Chapter 16: The Big Surprise

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The returned to Boston in time for Jackie to begin her internship at the law firm with her teacher. Her hours were long and strenuous, but she reminded herself the end result would be worth it. She helped build a case for a defense in a criminal case, and she was getting ready to go to trial with her case. When it was over, her client was free and she gained course credits, plus experience and an offer to become para at the law firm. Which she happily excepted, and could not wait to tell Eric when he got home. She cooked a celebration dinner of meatballs with penne in vodka sauce. She poured them each a glass of white wine and baked a loaf of fresh bread. The condo smelled delicious. Once dinner was finished, she slipped into one of her favorite dresses; a form fitting royal blue dress that stopped mid-thigh, and her hair was curled and pulled back with a sapphire clip. Eric walked in as she was coming out of their bedroom. "Hey, baby. It's smells delicious in here..." His eyes trailed over her outfit, "and you look delicious. Let me take a quick shower and I'll be ready for dinner." He went to her and kissed her. When he returned, he was in a pair of loose-fitting jeans and a black button-down shirt. She had set the table and served dinner, and was waiting for him when he went back to the table. "I hope your hungry." She said with a smile. "After the long day I have had, I am starving." He answered sitting down. "So, what's the occasion?" He asked gesturing to the food and her attire. She just smiled at him, and his eyes went wide, "did I forget our anniversary?" "No." "Please tell me you're not pregnant." He replied trying to read her. "If I were pregnant at this point in my life, I wouldn't be excited or happy about it." She said smugly. "This is a celebration!" She exclaimed. "Did you finish your case?" "Yes, we did." "That's good. What was the outcome?" "My client was found not guilty." "Fantastic. You were working so hard on that these past months." Eric noted taking a bite of his food. "Can you please tell me what we're celebrating?" "I was offered a job to join the law firm as a para." She announced. "That is amazing. Para is an attorney's assistant, correct?" "Look at you learning some terminology." Jackie teased. "Hey, I pay attention when you talk. Sometimes...." Eric admitted. "So, you go a win, and a job offer, and you decided to come home to cook to celebrate? Don't get me wrong this dinner is amazing, but I should be taking you out or something to celebrate." "I wanted to celebrate with a quiet night at home with my man, who has been working tirelessly as an attendant." Jackie explained. "Besides, doctor I have this spot that needs to be checked when you get some time." She added looking at him through her eyelashes. "Well, let me finish my dinner that my awesome girlfriend cooked me, and I can take a look. Purely professional, I am a taken man." He smiled as he took another bite. "Not professional. Your girlfriend wants your bedside manner." She clarified and licked her bottom lip. She took a sip of wine. "Well then, in that case, I'm just about ready." He stood up, and walked over to her. He took her hand, pulling her to her feet. They walked to the bedroom. He kissed her deeply, pushing her against the wall. He trailed his lips down her neck, and slipped his hand under her dress. To his surprise she wasn't wearing any panties, which only excited him more. He dropped to his knees, and kept his hands on her hips. His hands held her against the wall as he ducked his head under her dress and trailed his lips up her inner thighs. When he brought his tongue to her clit, she let out a loud moan of pleasure. He moved his left hand under her dress to slip into her as his tongue drew circles on her clit. His right hand held her steady against the wall. "Eric!" She whispered, "I'm going to come." He just kept going until she reached her climax.   She was shivering from the waves of pleasure as he stood up with a wide smile on his face. "Yeah you did." He wiped his face on the inside of his elbow, and pulled off his shirt. He reached around her and unzipped her dress. She let it fall to the floor, and pulled him to her by the shoulders. "You want more?" He asked picking her up by the hips. She only nodded. He kissed her deeply as he lowered her onto their bed. She was pinned between him and the mattress and she lifted her hips to press against his erection. She moved her hands to his pants, and unbuttoned them. She pushed them down with her feet, and pulled him closer. "Someone is eager." He whispered in her ear as he nibbled on her lobe. He pushed into her as she requesting through her body. She moaned as she adjusted to him. "You feel so good, baby." He moaned as he began to thrust into her. "And your mine!" He kissed her lips and she bit his bottom lip causing him to moan. He thrust into her pushing her to another climax. He grabbed her hips tighter as he picked up the speed of his thrusting. She cried out again as she approached and fell through her orgasm. He released as she was coming down from hers. She clung to him as her shivers returned under his touch. He knew how to turn her into a puddle under his touch. Eric was the first to find his words as he rolled off her and onto the bed next to her. "How was that for bedside manner?" "Well, Doctor Steele you certainly found the right prescription