Humans have limits-2

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Most of the men in the group were worried about the man’s absence queuing themselves why did he fell ill all of a sudden? He was the healthiest person among the group the why? The thing that worried all the men was the unknown illness. If an unknown illness had affected him they were afraid that he might have to die by suffering. The lost landers didn’t posses with them any facilities of medical supply due to which that feared that anything wrong won’t go on their family. As the sun rose, the sky turned red, the men arrived at their location and began their work. Beside the desolated land a small square was getting constructed. Wooden walls on each side, fences for gates, and doors with wall but, no support of window, all were built with old cracked woods nailed on one another several dents just to form a single wall. Some men were arranged debts from the ruins, some were mending them and some began to construct on the project resuming their jobs. On top of the day, the men were resting under the ruins having their lunch. Small pieces of wheat with pots of water, a call stunned the men from eating,    “DADDY!! DADDY!! WAAAAA!! DADDY!!” a cry of a child was heard from far distance. This sound was recognized by the group leader as his youngest son. He jumped out of the shade like a grasshopper and ran as fast as his feet could carry him straight towards the sound. At the entrance, a little boy at age six came running with bare feet on the rough earth. His feet burned in wounds, cracks hurting his paces to carry on but, the boy kept pushing on. He cried a lot calling his Father tearing his throat “DADDY! DADDY!”   At that instant, the Father caught up to him and carried him off the ground breathing out of exhaustion, exhaling and inhaling, the boy cried with his breath choking,    “Daddy….. Daddy……… pleases…. Come…..” he cried as he tried speaking out of his breath. It was clear that the child was scared of something, asking help for it and couldn’t get out the correct words.   His father on the other hand grew worried that what was wrong with him, why did he come this far, crossing 3 kilometers alone and away from the camp, crying in horrible state? What was wrong?   “Daddy I am scared… please help us” cried the boy as he tried his best to make a sentence.     “Why, what’s wrong?! What happened?” he asked worried of what the child was asking help for.   Pointing back he said crying “a man is killing us there!”   “WHAT?!” exclaimed the man surprised. When others caught up from behind, “what’s wrong? What happened?” they asked frightened, hundred questions rose in a second.   At first, the man was frozen, stunned by the new as he didn’t know what to do or couldn’t think of anything.   “Daddy!” cried his son calling. He snapped out hearing his son’s call at that moment he caught his guts and ordered behind to the men “we must return immediately! Our families are in danger! Hurry! There’s no time!”   “What happened?! What’s wrong? Why are you worried?” they asked several questions seeing the leader’s expression. Obviously many others were starting to get panicked about the sudden situation that was summoning them to its side. Their heads got covered in mist of confusion about what was going on.   Then one of them asked “why are you saying this, Sir?”    “That man Mister Khan we left behind!’ he replied loud so everyone could hear “he’s gone crazy and is attacking all. We must defend for our family. We are their only wall and WE MUST GO! HURRY GO! GO!” he ran back for his materials, carrying his hammer and axe, he carried his son while turning to all   “LET’S GO!” When the eight men carried on their weapons, the ninth one turned his direction to the left “Where ARE YOU GOING?!” called the leader.   “I must inform this in the Red Mail box. It’s possible they MIGHT help us!” replied the man as he got away into distance.   The same time, other eight men hurried back growing worried. Within three minutes of rush, the group arrived back to the camp where a horrible scene awaited them. Five to ten people dead few were still struggling for breathing and some were hiding behind boxes. Tents, sheets and bed sheets with mattress all were torn away, cooking pots and utensils were smashed. The atmosphere had a strong sense of fear with horror like it was surrounding the entire earth. The silence of unexceptional with a combination of the RED SKY, it could sink a person’s heart adding a weak hearted man would easily get strike with heart attack.   “Where is everyone?” asked a man looking around the silent area.     A man stepped front saying, “we wouldn’t know until we search for one!” he ran into the camp along with other men, searching around for their lost family. When the leader was about to run in, suddenly a female scream alarmed,    “HELP!”   “Mommy!!” cried his son. The fright in the man’s heart raised till his neck making him shiver all over his muscles but, for his son he had to remain calm which was the worse fight than going and attacking the killer. He was battling two fights at a time. Catching up his guts with his mind going blank he ran straight into the tent, passing by twelve rag tents the tent of the leader stood in front of him.   Before he could enter, someone stepped outside before the man. He stopped in a hard stamp getting shocked out of his skin to see a man standing right in front of him covered all in blood over his cloth, holding in his right hand a sharp knife covered lacquered in red thick liquid which dripped striking drops of blood from its edge. The red stain even covered his fist that gave a perfect give in holding the knife tight. Whereas, on his lef6t hand he was holding a young lady by throat, dragging her along. The good thing was she was still alive as she was struggling to lead herself free from the man who was holding her last string of life.    “LATIFA!!” shouted the man calling her the wanted to ensure her to real, he was here but, on the other side the lady didn’t give any response as she was struggling for her life by wreathing, kicking her legs like deadly creatures.    “No!!” the man saw her suffering which boiled him rage and he shouted “let her go khan! She has nothing to do with what you are doing?!” The dragger stood still with his eyes hidden when suddenly a smirk stretched his lips speaking,  “Latifa, is that her name” It’s a good one…” “WHAT?!” shocked the leader. He growled down at the struggling lady “According to my knowledge, Latifa is an Arabic word which can be used as a name. It’s meaning kind or kindness right?” he chuckled.    “What are you doing?!” shouted the man as his grip on a halt at his back belt grew stronger.    “Well, you should be happy with her. She’s just as her name… Latifa. When I entered without a knock, she still greeted me like a kind lady with whatever she had… I was surprised but out the same time happy to see how foolish a kind human is. It was an easy way to drag her. She was as kind as her kitten to be dragged along…  Which is why” he rose his blade high aiming straight at her.    “NO!” yelled the man.    “Which is why” he said “I will take out her precious heart and gift you for been kind to us all…” the blade raced down shocking the man out of his skin.    “STOP IT!!!”   
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