Weak Leader

2661 Words
Five days had passed since the meeting with the Elders, and I still knew little about why I was given a she wolf as a counterpart. I was trying my best to act as if everything was normal. I pretended not to hear the whispers about how I was a freak, a sorry excuse for an Alpha. There were also rumors about me being cursed by the Moon Goddess, and some even thought I could be behind the rogue attacks, like some kind of double agent. It hurt to know my pack members, my followers, perceived me that way and, honestly, some part of me wanted to fight back. But I didn’t. After all, they were right about me being an aberration, so how could I possibly defend myself? After I was done with morning training and my Alpha duties, I’d spend all night awake at the library trying to find more information about my situation. Even if I hadn’t yet found anything really helpful, reading was a good distraction since no female wanted to fool around with someone like me. It made me angry to remember how crazy they used to be for me; any of them would kill to spend a few minutes with me. It didn’t seem to bother Aurora though. In fact, I think she found it all too funny. I’ve also been attending meeting after meeting, under guidance of my father. As the rumors spread, it became even harder to keep the few alliances we had and Mariners Moon was down to only three ally packs, from the ten we were initially allies with. The whole ‘she-wolf-Alpha’ situation only added to the fact that the Cursed Rogues had wiped out another pack and it was just a matter of time until they made it to our territory. How could I convince any other Alpha that helping us fight would be beneficial for them? Hell, I didn’t even have my own pack members faith. “That’s because, right now, you are a weak leader.” That goddamn mutt growled inside my head, making me even angrier. I was sitting in my new office - my father’s old office - and going over paperwork. Even if no one wanted me as Alpha, I was still one, for as long as the Elders decided I could be. And with all that was going on, there were a lot of issues that demanded my attention. As Alpha-in-training, I’d usually have my father next to me, but since there were no major activities that required his supervision today, I told him to take mom out on a date so they could relax a little. “You’ve been running away from your problems, you let everyone talk behind your back!” My wolf snapped at me. Since I seemed to be unable to block her out for some reason, I had just been ignoring her for the past few days, but I couldn’t control my anger towards her any longer. “What the hell am I supposed to do? How can I blame them for not taking me seriously when I have a she wolf as a partner?!” I growl back at her. “All you do is whine the whole f*****g day! So much for an Alpha.” She snorted and I could feel my body boiling with anger. “Ever since we first shifted, you keep feeling sorry for yourself, like you’re some kind of victim here. Have you ever stopped to think about what it’s like for me to be stuck with you? Someone who won’t even let me prove my worth? All because I’m a female!” Her tone made me stop for a minute and actually listen to her as she went on. “It’s awful trying to talk to you so I make myself quiet most of the time. I also haven’t been let out in almost a week! It's pretty much like I don’t exist. You think it’s nice living in your small, closed mind?” She snarled before retreating to the back of my head. I was simply stunned by her words. I don’t know how long I stood there, taking in what Aurora said to me, when I heard a soft knock on the door. I turned to the digital clock on my glass desk and instantly realized who it probably was, so I muttered a ‘come in’. “Good evening, Alpha.” Flint had his usual smile on his face as he bowed his head before me. He was enjoying our new lives way too much, but I couldn’t blame him; as an Omega, he probably never thought he’d be in such a position. “Cut the formalities, man.” I brushed him off, gesturing for him to sit down in one of the chairs. “What have you got for me? And please, tell me it’s good news.” I pressed one hand against my forehead, tiredly. I don’t think I could handle any more bad news at that point. “I feel offended, bro. You think I’d let you down?” He pouted, pretending I actually hurt his feelings. “As your one and only, amazing, fantastic Beta, I have convinced Moon Wings Pack to listen to us. Our meeting will take place in three days.” He smiled and I couldn’t help but do the same. “Pack your bags, my friend. We’re going to California!” He was dancing with excitement. Yesterday, I was discussing strategies with Zakai when he suggested we tried contact with Moon Wings Pack, a larger pack established near a deserted beach in Los Angeles. As our pack was known for raising exceptional fighters, we could offer to send warriors to help train their own for water combat. In exchange, I was hoping they could lend us a hand when the time finally came for us to fight the Cursed Rogues. Seeing as they had well above 500 members, it should be a big help. “That’s amazing news, Flint. Just what I needed, really.” I sighed in relief. I still had to convince Alpha Oswald, leader of Moon Wings, that we had a good deal to offer. However, having such a powerful pack agree to receive us was a good enough reason to celebrate already. “Find Zakai and fill him in on what’s happening. He’ll have to take care of things here while we’re gone.” I just hoped he wouldn’t be too sad that he wouldn’t be traveling with us but, knowing him, I think he’d actually be relieved. “Link Delta Alessia and have her prepare everything for our trip.” “Why don’t you contact her?” Flint grinned. “I mean, you haven’t tried mindlinking since you shifted.” I only realized that when he said it. I had been so absorbed in my own thoughts, trying to figure everything out, that I didn’t even try my new werewolf powers. Mindlinking was extremely useful and worked as a phone, only easier. Every pack member was able to communicate with everyone in their entire pack as soon as they got their wolves. It was also possible to temporarily or permanently block one or more people out, just like a phone’s contact list. For example, ranked members would usually only allow other ranked members and their mates to contact them, so that they wouldn’t be distracted. I relaxed on my chair and closed my eyes, ready to try my mindlink for the first time. It wasn’t really hard; we were taught to picture the person we wanted to speak with, and so the link would be formed. But no matter how hard I tried to reach Alessia, I just couldn’t seem to be able to. “Dude, it’s not working,” I