Chapter Four

1929 Words
"So Matt where are you taking me" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Oh you know, just around" he shrugged with his hands in his pockets. I can tell there's something off with him, but I barley know the guy so I'm not going to pry. The silence is killing me as if it wasn't already awkward, I'm starting to get the feeling he really doesn't want to take me site seeing. "If you don't want to show me around I'd understand" I said hurting my own feelings at the thought I was right. "What? N-no I want to! It's just hard finding the best places to take you we pretty much just got woods and a mall" He said rubbing the back of his neck looking frustrated. Then a beam of light pops in his eyes. "I know just the place!" Hes chuckling at his own excitement . I follow behind him as we get into his car that was parked not very far from my own. He turns the ignition and the car comes alive with a roar. I'm a little hesitant to get into his car, 'the serial killer always hides in plain site' I thought to myself. "Hey, you gunna get in or stand there and stare at me all evening?" he said flashing that perfect smile with his head tilted down to look at me out the passenger side window. If this is how I go out, I'm glad its by this god like human I see before me. I giggle at myself knowing full well I'm over reacting but hey you never really know these days. I hopped in the passenger seat and closed the door I sat patiently for the car to start moving until I heard "Ahem" Matt glaring at my confused face. "What?" I asked leaning away from him chuckling "Are you having an asthma attack or something?" He rolled his eyes at me and said in an authority like tone "Seat belt princess" "Oh of course, sorry dad" I said sarcastically back to his princess comment. "Uhm, I think your seat belt is broken. I can't get it to move" I said regretting the sarcastic dad remark from earlier. Matt gives me a chuckle before saying "Here let me help you princess." He leans across my body to reach the seat belt, his arm grazed my shoulder and sent lightning throughout my body. Our faces just inches apart I can feel myself blush as he looks up at me from his awkward position. His icy blue eyes filling with emotion as they stare into my green eyes. It's as though he's looking into my soul, like a predator who finally caught its prey after a long chase. I lean in slightly unaware of my actions the smell of sweet honey and pine graze my nose and sends me into a daze. Matt snaps me out of my trance with his words. "Ahem," clearing his throat before speaking again "Uh there you go princess, all fixed" as he swiftly buckles my seat belt for me, before sitting back into his seat. I shift in my seat looking down at my lap tousling my hair trying to hide my red face. My fingers graze the spot where our arms touched, the feeling still lingered and I never wanted it to go away. I just kept looking down lost in thought. I thought to myself 'was his foot on the brake the entire time just so he could help me? Nah it must of been my imagination.' I smiled ever so slightly to myself thinking about his eyes looking up at me, all the emotions racing back to me like a freight train. Matt puts the car in drive and pulls out of the parking lot. Off to where ever he was planning on taking me. * * * We finally made it to our destination. We were parked at the edge of the lushes green forest. The sky above was still a light blue shade and the sun was just above the horizon. I look over at Matt, his eyes glazed over, he looked as though he was lost in thought and just as fast as he got lost he snapped back into reality. "Sorry about this princess but I hope you don't mind a small walk to get there." He said with his face full of genuine remorse. "No not at all" Is all I could say still wondering what had him so lost in thought. He hopped out of the car and made his away to my side. I quickly unlatched my seat belt as he opened the car door for me. He gave me a bow and said "Right this way princess" I couldn't keep from giggling at him. "You're silly" I said getting out of the car. His hand extended out, I took his hand with a smile on my face 'no regrets' I thought to myself. We walked through the forest, well Matt walked while I followed with his hand still in mine. "Close your eyes" He said smiling at me. "What?" "Close them" giving me a small chuckle as he talked. "One...." "Really you're counting?" "Yes I am, Twoooooo....Two and a haaaalf." Making sure to drag out his words for as long as he could until I listened. I gave a sigh and shut my eyes with a small smile. Matt grabs my hand and leads me further into the forest. His sweet smell over powering the forest its self, his hand sending tingles throughout my body. We kept walking until Matt comes to a stop, making me bump into him from