for my issue." Jackie said with a laugh rolling onto her side to hold him. "But I better be the only one to experience that kind of bedside manner." "I'm glad we were able to treat you. Horniness is a very serious condition that needs to be treated as often as possible miss Jones." He replied kissing the top of her head. "And you're the only one who can treat mine." "Is that so? Well, then I guess I have been neglecting my man's condition?" "Not at all." He pulled her closer, lifted her chin and kissed her lips. "We treat each other's conditions as often as we can... In fact, I think we can take a double dose tonight." "Is that so?" She asked sitting up. She climbed onto his lap and straddled him. She kissed him passionately. "If the doctor thinks we should take a second dose, who am I to argue?" She asked as she slipped him inside of her again. She took control this time, and he allowed it. She rode him at her own pace, feeling him deep inside her. Her head rolled back as she moaned at his touch. He took her breasts in his hands and began gently pulling at her n*****s. When they perked under his touch, he took one in his mouth and grabbed her hips to pull her closer. She changed her pace and he moved a hand off her hips and pressed a finger to her clit. He began to rub her clit as she rode him. She moaned at his touch. "Come for me, Jackie." He moaned as her head fell back again. "Show me how good it feels." As her body shuddered through another orgasm, his own orgasm took him. He pulled her shoulders down, so that her head rested on his shoulders as they finished going through their climaxes. "Oh baby, I love you so much." He murmured into her shoulder and kissed it. She was catching her breath still. "Don't ever forget it." She whispered. "You're the only one for me." "I wouldn't dream of forgetting. You are my rock. You are my whole world." He kissed her passionately, before she moved off of him. ********************************************** The last week of August was approaching and they planned to go home one last time before school picked up again. The plan was for them to meet up with their friends that Saturday for their annual end of summer swim in the creek. It is the one tradition that they have been able to keep up with since graduation. Jackie was beginning to pack for the weekend when Eric came home. "Hey, honey. How was work?" She asked coming out of the bedroom. "I'm almost all pack for when you get home tomorrow." Eric went into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. "Hey, baby. I have some bad news about this weekend." He informed her coming back out of the kitchen. "Oh no. What's wrong?" He took a bite of his pizza. "I have to work. You'll have to go without me this year." He replied before taking another bite. "I thought you said we were all set." Jackie replied looking at him. "I thought we were, but Stevenson went home sick today and they told me I have to take his shift. If I don't it will be a demerit on my record, and reflect on any prospective positions for the future." He kissed her. "I'm sorry baby. I really am, but you know how this scheduling works." "I do. It's okay, I guess we'll have to celebrate without you." She said pouting. "I will call you every night and morning around my shift. Just call me when you get there so I know you made it safely. I usually drive us back home, so I'm going to worry. But on the bright side, you'll be able to leave earlier, because you won't have to wait for me to get home." "I guess that's good, but I will miss you" She went back in the room to finish packing her own suitcase. "Do you want me to unpack yours for you since I was just about done." "No, I can do that this weekend when I get home. I don't think I have slept in this bed without you since we bought it." Eric replied sitting down on the bed. "I really am sorry about this weekend." "It's okay. You can't help schedule changes." Jackie said zipping up her suitcase. "I think I'll leave right from work tomorrow instead of doubling back here." "Makes sense." ************************* The next night, Jackie pulled into her childhood home, alone. She felt odd about going home without Eric, but they had planned this weekend with their friends months ago. She sent Eric a text telling him she was there and got out of her car. She entered her parents' house and was greeted by her dad. "There's our paralegal. How was your ride home?" He asked giving her a hug. He looked around, "And where is our doctor?" "He had a last-minute schedule change, so he wasn't able to make it." Jackie replied. "But I'm here." "Well, I'm glad you still came." Liam said letting her go. "Your mom is in the kitchen and the kids are everywhere." "Story of their lives." Jackie chuckled. She went into the kitchen to see her mom who was baking something. "Hey mom." Natalie turned around with an ear to ear smile. "Hey baby girl. How are you doing? How was your trip?" "I'm good, my drive was long." Jackie answered. "I'm a bit tired, I drove in straight from work." "Well we set the shed up for you. Go on ahead and get some rest. Did you eat?" "Yes, I grabbed something on the road." Jackie replied pulling her suitcase behind her as she exited through the back door. She went to the shed, changed into her sweats and fell asleep. The next morning, she woke up to see two messages from Eric. She quickly replied and got up to take a shower. She put on her bikini and then covered it with a