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At his wide spread army which is kneeling on ground with one foot down and arms near the heart and their heads bowed. Tooth smiled proudly looking at his army and reminiscing their accomplishments. Slowly he walked through the aisle and sat on his throne. The meeting began to take place . One of the generals came forward and handed over to him the rival kingdom's flag signifying tooth's flag is flying in their rival kingdom and they have won over it in the battle that happened for the past week. Tooth took it and smashed under his foot and laughed cruelly . How many remaining?questioned tooth his general My Lord! 3kingdoms are denying your rule over them. Hmm.. Got tired of living I think joked tooth Send one fourth of our troops in the middle of night and i want those flags in my hand by the time new moon turns into half moon. Yes my Lord!! Answered the general. Next the award ceremony was planned where the soldiers who fought bravely in the last battle were awarded very generously by tooth. If the soldiers died, his family needs will be taken care of till the next 2 generations,this was the sole reason each and every person if the kingdom is willing to join his army! While awarding one of the soldier's who is a specialist in arm to arm battle, tooth felt some weakness and a little dizzy,but he stood Stubbornly and continued the ceremony, at last it completed. He stormed into his palace and went towards the palace physician complaining about the ailment. "There's not much time left my Lord!! " replied the physician, the mermaid's soul is worn out of it's medicinal properties, you need a new soul which is as pure as the mermaid's, "But there are no mermaids! How is it possible?" "No, My Lord, I didn't mean that, I meant as long as the soul is as pure as a mermaid, whatever creature it may be, it will be able to cure you and grant you immense strength! " Tooth's smile widened and his face glowed on hearing this. He then and there ordered to search for the required creature which grants him his energy, and prepared 12 groups with 100 men each to go across the world and search. The physician sent his disciples with the troops and gave each of the troops a withered flower, and told when you reach the place with the creature with the pure soul this withered flower will bloom and as the distance between the flower and the creature decreases the flower will open one if it's petals one by one And when the person holds it, the flower will bloom completely! Bring the creature carefully, each drop of his blood is very precious, do not waste it! When you catch the creature do not harm it and make sure you feed it properly unlike the meet but only herbs I have gave you "told the physician to his disciples and the army. And suggested on which directions to start the search . The army left with the withered flowers in their hands . The servants were making the mermaid drink the potions which the physician prescribed for her to make her live for a few more days. The mermaid is just blandly living with all the hope lost and just waiting for her death. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Next day early in the morning before the sunrise, the prince woke up and got ready for his journey, did the rituals of worshipping the God Almighty and took blessings from his parents and started his journey. Outside the palace gates, the people of his kingdom were waiting outside to say good luck to the prince. By the time the prince completed all these, it was morning eleven o clock, the prince already planned on where and how to start the search, and ordered the chariot to go to east side of the kingdom. The troops reached a forest after the sunset and made campfires and went for a hunt for their food. They all cooked with the ingredients they got but little did they know that they will be unconscious within few minutes... The culprit and another person were long awaiting for that time. After what seemed to be an hour or so they completed the cooking and having their meal then soon fell asleep. The culprit slowly got up from his position and went to the tent the army set up for the prince. The prince was very anxiously waiting for the culprit to show up in his tent from the start as he was the one who planned all this. The prince was dressed in normal clothes unlike his royal attire. He quickly grabbed the culprits hand and pulled him in and closed the curtains of the tent lest anyone watch him like that, "Farah! Make it fast ! We don't have much time! Quick, c'mon change your clothes! " Exclaimed the anxious prince But Farah was still unsure of what the prince was doing, he was still not aware what the prince is onto. The day before their start of journey, the prince called Farah , the nanny's son, Farah is the only confidante who the prince relies on at any moment of his trouble, they were brought up together and they used to be the bestest of friends but as the time goes by Farah understood his position and used to distance himself from the prince but always would be there for the prince, the prince however did not care about the society and used to treat Farah like always, but due to Farah's insistence kept their friendship a secret to others. Unlike their everyday practice of meeting in the palace, the prince asked Farah to meet him in the garden the before day. Puzzled Farah went as per timings and made sure no one sees him, after about a pre quarter of time, the prince arrived and handed him some cover and told him to mix in today's food, and gave no time for Farah to ask what is happening, but did as he was told the next day.
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