He is back

1219 Words
“Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world.” Human Mallick p.o.v After classes and lunch break are the times when there is a bustle in school , and the cafeteria is my least favourite place because you will find new rumours everytime you enter to get your food , sometimes it is about me as well . Sigh ! I hate gossip but when you have a friend who survived in gossip there is no escape , it will reach you eat anyway . " Did you just hear that ??" It's always started like this . " Umm no.. what ??" I question Pari, my other best friend . She is beautiful under those big rimmed glasses and braces . She could have been popular but here in our high school looks work not your intelligence. " Asad Khan is back to school after summer vacation , I am so excited to meet him again" she squeals in excitement as if she won a million dollars . On the other hand , I froze hearing the only guy name who stole my heart when I was in six grade . He is back …. Asad is back?? My best friend is back ?? Asad used to be the popular kid in school and even though his coming back news spread like a wildfire . That was his charismatic personality no one could resist . But you must be thinking how he can be my best friend Well, my ex best friend … We used to be neighbours and childhood friends , even though he became popular he never let that come between our friendship , he was kind , caring and protective toward me and told me who can't fall for such a guy . .. after all I am just a human being . But soon my feelings started creating complications in our friendship and it broke my heart when he fell for Rumaisa instead of me. I can still remember his confessions and my breakdown afterwards . I started maintaining distance and he never questioned . But suddenly his father got transferred and his family left the city . I wonder why he came back after 3 years Humza Khalid p.o.v Tapping my finger on the table , I waited for my friend in a coffee shop and my expresso . Irritated by his late nature I took out my phone to let my mouth utter some colourful words , the bell chime and a group of girls entered inside laughing and creating noise in the silent cafe . " Hello…" my friend pick up I clench my fist ready to give some a piece of mind when - My breath hitched and my eyes caught one girl joining last in the group . Beautiful would be an understatement …. Hoor would have failed in front of her . " Hello ??? Humza ?? " I could hear the voice of my friend but my mind turned dazed . Her smile was as cold and lovely as frost on a windowpane. She pointed something behind me ,giving me an opportunity to peek into her eyes which look like they are the ocean of Wonder. Wow…. I smirked when all of her friends started gawking my way except her . Excellent ! She is perfect … And she is mine …. " Hello , you there " I answered without moving my eyes from her beautiful face . " Finally you answered " he breathed in a sigh of relief. dramatically I may add " Are you alive " he questioned and I urge myself to roll my eyes . " No, you are talking to a ghost, " he snap . " So how's the other world … is there any chi-" " Shut up " I gritted out . " I am sending you a photo , I want all her information " I said, still not moving my eyes from her . " Dude , this is wrong and you are sounding creepy " I can imagine him frowning . " Just do what I said " with that I cut the call . " Rumaisa come here " one of the girls called and I mentally smiled knowing her name . " Rumaisa …." I whispered . Third person p.o.v One by one the man in his thirties started calling the people who were waiting to meet Hamza Khalid with the same hope Mr. And Mrs Sarmad had. Watching well performed people in his business waiting for Hamza Khalid , he knew his chances were coming to zero , his nervousness heightened lowering his gaze to the ground . After 10 minutes the man called their name and they stood up instantly like a robot obeying orders . Mr and Mrs Sarmad glance at each other for a second before taking a deep breath and trudging toward the room . A man opened the door and they both tried to keep their faces confident though both of them were breaking with nervousness from inside. They were both seated in front of the desk . The chair of the CEO turned around so they couldn't see his face . Mr. Sarmad rubs his sweaty palm on his pants trying his best to look confident while Anna bite her tongue to keep her calm , the chair rotates revealing the C.E.O the Humza Khalid master of the business world . " Nice to meet you sir '' Sarmad stood up with a smile to shake hands but Hamza tilted his head in an intimidating way , his eyes fell on his hand then up his face . Realising Mr. Sarmad smiles fell and he retreated his hand back to his seat. " Ahem " he cleared his throat " sir we came here for - " before he could finish his sentence Humza raised his finger to stop and sign his P.A to bring the file of Mr. Sarmad Azam files . Mr. And Mrs Azam glance at each other while Humza eyes read every line calculatively there was a pin drop silence in the room suffocating both of them . " Mr and Mrs Azam you have guts " Humza threw the file across the table . " You are doom" he chuckled leaning on his chair " and yet here you are trying your best shot " there was a mockness in his voice which didn't go unnoticed by them . " Sir … we need your help , our companies will forever remember your kindness " Amna said after a while when Sarmad didn't speak. His eyes squinted " Mrs Azam I didn't build this empire on Kindness " he pressed the word kindness like an acid " what can you both offer to me ??" He intervened with his hands waiting for their response . " What can we offer you ??? We are doomed , like you said " Sarmad has already given up . " Sarmad " Amna hissed, pressing his hand to stop behaving like a coward . " I know what you can .." there was an evil smirk on his Humza face . " Your daughter "
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