denim skirt that had a frayed hem across the middle of her thigh. She pulled on a white halter-top over her bikini top. She slipped on her flipflops and went into the house. Liam was away and making breakfast as he always has. "Good morning dad." "Good morning sunshine. You look like your ready for the creek." "That's the plan. I'm meeting Dianna at her house after breakfast." Jackie replied taking a seat at the breakfast island. "Can you pouch me an egg to go with this bacon?" "Of course, I can. I miss cooking for you." Liam said filling a pot with water. "Your siblings are nothing like you when you were 14." Liam chuckled as he salted the water and turned on the heat. "You always woke up early, they stay up late and sleep in." "Internal clock here. I get up at five and get ready for my day. I'm passed out on the couch when Eric comes home usually, and he's up before I am." Jackie explained. "I wake up in time to see him off. I don't know how he is functioning, and it's only going to get worse before he's done with school. At least he sleeps in on his free days, and I feel bad if I wake him." "Well, at least you guys have a routine." Liam said as he scooped her egg onto a piece of toast. He set the plate in front of her. "How are things going between the two of you? Besides schedules..." "Good. Real good." Jackie replied grabbing a couple pieces of bacon. "I feel like I finally understand how you and mom feel. I fall more in love with him every day." "That's always good, because when you stop falling in love, you become content, and then fall out of love. That's why your mom and I are still madly in love." "He worries that I'm going to want to leave him. I don't understand where his fear comes from. I tell him all the time I have no plans of leaving him." Liam sat and pondered her words. "He loves you a lot. I remember having that same fear with your mom until we got married." "He says he feels like he doesn't give me enough of his time, but I'm just as guilty of that. We're both studying and working our asses off. When we have time together, we're inseparable. We go every where together, including going on dates." Jackie explained. "I don't know why he feel like he's not doing enough, when he is. He's perfect in every way. If I'm asleep on the couch when he gets home, he picks me up and brings me to bed. If he gets home before me, he cooks dinner. He tends to leave me a little note each day, which puts a smile on my face." "Dang, that young man is making me sound lame. Don't tell your mom that, or she'll expect me to up my game." Liam laughed. "I'm so happy that you have him in your life." "Me too." Jackie said putting her plate in the sink. "I'm going to head to Dee's. See you later." "Bye sweetheart." As she drove to Dianna's house, Jackie found herself with a familiar feeling of being home with no plans but to visit her friend. It was a comforting feeling, it almost put her more at ease. Deep down, Jackie was wondering about Eric. She couldn't seem to shake the feeling that Eric was lying to her about needing to work this weekend. It was odd for him not to want to spend a weekend with her, and he always seems to worry about her leaving him. 'Why did he worry about that? It's been almost four years, and he still is worried that she will leave him. Was he doing something that would make her want to leave?' Her mind was swimming with her questions and worked herself into a panic attack. She pulled into Dianna's driveway and pulled out her phone. She dialed Eric's number in hopes to hear his voice and reassure herself that she is panicking about nothing. But her call went to voicemail, so she left him a message asking him to call her back when he could. She got out and walked into Dianna's house, and she was greeted by a very happy Dianna and Anna. "You're here!" Dianna called out. "We were wondering when you get here." "I told you I would be here after breakfast." Jackie replied. "So, who's ready for a swim?" "Girl, I've been ready. I love California, but it's not home." Anna smiled and gave Jackie a hug. "California has the beaches, the surfers, and the hunks... But still nostalgic to come home." "Here, here to that!" Dianna laughed. "Ever since Blake and I split, New York seems to have so many options for men." "No, I left single just so I can get the full experience." Anna explained. "Paul understood. We still talk, and I'll see him later today." "So, tell us..." Dianna said turning to Jackie. "You said Eric wasn't coming this weekend. Did you two split up? What's going on?" "No. He had to work at the last minute. One of the other student doctors got sick, and they split his shifts with Eric and another student. So, he had to stay and work, while I came here as planned." Jackie explained. "I honestly am surprised the two of you have lasted this long." Anna confessed. "Why do you say that?" Jackie asked a little taken aback. "Honey, after what took place early on into your relationship, we were all worried. When you took him back, and moved to Boston together, I thought you were crazy. I know you love him, but I always thought it was more infatuation instead of love." Dianna replied lightly. "Well, we've been together for four years now. We're happy, and we make our hectic schedules work." Jackie defended. "Enough about this, let's head to the creek before I get upset and decide not to go." "You're right. Let's go Dee." Anna replied. "Her relationship with Eric is not our