Chapter 25: Attack

1566 Words

*Ciara* Derek’s warning came out of the blue “Logan did you hear that?” I asked him “hear what?” he asked looking at me with curiosity “Derek just sent me a mind link, he said hunters are heading our way.” Logan’s body froze and he quickly grabbed me and held me closer to him “no one’s taking you from me” his voice was deeper and more dangerous; his wolf Nick had made his way out to the surface and was angry that someone was planning on coming to get me. “Nick don’t worry, no one is going to take me” I smiled at him and pulled him in for a kiss, after he relaxed Logan was back in control of his body “I’ll mind link my dad to let him know hunters are coming” “good idea, I’ll warn Robin.” Logan nodded at me and zoned out for a minute as he mind linked Wesley to warn him of the trouble that

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