twitched a bit upon the moment of impact. His knees buckled too, but he managed to keep himself upright and hoped Ben didn't notice. "I take it this is your first time?" Ben asked.
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