business." "Jackie, just remember that I'm here if you ever need to just talk." Dee said giving her a hug. Jackie just nodded her head and walked back out the door. She was happy to be back in her car, alone with no one trying to input their opinions on her relationship. Where did they get off talking about her personal relationship like they know better? She tried to call Eric again, but still no answer. This only annoyed her more. She sent him a text when she pulled up to the creek. She got out and went for their annual swim. It felt even more odd not having Eric there. She had a blast seeing her old friends. The water was refreshing and relaxing in its own, but she still couldn't shake the feeling of worrying about Eric. Everyone had an opinion on their relationship like they knew something she didn't know, again. She got out and checked her phone, still no reply from Eric. She decided to cut her time with her old friends short and go back to her parent's house. She walked in to find her mom in the parlor. "Hey honey, how was your swim?" Natalie asked looking up from the book she was reading. "It felt amazing, but the conversations were infuriating. I'm glad to know that all my friends seem to think Eric is cheating on me, or that we are having nonexistent issues. I just wish they would grow up." Jackie exploded. "They see us once a year, and even then, we barely talk about our life in Boston." "Honey, take a breath and have a seat." Natalie replied patting the couch cushion next to her. "Your worked up, and not thinking clearly." Jackie took a seat, and her phone lit up with an incoming text from Eric. 'Hey babe, been crazy today. They put me in the ER, so I can't talk until the end of my shift. I love you and Miss you.' She sent him a quick message back, and turned back to her mom. A weight seemed to have been lifted off her just by receiving his message. "I take it that message was from Eric?" Natalie asked watching her daughter. "Yeah, it was." Jackie smiled back. "He's been busy with work and unable to answer my calls, which part of me knew, but with everyone annoying me, I just wanted to hear his voice. But a text message seemed to work enough." Jackie sighed. "That's good. So, tell me all about your new job, and school, I miss having our chats." Natalie said. Jackie was happy to tell her mom about everything. Her cases, her studies, life with Eric, everything. As she finished telling her mom her story, Jackie's phone began to ring. It was Liam, "Hey, dad. What's up?" "Hey sweetheart. I hope I'm not pulling you away from your friends but I was wondering if you could help pick up Sierra. I'm stuck at work, and your mom is supposed to bring the boys to their football practice." "Sure, where is she?" "I'm not sure. She said she was out by the old watermill. Never really heard of it, but I figured you would know where it is." Liam explained. "I do. I'll go get her." "Thanks honey." "No problem dad." Jackie arrived at the old watermill and put her car in park. She got out of her car and looked around for Sierra. As she wandered up the path, she found herself remembering the first time her and Eric went there. It was so perfect; it was the first time they had s*x and a decision that brought them on this journey together four years later. When she got to the field there was no one around. She pulled out her cell phone and called Sierra, "Hey, dad told me to come pick you up, where are you?" "What are you talking about? I've been home all day." Sierra replied. "Are you serious?" Jackie asked feeling her anger rise. She hung up the phone and turned back toward where she parked the car. As she turned around, Eric came up the path. She ran to him, and he happily caught her in a hug and pissed her lips. "Hey, baby. I have a confession to make" Eric said against her lips. "I didn't really need to work this weekend." She pushed away from him and glared. He laughed and shook his head. Then he knelt down in front of her on one knee. Her eyes grew wide trying to figure out what was going on. "Jacqueline Marie Jones, I have been dying to do this since the first day I met you. Will you marry me?" He pulled out a ring and waited for her to respond. She swallowed hard trying to find her words. When the simple word wouldn't come out, she settled for just nodding her head excessively with a smile. He slipped the ring on her finger and stood up. He lifted her up off her feet and kissed her passionately and spun her around. When he finally set her down, she had tears falling silently down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry baby. I hated lying to you, but this felt like the best way to ask. I've been thinking about this for a year now. I even got your dad in on it after I got his blessing. I know you would have suspected something was up if I came along with you, so I figured I would have to plan differently. I booked a flight and talked to you parents to help me set this in motion. I figured the most meaningful place to ask was right here, where we took our relationship to a whole new level would be the most perfect spot." Eric explained. "I think I could forgive you. Just for the record, I was worried something was up." Jackie smiled. "And this ring..." Eric said taking her hand, "Was my mothers. I want no other woman to wear it but you." She pulled him closer and kissed his lips. "I love you, Eric Steele." "I love you, Miss Jones."  

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