"I won't move."

875 Words
A sentence ran within the blood of every knights of Lazard. Fight till the weapon falls even though you are weak, fair and square. No cheats or bits, upper handing or tricks. Fight with might, at an equal line, eyes to eyes teeth to teeth, bones to bones, fist to fist and blade to blade.  If a knight burst on his opponent when the rival is suffering with something outside of the fighting zone it's an attention of highest rate of cowardice. A coward Knight doesn't deserves to live among the Lazard. Soaked in sweats, Luven was peeping back over his shoulder while battling with his breathing. His emotions of worries faded replacing in puzzlement why wasn't he given his final kill? If could be his end here by this Knight at this hour of the clock but, then what's the reason? On the Knight's side, Sero was standing with his palm resting on the hilt of the sword staring at his opponent in stern. He sight could speak crystal clear for his determination of battling this rare type of Vampire who used ice power in his attacks, weapons and skills. Even whose prison was self made in cold cells. Sero's palm was trembling as it rested on his sword while he remained calm, waiting for his rival to move on. The calmness of his waiting spread into his comrade's sense and surprised his rival who was frozen on his place. "Eh! Damn you!" he shouted back at him, "you foolish human! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! KILL ME WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!! DON'T WASTE YOUR PITY ON ME!!" he had enough of this. It was like a punishment to him that he had to suffer. It wanted end to this and the only way was death. He wanted them to finish him already but, the Knights didn't even move an inch. Every passing second of pain felt like an hour to him.  All the Knights fixed their sight on the both who were having a conversation, looking at one and then the other. On return, Sero replied "you are too eager to dig you grave, Luven. You sound in a bit of a hurry however, as a reply from me I won't move a muscle. I won't be even speaking up cause my jaws are moving now fighting my muscles. In a matter of speaking, my final reply is..... I won't move". Darn you!" shouted the Vampire twisting backwards to attack the Knight but, suddenly got dragged by the heavy force of the earth to the ground. It felt like the gravity was only pressuring on him while other didn't even feel anything. He wasn't able to move a muscle unable to even talk correctly. He lost all the strength of his body due to weavy and shivered at every moment. He felt his skin drying up as cracks were appearing all over him. "Darn it!! I am running out of blood. I can't even move an inch". The main rival lost his sixth five percent blood from his body anymore struggling meant death. Struggling on his legs, holding his chest as his breathing was growing heavier. He looked at the web under him realizing that the strings were the reason behind his critical condition. Due to the heating atmosphere out only he got bucket sweats but, also got dried from blood. He stood up looking up at the dome and spoke up hardly baring the pangs of pain that came after every second warning, "listen well knights, you all survived cause I lived however, I was just a visitor to inform my people of this world. It was pretty interesting in this place so goodbye my honorable Knights". He stood straight with his head up. Around him a red circle opened, mist covered all over his body covering him from his head to toes. Opening his eyes he glared straight at the shooter, Allison and leered saying "I am looking forward at your future battles, good shooter...". The mist covered him completely disappearing into dust and the creature unexpectedly vanished from their sight. The dome opened from the top melting down and opening the field releasing the prisoners. From the blue atmosphere, the red sky covered their heads. On top of it, the fire strings was evaporated with no sign leaving no evidence or proof behind where did it appear from or what was it?  Everyone were frozen on the ground staring at the empty surrounding. It was like nothing happened here in the first. They just came here to stop the plane crashing and saving the harvest and nothing else. The warm breeze was finally swishing over the survivors hairs, washing away the anxiety off their body replacing it with normal. No one could believe their eyes about what they say and above that, all the sweats, drop and pool were dried away. "We are alive...." surprised a farmer looking at his fellow men who were dumbfounded their mouths opened. Thumb! A loud jolt broke the silence. A person dropped on his knees exhaling and inhaling. He was holding his last breath. "ALLISON!!" yelled out the knights at their collapsing comrade who was breathing with his head hung out of fear.    
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