said, confused. I tried one more time, but it still didn’t work. “I think she might have a block up.” “There’s no block, we just can’t link her.” I heard Aurora, my damn wolf, say. “In fact, we can’t link anyone.” “What? How come?” I was furious. Was she just not letting me connect to other pack members? “I’m tied to you, yet there is no bond between us,” Aurora answered calmly. “If you keep pushing me away, you’ll only make yourself weaker,” she stated, before retreating to the back of my mind. I didn’t have time for this right now. “I can’t link her, man. Just do it, please,” I ordered Flint, and though I could see his concern, he seemed not to want to stress me further. “Don’t worry, bro. I got you.” He forced a smile and instantly his eyes clouded over. “She’s already on it. I’ll go talk to Zakai now.” He bowed again. “Go pack your bags. I’ll take care of everything else for today, just try to relax a little.” “Thanks, man.” I smiled sincerely and Flint did the same before leaving my office. With a sigh, I instantly got up and went to my room. We were only staying in Los Angeles for a night, so there was really no need to pick a lot of clothes, but I guess that was my Beta’s idea to force me out of the office. While separating some clothes, I sat down in my bed to take a little break and eventually fell asleep. I hadn’t had a good night’s rest in almost a week and my body was definitely not happy about it. I don’t know how many hours went by when insistent knocks on my door made me jolt awake. “Coming!” I yelled, already jumping off the bed and taking a quick look in the mirror. I had no idea who could possibly be at the door, but I had to look presentable either way. “Good evening, my Alpha.” Mrs. Dawson bowed before me as I opened up the door for her. “Hey, Mrs. Dawson.” I stared at her, a little confused as to why she was here. That’s when I noticed the tray of food she was carrying. “Delta Alessia told me you might be tired and I decided to serve you dinner here so you could have a little privacy. Today’s special is Charred Steak and Broccolini with cheese sauce. Since you don’t really have a sweet tooth, I brought you some salty snacks in case you get hungry later.” She smiled sweetly at me while putting the tray over my desk. “Oh, Mrs. Dawson, you didn’t have to.” I felt bad for the trouble I was giving her, but I really appreciated her sympathy. “Nonsense, my sweet boy!” She brushed me off, already leaving my room. “I wish you a nice dinner, Alpha.” She bowed before disappearing into the corridor. It was only when I took a closer look at the food that I realized how hungry I was. I had not eaten anything since lunch and I must admit, Mrs. Dawson's food was amazing as always. It didn’t take me more than a few minutes to finish everything up and, alone in my room, the emptiness started to bother me again. I remember what Flint told me about how I should try to relax and suddenly I desperately needed to go out and unwind. “Let’s go to the Everglades.” For the first time, I found myself agreeing with the mutt inside my head. “I’d really love a midnight stroll.” “You know I can’t let you out!” I snapped but for some reason, my heart fell. I remembered what she told me earlier about how bad of a counterpart I was. “I’m sorry. I just can’t risk anyone seeing you…” Why was I trying to explain myself? I was an Alpha, for Goddess’ sake. “No one will see us,” she snorted. “We need to bond, Zale. Until you accept me, everything will keep going wrong.” “Okay, okay.” I gave in, unwilling to keep fighting with her. “But it has to be quick. If anyone sees me like that…” “Fine, Douche.” I could feel her roll her eyes. “I have a name, you know?” I mocked her. “You’re an annoying little brat, Zale.” She growled, but it only made me laugh. “Thanks, Aurora. I try to be,” I replied, already walking out of the room. I rushed out of the Town Hall and welcomed the cold night air. It was weird seeing the city so empty and silent, as everyone was probably at the dining hall or at home enjoying their final meal of the day. I quickly made my way to the Everglades, venturing further than usual, where I could hide better. There were no lights and it was hard to see the moon through the dense foliage, but that’s exactly where I wanted. “Alright, you can come out now. But be quick!” I instructed, watching as Aurora once again rolled her eyes. “Of course, my Alpha.” She said ironically. I could feel my bones breaking and my body aching as I allowed my wolf control. This time, there was no ice cold water to soothe the pain, but it didn’t bother me too much as in just a few seconds the shift was complete. I was now seeing through Aurora’s eyes and feeling the wetness under her paws. Again, it was a pretty weird experience, as if I wasn’t really inside of my own body. “I feel like that all the time,” Aurora stated, and I instantly stopped complaining. Was it as bad for her as it was for me? “Hey, don’t go too far!” I yelled as she bolted, running at an amazing speed. “Don’t worry, Zale. Sometimes you seem more of a p***y than an actual wolf.” I could hear her laugh, even if she didn’t actually speak. Did she just call me, Alpha of Mariners Moon Pack, a p***y? This she wolf was unbelievable. But I gave her my word that I was going to let her enjoy this moment, so I just stayed quiet. In fact, I even allowed myself to enjoy it. Aurora ran around the swamp with such vivacity, as if she had been locked in a cage for her whole life and had just been set free. Well, I guess technically that was exactly it. It made me remember what I was like as a kid, so carefree; there were no duties, no responsibilities. I smiled as I watched her roll on the grass like a pup, turning the white bits of her fur green. She also didn’t mind getting even dirtier as she jumped into the muddy waters, playing around and chasing frogs. Even if I still felt like a spectator inside someone else’s body, watching my she wolf was distracting and calming. Eventually, I felt my tired mind drifting off to sleep and I just embraced the darkness. I woke up with the sun burning my eyes - well, in fact, Aurora’s eyes. Apparently, we had spent all night in the swamp. Wait, it was morning already?! “Don’t freak out, p***y wolf.” Aurora giggled. She was still lying in the grass, taking in the morning air. She looked up at the sun high in the clear sky and I soon realized what time it should be. “Oh Goddess, I missed training!” Yep, I was freaking out again. “No one will mind the Alpha skipping training once…” She started, but a loud c***k and footsteps startled us both. Someone was here. They would see me. They would see Aurora. Shit.
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