behind. "You could have given me a warning." I stated with my eyes still closed "Keep those pretty eyes of your's closed princess" He said making me roll my closed eyes at him with a smirk and shaking my head slightly. "Can I open them yet?" I asked getting frustrated at the darkness I've seen for the past few minutes. I feel arms wrap around my shoulders and a minty breath that fans my neck. The shooting electric and the smell of honey tells me it's Matt. "Okay...Open them" he said in a whisper next to my ear that sends shivers down my body. I slowly open my eyes, blinking a few times as they adjust to the sunlight beaming down on the most beautiful view I have ever seen. A water fall in a clearing. It seemed so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. We are standing a good eight feet above its base the top of the falls had to be one hundred feet maybe more above where we stood. The water crystal clear and calm telling me it hasn't rained in a few days. The entire scenery was breath taking and then I felt a cold chain around my neck. I looked down where I seen a heart shaped pendent with a beautiful red stone. I looked back to find Matt smiling down at me like the waterfall never even existed, at the moment only I did. "What's this?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face with my hand lightly touching the pendent. "It's a beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl." I blush at his words, giving me butterflies in my stomach. "I can't accept this!" I exclaimed "it looks too expensive" "Shush, just take it and every time you see it, please, think of me" He planted a tender kiss on my cheek that makes me walk forward and out of his arms. I turned around to look him in the eyes. "You don't even know me" I said. "What am I to you? A joke? someone you can just drop off at the end of your day and have a good laugh about with your friends? Why are you toying with my emotions?" "Blue I..." I cut him off mid sentence pacing in a circle waving my arms "No! You don't get to make up excuses! I'm not a play thing that you can just toss aside when you've had your fun! I'm a human being and you were the one person that for a split second made me feel like I was worth something..." tears threaten to escape my eyes, feeling hurt at my own words but every ounce in my body believes them. I go to take the necklace off to shove it back at him but in my rage and hurt I never thought to look up at his face. He was smiling a little but there was hurt in is eyes. I took a few slow steps back towards him. "I-I never thought of you as a play thing Blue or a joke." I could tell he was waiting for me to interrupt again "You're an amazing young woman who I'm guessing as been through so much to have built a wall up around herself and refuses to let anyone show that they care." he said. I could feel the pain in my chest and the regret of over reacting to it all. I wanted so much to run over to hug him and apologize but I had to keep my guard up. I've been burned before. (Flash back- Blue Age Nine) As my caregiver walks me up to my new home I feel excitement to what the future holds for me. Beth knocks on the door That reads 'Mr. and Mrs. Jones' and a man answered "Ah, Miss Grayson, we are so glad to hear from you" he said with a smile. He crouches down in front of me and flashes me a smile "This must be the orphan." That name makes my nose wrinkle. "Actually she prefers Blue, she picked it out herself" Beth says looking down at me with a smile. "Okay then Blue wont you please come in? Our home is your home of course." Something about this man just screams fake to me but I keep my hand firmly holding on to Beth while we walk through the house. "My wife is in the kitchen. Sweetheart we have a visitor" He yelled ever so slightly. "Oh my gosh is that Miss. Beth come to see us? Such a sweet woman you are" "This is Blue" Mr. Jones says while directing the conversation towards me. "Go ahead and say hello Blue" Beth says to me as I tuck myself behind her leg "I'm sorry she's been through a lot. More then any nine year old should" Beth looks down at me with pity written all over her face. "That's not a problem" Mrs. Jones said as she crouches down to my level "I know we will get along great with time, won't we Blue?" I never understood why Beth left me with these monsters but as fast as the meet and greet went Beth was walking out the door without me but not before saying "I'll be back in a week to check up on you Blue. Okay?" I couldn't help but feel betrayed as she walked out the door. I ran as fast as my little legs allowed to the nearest window and watched as my only protection left me. Like a light switch the nice and sweet Mr. and Mrs Jones were gone, no where to be found. And so started my week of hell.
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